Maintaining Entity Groups

Transaction DBIETG

This transaction is used to maintain entity groups. Detailed information about entities and entity groups can be found under “General Information”.

The following transactions can be started by clicking the icons in the list below for:

The data for the entity group relate to central settings for the whole system. Any changes to these settings should be made with care and, where applicable, with the assistance of the support team.

If the “Manager for interactive Queue Entries” (QUETSK) is used for the queue system to distribute the workload to be handled to the employee resources still available or if Service Level Agreements are to be supported, the data for the entity group must be defined in the “Opening Hours” panel.

On the “Opening hours” panel, the usual office hours for each weekday can be defined for the entity group selected. If the fields “Time from” and “Time until” are filled for specific days, then the difference in hours is automatically calculated. For weekdays on which the entity group is closed, the checkbox “Closed” must be checked.

In the absence of any different work/business hours being entered for the individual users in the User profile (see “Maintaining User Profiles”) or for the individual Entity (see “Maintaining Entities”), the bank opening times defined for the entire entity group will be applicable.

The “Past Due Settings” panel is used to define the past due stages for a loan contract. The settings defined here are applicable for all entity groups, unless a specific setting is made available at Entity level, thereby which, the settings defined at entity level takes precedence. Detailed information on this can be found in Past Due Loan.

Transaction Panels

Entity Group
Opening Hours
Past Due Settings

Entity Group


Datafield Description
Region Code cf Appendix A, Table ETG field REGCOD
External Key cf Appendix A, Table ETG field EXTKEY
Name cf Appendix A, Table ETG field NAM
System Base Currency cf Appendix A, Table ETG field SYSCUR
Rate Base Currency cf Appendix A, Table ETG field RATBASCUR
Foreign fee base currency cf Appendix A, Table ETG field FORCUR
Direction of Rate Logic cf Appendix A, Table ETG field XRTRATDIR
Color for charts cf Appendix A, Table ETG field COLOR

Opening Hours


Datafield Description
Part of working time to be planned [h] This field specifies the part of the working time which should be planned with SLA.
The value of 0% means 100%.

Past Due Settings