Info System Value Sets

Transaction INFSVS

This transaction is used to search for and to display system value sets and their associated fields.

System value sets are used in specific transactions (e.g. in “Selecting Pending Items” or “Control and Release of Transactions”). It is used to display specific user entries again on the next start of a transaction by default. The system value sets are very useful on panels in transactions, where the user has to make entries on a regular basis, but which the user has to leave in between, for example, to work on other transactions in the meantime.

A system value set is made up of a header that contains the name of the value set and of at least one or several fields including their contents. On the “System Value Sets” panel a value set selected on the “Search Panel” is displayed together with a list of fields including their contents.

Example of a value set (for transaction “Limit Approval for Contracts” (CONLIM):)

Field Content Type
\SHWOPN X Character
\SHWACC Character
\SHWREJ Character

Depending on the purpose of use, a value sets can be differentiated between the following types of sets:

If no field is specified on the “Search Panel”, all available value sets in the system will be displayed.
The types of sets 'Everybody' and 'Workgroup of User' are currently not used.

Example Job:

A new job is created via the transaction “Adding a Job” (e.g. for stating a report to a predefined point in time). Jobs can be searched via the “Type of Set”. Alternatively, the job that starts that transaction can also be searched via the “Transaction” field. By double-clicking the respective entry in the list or by marking the the entry and a subsequent click on the icon, the job will be displayed on the “System Value Sets” panel. The fields and contents which belong to the respective value set are displayed here.

Furthermore, value sets can also be searched in sessions that way.

Transaction Panels

Search Panel
System Value Set

Search Panel

System Value Set


Datafield Description
Destination Object (i.e. Transaction) cf Appendix A, Table SVS field DST
Name cf Appendix A, Table SVS field NAM
Type of Subject cf Appendix A, Table SVS field SUBTYP
Key of the Subject cf Appendix A, Table SVS field SUBKEY