Adding GLE Output

Transaction DBAGLC

This transaction is used to create the configuration for the GLE output file.

The list box “Available Modules to be used in Output” contains all modules that can be used for GLE Output file for the entity group.

The list box “Available Fields of selected Module to be used in Output” contains all those fields available for the modules chosen in the list box “Available Modules to be Used in Output”. All the fields available under the module are directly displayed and not divided or grouped like in reports. Displayed fields are sorted in ascending order to make it easier to find and select the field. Clicking the [+ Field] button transfers the field highlighted to the “List of Fields included in Output”.

The “List of Fields included in Output” table displays all the fields contained therein. The sequence in which these fields are presented from top to bottom corresponds to the sequence of fields in the output file (xml/json/csv). To re-position a field, a line has to be highlighted in the table and the button [Up] has to be clicked to move the field upwards (chronologically towards the start of the output). The button [Down] has to be clicked to move the field in the table downwards (chronologically towards the end of the output). The column heading can be used to manually edit the field name to the user's requirement or understanding. The Delete button can be used to delete a selected field from the list of fields table.

Transaction Panels

GLE Output

GLE Output


Datafield Description
Entity's Group cf Appendix A, Table ETY field ETG
Timestamp of Modification cf Appendix A, Table SLG field DATTIM