Exporting Contract Data for TradeConnect

Transaction CONTCO

This transaction is used to export contract data that are stored on the bank side to an arbitrary directory.
After transporting the generated XML files to the customer, a simple import in TradeConnect saves the contract data in the database of the customer, so that a manual entry of the data with all its risks of false entries is not required any more.

The number of the party is entered in field “Party No.” and the date fields “Creation from” and “to” can be used to define a periods, in which contracts have been created.
By checking the checkbox “Closed Contracts” also already closed contracts will be displayed in the search result.
In order to enable the search for specific business areas or party data, the search can be narrowed by checking/unchecking the relevant checkboxes below the fields mentioned above.

The parties that match the search criteria are listed on the panel below.
The contract data can be exported into the export directory (defined in field “Export Directory” at the bottom of the panel) by selecting an entry and clicking the icon .

Transaction Panels

Exporting Contract Data

Exporting Contract Data