Table of Contents

Rate Import

Transaction IMPXRT

This function is used to import rates.

Import File Requirements

The “Path” field lists the path of the directory to which the files imported have been saved. The actual import also takes place from this particular folder. The default setting is that this will be the 'batin' (for Batch Input) folder, which is a subdirectory of the 'data' partition.

In the “File Name” field, the (rate) file is selected that is to be imported. Clicking on the icon causes the rate data to be imported from the folder above into the system.


The import file has to be structured as follows:

One line per rate in the file.


Partition Directory Comments
data batin Contains the rate files to be imported
data batin\arc\<YYYYMM> Archive directory for successfully imported rate files, with YYYY representing the current year and MM the current month. If the subdirectory <YYYYMM> does not exist as yet, it is automatically created.
data batin\error Directory for unsuccessfully imported rate files

Note: The subdirectory BATIN must be created in the DATA directory of the application. The converted import file has to be in that subdirectory. The structure of the import file depends on each individual environment and has to be clarified between the user and Surecomp DOS.

The file has to be available in ASCII format and has to have a .txt extension.

Further particulars on standard import procedures can be found in the Developer Documentation.

When importing rates, a check is made of the rate to be imported against the booking base rate +/- tolerance to avoid failed imports. If the rate is updated, then the booking base rate is set to the new middle rate.

Transaction Panels

Import XRTs

Import XRTs


Datafield Description
Encoding of Import File Possible encodings are
“CP850” MS-DOS Central Europe
“​UTF-8”​ UTF-8