Table of Contents

Interest Rate Import

Transaction IMPIRS

This transaction is used to import interest rates into the database of the application.

The text file to be imported is selected via path and file name and will be imported by clicking the icon.

The log file for this transaction can be displayed by clicking the icon . The log shows information about the updated and added records.

Import File Requirements

Note: The subdirectory IRSIN must be created in the DATA directory of the application. The import file has to be in that subdirectory. The structure of the import file depends on each individual environment and has to be clarified between the user and Surecomp DOS.

The file has to be available in ASCII format and has to have a .txt extension.

In the Developer Documentation further information about the Standard Import Procedures and customization requirements can be found.

  1. Set Length: There is no fixed length restriction on the input record.
  2. Field Size: All fields have to have the size specified in the column “Field Size”.
  3. Field Alignment: Text fields are left-aligned, padded by spaces. Numeric fields are right-aligned, padded by zeros.
  4. Allowed Field Formats: Only alpha numeric formats (e.g. unpacked field contents)
  5. Character Set: ASCII

Field Mapping

Field Size Target Field(s) Comment
06 IRT\COD Interest Rate Type
03 IRS\CUR Interest Rate Currency
08 IRS\BEGDAT Interest Rate Effective Date (Date “YYYYMMDD”)
13 IRS\RAT Interest Rate Value (Numeric “-NNNNN.NNNNNN”)
04 IRS\FNZPRD Financing Period (Numeric Integer)
34 - line feed

Transaction Panels

Import IRSs

Import IRSs


Datafield Description
Encoding of Import File Possible encodings are
“CP850” MS-DOS Central Europe
“​UTF-8”​ UTF-8