Reorganizing Codetables

Transaction REOTBL

This transaction is used to check system tables.

In case discrepancies or errors are detected during the check, in the further process the transaction can also be used to convert lowercase letters in table names and codes to uppercase (the transaction “Maintain Codetables” (SYSTBL) only allows the use of codes with uppercase letters). Duplicate entries will be deleted. Special characters in table names and codes will be converted..

Under the option “Convert Characters” the characters to be converted are specified in field “From” and the characters to be created have to be entered in field “To”


From: äöß

At first, the codes with lowercase letters and/or umlauts are written to the log in this transaction. The log can be displayed by clicking the icon . The actual converting function has to be enabled in the “INIT” of this transaction before, in order to prevent unintentional changes in a running system. The modification should be done by a support team member.

Transaction Panels

Reorganize Codetables

Reorganize Codetables