Maintaining Helptexts

Transaction DBIHLP

This transaction is used to maintain helptexts.

Users can add or modify helptexts displayed on the screen by clicking the [F1] key for a selected field or option, or by right-clicking and choosing the option 'Display context help'.

The transaction is also used to search/display context-sensitive helptexts for fields or transactions.

The following functions can be started in the transaction by clicking the icons in the list below for:

Search for a helptext either by entering a banking concept/part-phrase (e.g. 'benefic') or by entering parts of the technical code, that is composed of

each of which is separated by a period '.'.

(*) Helptexts at module level are displayed for all fields used at the same level. Such texts are used to store descriptions for parties in different roles, for example. These are then displayed in all fields in which the relevant role appears (e.g. Reference Number, Party Number, Address Block).

All helptexts that match the phrase searched for - either in their technical code, their description or in the text - are displayed. Select and edit the relevant helptext by double-clicking it.

Alternatively, start the Info transaction by clicking [i]. Helptexts searched for and selected from here can be picked up for editing by clicking .

This transaction is particularly suited either for a systematic revamping, or a targeted correction, of helptexts in database fields or in the documentation.

The transaction “Preselection of context-sensitive Helptexts” (DBPHLP) is particularly useful when it comes to capturing helptexts on transactions and transaction fields. This first starts the transaction in which the helptext is to appear. In a second session, DBPHLP is then launched by clicking 'Edit context helptext' from the context menu for the required field.

The transaction “Reorganizing Helptexts (HLP)” is used to search, to create and to delete missing or unused helptexts.

Transaction Panels

Help Item

Help Item


Datafield Description
Unique Key 1/Project cf Appendix A, Table HLP field KEY1
Unique Key 2/Type cf Appendix A, Table HLP field KEY2
Unique Key 5/Empty cf Appendix A, Table HLP field KEY5
Unique Key 3/Table or Transaction\Module path cf Appendix A, Table HLP field KEY3
Language Code cf Appendix A, Table HLP field UIL
Unique Key 4/Field cf Appendix A, Table HLP field KEY4
Level Code cf Appendix A, Table HLP field LEV
Name / Description cf Appendix A, Table HLP field NAM
Editing of help texts In the help text maintenance tool otherwise invisible protected spaces (or non breaking space)
are displayed by the underline character to make them visible and to allow an
easy input of non breaking spaces.
A typical used might be to use a non breaking space between the currency and
the directly following amout to avoid to have the currency in one line and the
amount in the next following line, when a line is wrapped.
Date of Last Modification cf Appendix A, Table HLP field DAT
User ID of Last Modification cf Appendix A, Table HLP field USR
Name / Description cf Appendix A, Table HLP field NAM
Date of Last Modification cf Appendix A, Table HLP field DAT
User ID of Last Modification cf Appendix A, Table HLP field USR