Manager for interactive Queue Entries

Transaction QUETSK

This transaction fulfills the following tasks:

As a rule, this transaction typically runs in the background.

Via the Queue, it is then possible to carry out integrated processing of all tasks known to the system via the “Selecting pending Queue Entries” (QUESEL) transaction.

N.B.: Configuration of the distribution is only visible and possible if, beyond the prioritization, the distribution target “User” or “User Group” has been selected.

Priorization of tasks

The priorization of tasks determines the sequence in which these are displayed in the “Selecting pending Queue Entries”. This is intended to enable the user to determine the sequence in which processing is to take place. The priorization is newly triggered with each QUETSK run for all objects selected on the configuration panel. The priority of the individual QUE records is controlled by the entries in the lower section of the configuration panel. The rules are executed in the sequence of the numbers appearing in the first grid column. If several rules apply to a particular object, then only the first applicable rule will be used.

The object class defines the queue entry types to which the rule is to be applied. For instance, this makes it possible to always push releases in prioritization to the top of the list.

The remaining time defines how many minutes this rule is to be applied prior to reaching the target time. Only queue entries that need to be completed within the specified period of time will be observed. The value 0 means no entry, i.e. all entries will be taken into account in this case.

Via the SLA class, a rule can be restricted to a certain service level. The service levels are defined in the addresses per customer.

The priority is determined by the importance of the queue entries concerned. This is the first sort criterion in the selection of open QUE records.

The sorting within the priority class controls whether the entries are to be sorted by target time and amount, or conversely by amount and target time.

Automatic workload distribution

In looking at the automatic workload distribution, a distinction is drawn between the standard version and the extended function. The extension is an element of the module subject to license, namely “Management Dashboard”.
The workload distribution in each case is performed by QUETSK. In the extended version, only additional data for control purposes is taken into account.

The objective of automated workload distribution is to ensure an automatic allocation of the work orders to the individual users that is as just and fair as possible. To this end, on the one hand the working time available today is taken into account and, on the other, the expected workload associated with a particular task.

The working time still available today per user is determined on the basis of the working times stored in the Entity group (see “Maintaining Entity Groups”), Entity (see “Maintaining Entities”) and User (see “Maintaining User Profiles”). Moreover, the extension module provides an option also to record spontaneous (even hourly) absence (see “Maintaining User Absence”) of a user.

For the workload anticipated in connection with a task, the times entered in System Configuration (see “Maintaining System Configuration”) are used as a basis. Using the extension module, these times can be overridden per Service Level ( see “Maintaining Service Level Agreements”) and business transaction.

The distribution of tasks is carried out with each run of this transaction. In the process, a selection can be made as to whether tasks already assigned are to be newly examined along with the overload percentage as of which a redistribution is to be made.

With each run, first of all the queue entries are determined that need to be considered. These are prioritized and then assigned to the individual users in the order of their priority. For purposes of such assignment, it is determined per user how much time is still available to the person in question after deduction of the assigned tasks. The task will then be assigned to the user who still has the most free time at his disposal. In the process, a study is carried out as to whether the user in question is allowed to process the current task. To this end, the user profile and release authority of the user are analyzed (these settings can be made in the “Maintaining User Profiles” transaction). If there is no user with sufficient spare time, then the task will be assigned to the user with the lowest overload.

If a user is absent “today”, then he will not be assigned any work orders for the subsequent days either. With the first workload distribution on the following day, the user will immediately be assigned tasks again.

Manually assigned work orders are not automatically redistributed. If such an order is to be returned to workload distribtution, then the assignment in the manual processing of QUE sets can be canceled in the “Queue Handling” transaction.

Interrupted transactions or those set for correction are considered to have been assigned manually and are therefore not automatically redistributed. In the case of incoming messages and memos recorded manually, a user may be assigned directly. In this case, no redistribution will take place either. A releaser may likewise be assigned as early as at the business transaction stage. These work orders are not automatically redistributed either.

Transaction Panels

Load Balancer
Configuration Generation

Load Balancer


Datafield Description
Start Time of Job Date This field displays the date and time the Task Manager was started.
Automatic Termination Flag This field defines the reason for terminating the Task Manager
- at a predefined time. In this case enter the time in the field on the right
- if list empty. The Task Manager will then stop when the list of open
transactions is empty.
- manually only. In this case the Task Manager will stop in case the
“stop” button is pressed.
Redotime This field contains the restart time of the Task Manager in seconds. If processing
is set to 'automatic', the Task Manager will restart after this time selected.
If 'manual' any time period entered is irrelevant.
Application Trace Flag This option sets the trace level of the transaction. Higher values mean more details.
Total queue entries Total number of queue entries present in the entities to be processed.
Queue entries inserted Number of entries newly generated during last batch run.
Queue entries updated Number of entries in which changes were made during last batch run
regarding priority, user/group, SLA class or otherwise.
Queue entries deleted Number of entries deleted in last batch run
All Visible Entities If this checkbox is checked, the transaction carries out the configured functions
(generating queue entries and prioritization/load distribution)
for all entities for whom the executing user is authorized.

Configuration Generation


Datafield Description
Generate QUE from diary event If this checkbox is checked, queue entries are generated for forthcoming diary .

The setting for the number of days before the target date the queue entry is to be
generated is configured in the 'Generate QUE before date of calendar entry' field.
Generate QUE from open transaction If this checkbox is checked, queue entries are generated for open transactions (SPTs) waiting
to be processed.
The setting for the number of hours before the target date of the SPT the queue entry is to be
defined is configured in field 'Generate QUE before RIM SPT' target time.
Generate QUE from TRN awaiting clearance If this checkbox is checked, queue entries are generated for transactions
awaiting clearance.
Generate QUE from contracts If this checkbox is checked, queue entries are generated for orders waiting
to be processed.
This function can only be executed if interactive contract services are specified in the
relevant field.
These are services that check whether certain manual activities for the contract in question,
such as, scanning of letters received, have been carried out.
Distribution target Determines whether/how queue entries are to be redistributed.
Only calculate priority:
The priority of entries is determined in line with the rules specified in the lower grid.
The priority established determines the sequence in which the entries are displayed in the queue

In addition, entries are allocated to users so as to achieve a workload that is
distributed as equally as possible.
The entries are not assigned to a particular user, but to a user group.
Change user/group for load distribution Only if this checkbox is checked will queue entries be redistributed to other users or groups in line with the distribution target selected.
Maximum load for user/group If the requests allocated to the user/group already exceed the percentage rate of working
time available, then the overload will be redistributed to users/groups under less pressure.
Example: At 100%, only tasks of this user/group will be redistributed if there are already more
assignments than finalized in the remaining working time available on that day.
. However, assignments remain for approx. 100% of the remaining working time
for this user/group. Only the overload is redistributed.
At 50% a redistribution of tasks is made that can no longer be finalized in half of his remaining
working time.
If, in total, more assignments need to be distributed than there is working time available in
total, then the overload will be distributed as equally as possible to all
Generate QUE before target time of RIM SPT This field indicates how many hours before the target time of an open transaction a queue
entry is to be generated.
Should Entries be generated immediately, the value has to be set high, e.g. to 9999.
Generate queue before date of a calendar entry This field indicates the number of days before a diary event date a queue entry is to be generated.
Rule No. The rules are executed in the sequence of the numbers appearing in the first grid column.
If several rules apply to a particular object, then only the first applicable rule will be used and the prioritization determined.
Object class The object class defines the queue entry types to which the rule is to be applied.
For instance, this makes it possible to always push releases in prioritization
to the top of the list.
Remaining time The remaining time defines how many minutes this rule is to be applied prior to reaching the target time of the entry.
Only queue entries that need to be completed within the specified period of time will be observed.

The value 0 means no entry, i.e. all entries will be taken into account in this case.
SLA class Via the SLA class, a rule can be restricted to a certain service level.
The service levels are defined in the addresses per party.
Priority The priority is determined by the importance of the queue entries concerned.
This is the first sort criterion in the selection of open QUE records.
Sort Sorting within the priority class controls whether entries are to be sorted by target time
and amount or vice versa, by amount and target time.
Interactive order services If manual activities need to be carried out for an order created, such as scanning
letters received or writing Email messages to another department, the services checking
the finalization of such activities must be entered here.
