Editing Workflow of SPTs

Transaction DBWSPT

This transaction is used to edit the compliance-related workflow of a selected pending item (SPT). This can for example be necessary if a compliance service reports an error in the specified pending item. It is strongly recommended to limit the access to this transaction to specially authorized administrators.

For more details about the workflow - see page Compliance

The main principles are similar to the transaction Repairing Transactions / Editing Workflows though related to pending items (SPT) instead of transactions (TRN).

In any case, after changes in the workflow the user is responsible for evaluating the banking and technical consequences and has to take the required actions outside of the system, where necessary.

This transaction can work across entities. The “All Existing Entities” checkbox is visible when the transaction table has been defined for a specific entity and when the current user has system administrator rights. In all other cases, only those pending items for the current entity are displayed. When a pending item for another entity is selected, the application automatically changes to this entity, assuming that the user's profile permits him to edit the data for the relevant entity.

The “Search” panel offers the user to sort pending items or workflow entries by transaction, compliance status or by workflow status.

If selecting via workflow entries, these workflow entries are displayed with their respective status in the list field. The user is able to mark the transactions and process them homogeneously at the same time via the buttons:

The following compliance-related actions are available for the pending item:


Transaction Panels

WFE panel


Datafield Description
External Key cf Appendix A, Table USR field EXTKEY
Transaction ID cf Appendix A, Table ATP field COD
All Visible Entities If this checkbox is checked, the transaction carries out the configured functions
(generating queue entries and prioritization/load distribution)
for all entities for whom the executing user is authorized.

WFE panel