Maintaining User Absence

Transaction DBIUAB

In this transaction, (un)planned absences of a user can be recorded within the application.

This information is needed in connection with the “Management Dashboard” module. In particular when determining the workload distribution it is necessary for the usual daily office hours of the bank (of the “entity group”/ “entity”) and the working times of the “user” are known. However, the workload can only be realistically and 'fairly' distributed within the user group if the application also tracks the spontaneous absences of a staff member on account of illness or leave planning.

A visual example showing the workload distribution is contained in the bar chart “Remaining Working Hours today” in the “Dashboard Office - Teamleader” transaction.

In this transaction, one-day, multiple day or hourly absences of a user can be recorded. Absences may be recorded for today or for future periods of time.

If an all-day absence is entered, this will override the absence of the user entered in the user profile (see “Maintaining User Profiles”) and/or the daily office hours defined for the respective Entity Group or Entity (see “Maintaining Entity Groups”/ “Maintaining Entities”).

If an hourly absence is entered, when determining the residual period available the “Share of the pre-plannable working time” that is entered in the staff member's user profile (see “Maintaining User Profiles”) will be taken into account.

To select a user, either the user code or the user in question is searched for by clicking the icon. User absences already planned can be searched for by clicking the [i] button next to the date.

The following transactions can be started from here by clicking the icons in the list below for:

Via the transaction “Maintain Codetables” other reasons for absences can be defined in codetable UABREA.

Transaction Panels

User Absence

User Absence


Datafield Description
External Key cf Appendix A, Table USR field EXTKEY
Name cf Appendix A, Table USR field NAM
reason of Absence cf Appendix A, Table UAB field REA
Date for Absence cf Appendix A, Table UAB field DAT
Begin of Absence cf Appendix A, Table UAB field BEGTIM
End of Absence cf Appendix A, Table UAB field ENDTIM
Duration of Absence cf Appendix A, Table UAB field DUR