Table of Contents

Task Manager

Transaction MGRTSK


This transaction manages “services” for transactions.

The list of tasks is drawn up by reading all workflow entries (from table WFE) which are waiting for any of the services that are marked to be executed by this instance of the Task Manager (see also general description of Workflow). The corresponding transaction for an entry in the task list, being ready for execution, is then “opened”. All services for this transaction are then executed, if they are marked to be executed by this instance of the “Task Manager” and are “waiting” for execution, or will be waiting for execution following the successful completion of other services on the same transaction (thus optimizing the required reloads of transactions).

Several instances of the Task Manager can be started using the “-I <name of inifile>” switch in the command line of the runtime system. The instances can be started with different settings (e.g. which services are set as enabled). It is useful to have a separate instance of the Task Manager handling outgoing SWIFT messages, if this is necessary for technical reasons.

Those services that can take additional parameters such as printer and directory names have a separate panel where these additional values can be entered (for details see below).

Important: Managers running in foreground mode always need to be started manually. 

"Polling" versus "Non-Polling" Services

Services starting with “SRVPD” (e.g. SRVPDS, SRVPDP and SRVPDA) and SRVCOM are called “polling” services.

Any number of retries are possible for these services until the required condition “done” ('D'one) has been reached. For all other services, a 'R'etry status for a transaction should be a rare, transient event. Thus, for any non-polling service the workflow entry is set to status 'E'rror, if a retry status is given for the third time.

If a service returns an “error” ten times consecutively, an “event” for this service is generated and the service is automatically stopped. This is because the system assumes that there is a technical problem (e.g. in case the Swift connection is interrupted) with this service. It is trying to avoid too many workflow entries going to error status, as this would cause additional manual work after re-establishing the connection.

Statistics for executed services are updated internally after every execution of a service in table SYB whenever the list of of workflow entries is updated from table WFE.

If the SRVPDS or SRVPDA services recognize that the transaction has been rejected or sent for correction, the current workflow entry is set to 'C'ancel and any WFE-entry open or waiting (with the exception of SRVCLN) is set to 'S'kip, so that 'SRVCLN' then becomes the next waiting service.

Events and Notify Messages

The successful execution of any service and the last retry of polling services are marked within the workflow entry.

For errors, cancel and retries on non polling services, a notify message is send to the user responsible and two event entries are created:

The event information from the workflow (Table WFE) and additional events for the transaction (Table EVT with objects of type TRN) are moved either from Table WFE or EVT into a text block within the transaction record (TRN\EVTTXT) by Service SRVCLN. This is done to keep the size of the WFE and EVT tables small.

When a service is stopped automatically (i.e., if a service is canceled after 10 consecutive errors), a Notify message is sent to the administrator user (ADMUSR), if defined.

IPC Commands

If the task manager runs in the background in a Unix environment, it accepts the following commands via IPC (e.g. sent by the transaction SYSMGR running on the same system)

Command Argument Meaning
D Shutdown process
F Shutdown process
S <filename> Write status to <filename>
TAPPL <level> Control trace information in process log
<level> Meaning
0 Switch off application trace
>= 1 Minimum trace (i.e. Start, Stop, Reception of IPC commands)
>= 3 Report every reread from table WFE
>= 5 Report result of every service call
>=6 Report start of every service call
T+ <level> Set server execution debug level (cf. td2 server documentation)
T- <level> Reset server execution debug level (cf. td2 server documentation)

The same commands can be send via DNGAPI.


The restart period is always measured relative to the last start time of the manager. If the load is high, this results in an overall low waiting time during which the manager is inactive.

Thus, low load creates greater waiting time of the manager (in order to be able to use more resources for interactive processes in favor of better performance).

Storage Location of Outgoing Message Files

Message files that are generated by the outgoing services are usually stored in subdirectories of the partition “Data”.

Thus, relative path names for defining the output directories are relative to the partition “Data”. If, for organizational reasons, it is required, absolute path names can also be defined. In doing so, the usage of the prefix “db:” (files in databases) is also possible.

In addition it is possible to set the location of the message file with a customer specific rule “GetOutDirRel”.

Note: A file can include more than one message. In case an error occurs in this file when processing the content of the message, but other messages have already been processed correctly in this file, the file will be moved to 
 * "arc" (for archiving the successfully processed messages) 
 * and copied to "error" (for messages that have not been processed successfully).

If messages are to be stored in a client-specific directory, the checkbox “Separate Directory per Entity” must be checked.

If this checkbox is checked, a new level with the name of the external key of the entity <ETYEXTKEY> (e.g. “HAMBURG”) is added below the output directories (xxxOUT).

Thus, the messages will immediately be directed into folders of the respective client-specific entity. The same applies for erroneous files/messages. This level will then also have “arc” and “error” subdirectories (archive and erroneous messages).


The document printing service SRVPRT manages all print outputs for outgoing documents. Typically, there are several instances of SRVPRT, which allow the user to print different copies (original, file copy, customer copy) at different points in time within the workflow.

The “Print” panel contains the print settings for the “Task Manager” and applies to all Services which need printing. Details on application and technical forms can be found in the documentation on the Printing.

If the option “Create Postscript Files” is enabled, a PostScript file is created, which is sent (together with the selected printer name) to the script “tdprtcmd” (resp. TDPRTCMD.BAT) to be forwarded to the printer queue or to be passed to the respective output device. Sorted by printers, all requests are merged in one PostScript file, so that all printouts belonging to one transaction are printed one after another. The PostScript file is sent via the script “bin/unix/tdprtcmd” to the Unix print queue (resp. to the script TDPRTCMD.BAT for further processing under Windows).

If the option “Windows Server Print” is selected, on Client Server installations with a server running under windows the user can print on windows printers which are “known” by the server.

If 'Separate file' is checked, all documents are printed separately, not concatinated into one file for each print queue / printer.

With structured messages such as SWIFT, DTA or allNETT, selecting “Both” in the “Format” selection list for the “Technical Forms” grid means that both the raw format and the PrettyPrint are printed out. For unstructured messages such as letters or mails, this selection only leads to the formatted form being printed.

When resending the message via the transaction Resending Messages - Possible Duplicates a phrase is added to the header text that indicates the messages e.g. as a “copy” or “duplicate”. This term can be freely entered at the bottom of the “Print” panel in the field “Duplicate”.

Interfaces Configurations

MQ interface(s) Configuration

Some outgoing messages can be send over MQ Series. Therefore it is necessary to configure this interface.

The following fields have to be defined:

Field Description
Manager Name of the Manager
Send Queue Name of the Send Queue
CCSID Coded Charset Id
Channel (optional) Name of the MQ channel
Type (optional) Transport type (DECNET, LOCAL, LU62, NETBIOS, SPX, TCP, UDP )
Connection (optional) Name of the connection
Key Repository File name of Key Repository without extension
Cipher see list of available Cipher specifications
Log Flag (No log. Logs in file, Save messages, Hide MQ)
Additonal Configuration for FileAct
Alt. Queue for MQ Alternative queue used for sending FileAct files.
If the alternative queue is provided, MGRTSK will push FileAct files to this queue instead of the queue configured under “Send Queue”.

All other MQ settings for FileAct are taken from the MQ settings.
If no alternative queue is configured, FileAct files will use “Send Queue”

If just one of the optional parameters is not filled in, all optional parameters are taken from the MQSERVER environment variables.

MQ Series Error Codes will be passed 1:1.

More information about these error codes can be found in the MQ Series documentation.

If messages have to be send over MQ Series, the following definition is necessary:

The checkbox “Send over MQ” has to be checked and the following fields have to be defined: “Manager” “Queue” “CCSID”

The MQ Connection can be defined in 2 ways: either with the environment variable MQSERVER or by checking the checkbox “Set MQ Connection” and specifying the three fields “Channel” “Type” “Connection”

If SSL encryption has to be used, the checkbox “Use SSL” has to be checked, the “key repository” and the “cipher” has to be specified.

Kafka interface configuration

Some outgoing messages can be sent over Kafka. Therefore it is necessary to configure this interface.

The following fields have to be defined:

Field Description
Ini file Name of the ini file with the producer settings
Topic Name of the topics receiving this message
Header Header tags
Keys Key values

FTP interface(s) configuration

Some outgoing messages can be send over FTP. Therefore it is necessary to configure this interface.

The following fields have to be defined:

Field Description
Ini Datei Ini file followed by section name ( <Ini file>.<section> ) containing the ftp settings for this server
Remote directory The directory on the remote server, where the files should be copied to


If an outgoing Score message has the tag 23 X filled in (i.e., the message has attachments) then all the attached files in the service are packed into a .zip file with the name indicated in tag 23X, and this file is then placed in the directory configured in “Additional configuration for FileAct (SCORE attachments)” ready for transport.

If the format is configured as 'SWIFT Alliance Lite', then this file will automatically be mailed out via FileAct; otherwise initiation of the transport must be suitably implemented in the customer-specific rule for message dispatch (“SendMessageCust”).

XMLv2 Envelope for Target2 and SWIFT XML

Message for Target2 (T2 RTGS) and SWIFT XML can be send using XMLv2 Envelope.

When XMLv2 Envelope is selected, additional configuration is needed.

Field Description
Override Sender DN If set, value is taken to set <sender><DN>.
If empty, <sender><DN> will be “ou=<Sender BIC Branch Identifier>, o=<Sender BIC 8>,o=swift” .
Include Sender FullName If checked senders full address is included.
Override Receiver DN If set, value is taken to set <receiver><DN>.
If empty, <receiver><DN> will be “ou=<Receiver BIC Branch Identifier>, o=<Render BIC 8>,o=swift” .
Include Receiver FullName If checked, receivers full address is included.
Service Mandatory, used to fill <NetworkInfo><Service>
Request Subtype Optional used to fill <NetworInfo><SWIFTNetNetworkInfo><RequestSubtype> .


For a detailed description of the configuration of the Bolero terminal, see Configuration of outgoing messages.

Storing outgoing TradeConnect Messages

Message files that are generated by the outgoing services are usually stored in subdirectories of the partition “Data”.

Thus, relative path names for defining the output directories are relative to the partition 'Data'. If, for organizational reasons, it is required, absolute path names can also be defined. In doing so, the usage of the prefix n 'db:' (files in databases) is also possible.

Technical messages (e.g., SWIFT) that belong to a contract will be forwarded to the recipient as an attachment to the TradeConnect message. By ticking the checkbox “Send technical messages formatted”, such a technical message will be formatted and attached as a PDF.

The “Text for the header” will be used as the header text for all file attachments that were generated as PDF documents (e.g., forwarded letters or SWIFT messages). This ensures that the documents will not be mistaken for the originals when they are displayed or printed.

Cleanup / Data maintenance

This service is used to maintain / delete data using the SRVCLN service. For production systems, it is recommended that the following options are activated:

However, deleting display files should be done with care:

The checkboxes “Maint. files and tables”, and “Delete Before-Image files (.BIM)” and “Delete Transaction-Data files (.DAT)” are checked by default.

Check Message Structure

This service checks the correctness of SWIFT and allNETT messages.
If a SWIFT message is not correct e. g. too long, this transaction will be sent to correction.
AllNETT XML messages will be checked against its corresponding xsd definition. If the check fails or the xsd file cannot be found, the workflow entry of this transaction will be set to error. This validation can be switched on or off with the checkbox 'allNETT XML Validation'.

Email Send

Mails can be send via SMTP, pickup folder, Unix sendmail or MS Azure Cloud.
The relevant method has to be selected on the mail service config panel.

For MS Azure Cloud please make sure, that MS Graph API is configured for mail read, send and read/write in batch mode.

Transaction Panels

Task Manager
Check limit status
TradeConnect Send
Check for pending ACK's
Target 2
DTA Import L/C
DTA Export L/C
DTA Guarantees
Finalize Order
Delete Temporary Settlement
Email Send
Execution Date
Compliance check
Document Generation Send
Export Bookings
Send Status Updates
Check Documents
Assets Sold
Funding Response

(For the purpose of single services cf. description of Workflow

Task Manager


Datafield Description
Start Time of Job Date This field displays the date and time the Task Manager was started.
Automatic Termination Flag This field defines the reason for terminating the Task Manager
- at a predefined time. In this case enter the time in the field on the right
- if list empty. The Task Manager will then stop when the list of open
transactions is empty.
- manually only. In this case the Task Manager will stop in case the
“stop” button is pressed.
Redotime This field contains the restart time of the Task Manager in seconds. If processing
is set to 'automatic', the Task Manager will restart after this time selected.
If 'manual' any time period entered is irrelevant.
Application Trace Flag This option sets the trace level of the transaction. Higher values mean more details.




Datafield Description
Print Documents This box is checked if the first print-out is
to be made.
Print Documents This box is checked if the second print-out is
to be made.
Print Documents This box is checked if the third print-out is
to be made.




Datafield Description
required signatures check Check this box if you want the Task Manager
to check the signatures rendered.

Check limit status



Datafield Description
pending predecessors check Check this box if you want the Task Manager
to check open preceding transactions.



Datafield Description
make transaction irreversible Check this box if you want the Task Manager to mark the respective
transactions as committed



Datafield Description
Outgoing SWIFT This box is checked if SWIFT-Out is
to be processed by the Task Manager.
Own BIC This field contains the own BIC for SWIFT-Out
File Format This field contains the output format for SWIFT-out.
Pathname This field contains the file path for outgoing SWIFT-messages
Jobexecution This field defines the handling of any job execution, i.e. scripts that should
assist SWIFT-out
Job to executed on successful export This field displays the job which is to be executed if job execution has
been not set <no job execution>.

TradeConnect Send


Datafield Description
TradeConnect/BranchConnect This box is checked if TradeConnect-Out is
to be run by the Task Manager.
Pathname This field contains the file path for outgoing TradeConnect-messages

Check for pending ACK's


Datafield Description
cxheck open ACKs Check this box if you want the Task Manager
to check pending acknowledgments.



Datafield Description
Cleanup files and tables Check this box if you want the Task Manager to process
the clean-up function.


Target 2


DTA Import L/C


Datafield Description
DTA Import L/C This checkbox defines if DTA Import L/C messages are to be imported.
Details are determined on the relevant panel.

DTA Export L/C


Datafield Description
DTA Export L/C This checkbox defines if DTA Export L/C messages are to be imported.
Details are determined on the relevant panel.

DTA Guarantees


Datafield Description
DTA Guarantees This checkbox defines if DTA Guarantees messages are to be imported.
Details are determined on the relevant panel.

Finalize Order

Delete Temporary Settlement


Email Send


Execution Date


Compliance check


Document Generation Send


Datafield Description
Compliance This checkbox defines if Compliance messages are to be imported.
Details are determined on the relevant panel.

Export Bookings


Datafield Description
GLE Check if data for the general ledger is to be exported.


Send Status Updates


Check Documents







Datafield Description
Telex This box is checked if Telex-Out is
to be carried out by the Task Manager.
Pathname This field contains the file path for outgoing telexes

Assets Sold

Funding Response