Maintaining Frame Agreement

Transaction DBIERK

This transaction is used to maintain Frame agreement in connection with an Export Finance.

The following transactions can be started from here by clicking the icons in the list below for:

Transaction Panels

Frame Agreement

Frame Agreement


Datafield Description
Party Label cf Appendix A, Table ERK field PTYLAB
Name of Frame Agreement in Static Data cf Appendix A, Table ERK field NAM
Reference of Frame Agreement cf Appendix A, Table ERK field EXTKEY
Responsible User cf Appendix A, Table ERK field OWNUSR
Responsible Service User cf Appendix A, Table ERK field SRVUSR
Product Type cf Appendix A, Table ERK field PRDTYP
Limit Code cf Appendix A, Table ERK field LKRTYP
Credit Type cf Appendix A, Table ERK field CRDTYP
Project Name cf Appendix A, Table ERK field PRJNAM
Contract Reference cf Appendix A, Table ERK field CTRREF
Free Text cf Appendix A, Table ERK field FRETXT1
Currency cf Appendix A, Table ERK field CUR
Bank Portion Financed Amount cf Appendix A, Table ERK field BNFAMT
Federal Amount / Government Portion cf Appendix A, Table ERK field FEDAMT
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTY field EXTKEY
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTY field EXTKEY