Table of Contents

General Information

The application provides a context-sensitive help that allows the user to retrieve information about the system fast and directly. The context-sensitive help can be accessed in two ways: by clicking the [F1] key for a selected field or by right-clicking the mouse to open the context menu and choosing the option “Display context help”.

The application allows the user to create or to edit the context-sensitive helptexts which can be displayed throughout the whole application. Thus, users can create customized descriptions or helptexts which are especially designed for their respective environment.

Like the entire application, the context-sensitive help also has a modular structure. Thereby, modules of the context-sensitive help can be reused throughout the entire application. For a certain field in the application there is a helptext available. The same helptext is also displayed at some other location in the application, but in that different context it needs to have a different (more detailed) description.

NOTE: Only users with the appropriate user rights are allowed to edit or create context-sensitive helptexts.

Structure of the Context-Sensitive Help

The context-sensitive help in the application is structured in four levels:

  1. Transaction
  2. Record Group
  3. Module Instance
  4. Database Field

The level “Database Field” is the lowest and the level “Transaction” the highest level in this structure. The arrangement of the levels can be best viewed in the panel “Preselection of context-sensitive Helptexts” (Transaction DBPHLP). The higher the level of the structure (or the lower the number) is, the more detailed the description of a field will be and the more seldom it will occur in the application.

On the one hand, a user can create a more general helptext on the database field level. The helptexts for these database fields can be reused throughout the application and will be displayed, wherever the context help option is selected in any area of the application.

On the other hand, the user can also create a very specific helptext at the transaction level. The context helptext will then be a combination of the helptexts created for the respective levels of this particular function. The structure mentioned above is visualized in the context help box for such a field. If helptexts were entered for all levels of the function, these texts would be displayed in the same order as the helptext structure. The basic helptext for the database field is at the bottom of the table. The more specific helptexts for the contexts of the module instance and the record group will be arranged above the database field helptext. At the highest level, the helptext for the transaction level will be displayed. The helptext for the transaction level occurs only once in the whole application (although this helptext can also be used by two different panels on this particular level).

Level 'Database Field'

“Database Field” is the basic level of the structure. A helptext describes the general meaning of a database field in this level. These fields occur many times in different areas throughout the application, wherever it is used in the application.

Levels 'Module Instance' and 'Record Group'

These two levels are instances of database fields in one or more module instances and one or more record groups. Sometimes those database fields have to be modified (new module instances have to be created) to provide a special functionality within the application. An example of this form of instance is a function or an option which is only available on a particular panel.

Level 'Transaction'

A “Transaction” is the most detailed level of the structure. In the majority of cases it occurs only once in one particular area throughout the application. Wherever this combination of a module instance and a record group in one transaction is used in the application, this particular helptext will be displayed.


In transaction Opening an Import L/C (LITOPN), the following helptext is available for the field “L/C Expiring on”: “This date field specifies when the L/C expires and therefore indicates the latest date for presenting documents under the L/C.”
This is the general description of the expiry date. It is also used (or it can also be used) at other areas in the application.
However, this field has also the additional helptext entry ““If the L/C is issued using SWIFT, the information entered here is available in Tag 31D of the MT700.”” which describes the meaning of the date in the context of the transaction “Opening an Import L/C”.

If you select “Edit Context helptext” (via the context menu available by right mouse click) the panel Preselection of context-sensitive Helptexts will be displayed. With the functions , , or on this panel you can view or edit the helptexts. The currently used sequence with the respective path for this particular context is highlighted. Double-click the sequence or click on the icon to open the panel Help Item. The path for the general description of an amount is represented by the lowest entry in the table.

NOTE: Another way to display a path of a field used for a helptext is to select the context menu “Show Context in Status line”. The path will then be displayed in the status line of the active panel.

This panel shows in particular the modular structure of the helptexts. The lowest arranged entries in this table are always the most general descriptions (helptexts). The more specific a helptext is, the higher in the table it will be arranged. If a helptext is already available, the sequence is displayed in black. If there is no helptext available, the sequence is displayed in red. As a result, new helptexts can only be added to sequences with red and sequences with black can only be modified or deleted.