Maintaining Entity Addresses

Transaction DBIETA

This transaction serves to maintain entity addresses. Entity addresses comprise both postal and electronic addresses. Postal addresses can be stored in various languages.

The information from entity addresses is used as the sender in outgoing messages. In addition, electronic addresses are used to allocate incoming messages to the individual branches.

On top of this, entity addresses can contain information for letter headers and footers that can also be printed out when composing letters according to the entity address of the current user.

The group details, such as information on the management board, supervisory board, etc. can be entered in the three fields “Footer (left)”, “Footer (centre)”, and “Footer (right)”. Display in the footer of the letter will then be in three columns. If the field “Footer (optionally right)” is also filled, then the footer will appear in four columns.

Each user is allocated to an entity address.

The transaction can be started by clicking the icons in the list below for:

Transaction Panels

Entity Address
Entity Group Details
General Fields
Language Depending Fields

Entity Address


Datafield Description
External Key cf Appendix A, Table ETA field EXTKEY
Phone Number cf Appendix A, Table ETA field TEL
Fax Number cf Appendix A, Table ETA field FAX
Telex Number cf Appendix A, Table ETA field TLX
Email Address cf Appendix A, Table ETA field EML
Internet Address cf Appendix A, Table ETA field WEB
Bolero RID cf Appendix A, Table ETA field BOLRID
Name in Letterhead cf Appendix A, Table ETAUIL field LETNAM
Street in Letterhead cf Appendix A, Table ETAUIL field LETSTR
Zip Code in Letterhead cf Appendix A, Table ETAUIL field LETZIP
Location in Letterhead cf Appendix A, Table ETAUIL field LETLOC
Name in Telex/Fax/SWIFT cf Appendix A, Table ETAUIL field TFSNAM
Street in Telex/Fax/SWIFT cf Appendix A, Table ETAUIL field TFSSTR
Postbox in Telex/Fax/SWIFT cf Appendix A, Table ETAUIL field TFSBOX
Zip Code in Telex/Fax/SWIFT cf Appendix A, Table ETAUIL field TFSZIP
Location in Telex/Fax/SWIFT cf Appendix A, Table ETAUIL field TFSLOC
Print Business Sector on Outgoing Letters cf Appendix A, Table ETA field PRTBUSFLG
Name cf Appendix A, Table ETA field NAM
Main Entity Address cf Appendix A, Table ETA field PRIFLG
BIC cf Appendix A, Table ETA field BIC
TradeConnect ID cf Appendix A, Table ETA field TID
Bankleitzahl (German Clearing Code) cf Appendix A, Table ETA field BLZ
Name of counter for SntEnvelopeId cf Appendix A, Table ETA field BOLCOUNAM
Postbox in Letterhead cf Appendix A, Table ETAUIL field LETBOX
Zip Code of Post Office Box cf Appendix A, Table ETAUIL field POBZIP
Location of Post Office Box cf Appendix A, Table ETAUIL field POBLOC

Entity Group Details


Datafield Description
Email Address of Entity Group cf Appendix A, Table ETA field ETGEML
Board of Directors cf Appendix A, Table ETAUIL field BRDDIR
Address of Entity Group cf Appendix A, Table ETAUIL field ETGADR
Registered Office cf Appendix A, Table ETAUIL field REGOFF
Footer (optional, right) cf Appendix A, Table ETAUIL field FTHDET
Email Address for Bolero Terminal cf Appendix A, Table ETA field BOLEML
Password for Private Key (obfuscated) cf Appendix A, Table ETA field BOLPWD

General Fields

Language Depending Fields