Rate Export

Transaction XRTEXP

The Rate Export transaction handles the export of a specified/all currency/ies on a given date to an XML file. The output is designed as input to the allNETT system and supports Job execution for continuous synchronization between the systems.

Input fields
Output format

Output XML schema is described on “static_data.xsd”. The output can hold zero to many currency blocks with the following fields:

Tag Description Format Example
entity The code for the generating allNETT entity Integer 30 for Hamburg
currency Currency code 3 characters code USD for US Dollars
last_update The effective range start date yyyy-mm-dd 2017-03-03
rate The middle rate effective on the selected date Decimal 3.8764
exim_rate Not in use, always 0 Integer 0
convert_type not in use, always empty N/A

Transaction Panels


