Table of Contents

Import of Pairing Buyer/Supplier

Transaction IMPPSB

This transaction is used to import pairing setup data into the database of the application.

Import File Requirements

The “Path” field contains the directory from which the files to be imported are taken.

In the “File Name” field, the (pairing setup) file which is to be imported, is selected. Clicking on the icon, causes the pairing setup data to be imported from the mentioned folder into the application.

The log file for this transaction can be displayed by clicking the icon. The log shows information about the updated and added records.

Note: The subdirectory BATIN must be created in the DATA directory of the application. The converted import file has to be in that subdirectory. The structure of the import file is customer specific.

Transaction Panels

Import panel

Import panel


Datafield Description
Encoding of Import File Possible encodings are
“CP850” MS-DOS Central Europe
“​UTF-8”​ UTF-8