System ZIP of Directories

Transaction SYSZIP

This transaction can be used to compress (to zip) files in order to save system resources. This significantly speeds up data management because the number of files to be handled can be cut drastically as can the loads on memory, or more data can be stored longer taking up the same space.

The transaction is used to compress directories. Selected directories are compressed to ZIP archives. During the compression process, the files to be compressed are compared with the original files. If the files to be compressed exactly match the original files, the original files will be deleted. Targeted directories can also be automatically compressed (e.g. sub-directories of data/log) providing the next/latest sub-directory has been added.

Directories should only be compressed when no more changes are anticipated. With document directories, for instance, an entry can be made when the message is actually sent - especially if the message is split. For this reason, it only makes sense to compress monthly directories around the middle of the following month.

The log can be displayed by clicking . All transaction events are written into the log file.

The type of directories/files to be compressed can be selected in the combobox “File Type to be Zipped”. Files available include:

The main directory for the ZIP process is displayed in the “Location of Directories” field.

The subdirectory to be zipped can be selected in the combobox of the same name. If the “Include Last Directory in Selection of Subdirectories” checkbox is checked, the last subdirectory (which has possibly to be updated and therefore is not complete) is also added to the combobox “Subdirectory to be Zipped”.
Selecting <ALL-1>, <ALL-2> or <ALL-3>, all except the last 1, 2 or 3 subdirectories are selected together, so several subdirectories could be packed in one step. If the checkbox “Process All Types” is checked, only theses values are available.

The name of the ZIP file created is displayed in the field of the same name at the bottom of the panel. The compressed file has the file extension *.ZIP.

The ZIP file is created by clicking .

The complete contents of a directory are compressed into a ZIP archive file that takes up around 15-20% of the memory of the flat files. The user does not notice any difference (except possibly a slight delay when accessing one of the files in the the ZIP file for the first time). The user can still access all the compressed files as these are automatically extracted. To delete these again, activate the Clean-up of Historical Data transaction. This deletes extracted temporary copies.

Furthermore, it is possible to integrate this transaction into automated processes. The transaction can be started as a jobs, with settings applied as with other jobs. Alternatively, SYSZIP can be triggered via Shellscript. The directory to be compressed can be transferred using the -i switch in the command line.

Transaction Panels

