Info System Modification Log

Transaction INFSLG

This transaction is used to display the log of system modifications. The search function is used to determine, which tables have been changed by a specific user. Detailed information about the records can be displayed via the Info transaction of each selected table, respectively.

Table SLG - System Modification Log

The database table SLG - System Modification Log holds the central modification log, in which all modified records of tables containing static data and business sector tables are stored. This table is used for tracing back record modifications.

Searching System Modification Information

The fields on top of the panel can be used to narrow the search for modified objects. In case the checkbox “Including Tables of Business Sectors” is checked, besides the modifications of static data tables (e.g. PTY, CUR) also the modifications of tables from the business sectors (e.g. LED, LID) will be included in the search. These business sector database tables will then also be available via the combobox “Table”.

After clicking the icon, the system modifications are displayed according to the search criteria in table form. Depending on the selected table (column “Object” on the “Search panel”) the Info transaction of a table is started by clicking the respective icon of an entry.

Displaying further Information via the Info Transaction

The Info system can be used to view more detailed information of an object.
After clicking icon, the log of the selected table can be browsed via the and icons. The version history can be called by clicking the icon. The individual versions can be displayed by double-clicking an entry in the list window. By clicking the icon the details of the record are displayed in a separate popup window.

The log is closed via the icon.

Transaction Panels

Search Panel

Search Panel


Datafield Description
External Key cf Appendix A, Table USR field EXTKEY