Table of Contents

ETG - Entity Group

Module ETG


Name Helptext Description Data Type Len Codetable
INR Internal Unique ID Text 8
EXTKEY External Key Text 8
NAM Name Text 40
SYSCUR System Base Currency Text 3
RATBASCUR Rate Base Currency Text 3
VER Version Text 4
XRTRATDIR Direction of Rate Logic Numeric 1
COLOR Color for charts Text 16
BEGTIM1 Begin of working 1st day Numeric 4
ENDTIM1 End of working 1st day Numeric 4
WRKHRS1 Working hours 1st day Numeric 4
BEGTIM2 Begin of working 2nd day Numeric 4
BEGTIM3 Begin of working 3rd day Numeric 4
BEGTIM4 Begin of working 4th day Numeric 4
BEGTIM5 Begin of working 5th day Numeric 4
BEGTIM6 Begin of working 6th day Numeric 4
BEGTIM7 Begin of working 7th day Numeric 4
ENDTIM2 End of working 2nd day Numeric 4
ENDTIM3 End of working 3rd day Numeric 4
ENDTIM4 End of working 4th day Numeric 4
ENDTIM5 End of working 5th day Numeric 4
ENDTIM6 End of working 6th day Numeric 4
ENDTIM7 End of working 7th day Numeric 4
WRKHRS2 Working hours 2nd day Numeric 4
WRKHRS3 Working hours 3rd day Numeric 4
WRKHRS4 Working hours 4th day Numeric 4
WRKHRS5 Working hours 5th day Numeric 4
WRKHRS6 Working hours 6th day Numeric 4
WRKHRS7 Working hours 7th day Numeric 4
REGCOD Region Code Text 4 REGTXT
FORCUR Foreign fee base currency Text 3
GETFLDNRM Field holding the normalized search fields. Text 60

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield INR Internal Unique ID

Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter of this table. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table.

For contractdata the INR also links the two tables xxD and xxT as associated entries hold the same INR.

Datafield EXTKEY External Key

This field holds the external key to identify an entity group.

Datafield NAM Name

This is the visible name of an entity group. This name is used in selection lists and on panels used to identify an entity group.

Datafield SYSCUR System Base Currency

This field contains the system base currency for the entity group.

Datafield RATBASCUR Rate Base Currency

This field defines the base currency for the defined exchange rates.

Datafield VER Version

This field holds the version counter used to keep track of the history of an entry of this table. The individual versions are managed by entries in the SLG table.

Datafield XRTRATDIR Direction of Rate Logic

1: price notation; -1 inverse as for EUR

Datafield COLOR Color for charts

Color to be used if entity group is represented in charts.

Typically specified in form rgb(rrr,ggg,bbb) as this allows automatic modification of color to create color gradients. This field controls the color in which the entries assigned to the user are displayed in the Dashboard charts.

Datafield BEGTIM1 Begin of working 1st day

This field contains the time the work has to beginn on Sunday. The format is

Datafield ENDTIM1 End of working 1st day

This field contains the time the work should end on Sunday. The format is

Datafield WRKHRS1 Working hours 1st day

This field contains the time that should be worked on Sunday. The format is

Datafield BEGTIM2 Begin of working 2nd day

This field contains the time the work has to beginn on Monday. The format is

Datafield BEGTIM3 Begin of working 3rd day

This field contains the time the work has to beginn on Tuesday. The format is

Datafield BEGTIM4 Begin of working 4th day

This field contains the time the work has to beginn on Wednesday. The format is

Datafield BEGTIM5 Begin of working 5th day

This field contains the time the work has to beginn on Thursday. The format is

Datafield BEGTIM6 Begin of working 6th day

This field contains the time the work has to beginn on Friday. The format is

Datafield BEGTIM7 Begin of working 7th day

This field contains the time the work has to beginn on Saturday. The format is

Datafield ENDTIM2 End of working 2nd day

This field contains the time the work should end on Monday. The format is

Datafield ENDTIM3 End of working 3rd day

This field contains the time the work should end on Tuesday. The format is

Datafield ENDTIM4 End of working 4th day

This field contains the time the work should end on Wednesday. The format is

Datafield ENDTIM5 End of working 5th day

This field contains the time the work should end on Thursday. The format is

Datafield ENDTIM6 End of working 6th day

This field contains the time the work should end on Friday. The format is

Datafield ENDTIM7 End of working 7th day

This field contains the time the work should end on Saturday. The format is

Datafield WRKHRS2 Working hours 2nd day

This field contains the time that should be worked on Monday. The format is

Datafield WRKHRS3 Working hours 3rd day

This field contains the time that should be worked on Tuesday. The format is

Datafield WRKHRS4 Working hours 4th day

This field contains the time that should be worked on Wednesday. The format is

Datafield WRKHRS5 Working hours 5th day

This field contains the time that should be worked on Thursday. The format is

Datafield WRKHRS6 Working hours 6th day

This field contains the time that should be worked on Friday. The format is

Datafield WRKHRS7 Working hours 7th day

This field contains the time that should be worked on Saturday. The format is

Datafield GETFLDNRM Field holding the normalized search fields.

Field holding the concatenated and normalized sum of all search fields used by quick search. This is one of the fields set in a SdbSetNRMFields method defined in the table definition module.

Datafield REGCOD Region Code

The region a group of entities belong to. Allows to choose from regions setup in DBIREG

Datafield FORCUR Foreign fee base currency

Base currency for posting/booking fee and commission of Foreign/International LCs and Guarantees (i.e. when the domestic flag is empty)