Info Entity Group

Transaction INFETG

This transaction is used for searching and displaying entity groups.

When starting the transaction the “Search Panel” is displayed. After entering the entity group and the name the icon has to be clicked.
Furthermore, the comboboxes “System Base Currency” and “Rate Base Currency” are used to select the currency.
All entity groups that match the selection criteria are displayed in a table.

When an entity group is selected (by double-clicking an entry or by clicking the  icon), the “Entity Group” panel is displayed, where further information about the entity group can be viewed.

By clicking the button icon the entity group can be printed.

Transaction Panels

Search Panel
Entity Group
Opening Hours
Past Due Settings

Search Panel

Entity Group


Datafield Description
External Key cf Appendix A, Table ETG field EXTKEY
Name cf Appendix A, Table ETG field NAM
System Base Currency cf Appendix A, Table ETG field SYSCUR
Rate Base Currency cf Appendix A, Table ETG field RATBASCUR
Foreign fee base currency cf Appendix A, Table ETG field FORCUR
Direction of Rate Logic cf Appendix A, Table ETG field XRTRATDIR
Color for charts cf Appendix A, Table ETG field COLOR

Opening Hours


Datafield Description
Part of working time to be planned [h] This field specifies the part of the working time which should be planned with SLA.
The value of 0% means 100%.

Past Due Settings