Clean-up of Historical Data

Transaction SYSCLN

This transaction allows records that have become redundant to be cleaned up either daily or weekly (depending on the size of your installation). All data / files that date stamped BEFORE the specified selection date will be deleted.

The test mode allows records / files that would be deleted given the current settings to be identified and displayed first, without really deleting them.

The help text for the checkboxes shows the 'typical' and 'maximum' values for each item. 'Typical Value' are values that should be chosen for a typical installation. 'Maximum Values' are values that should not be exceeded without fair reason. Storing data over a longer period produces hard to manage data and does not offer any real advantages.

Save the current settings (the selected options and dates) using the context menu ('Store Values for Transaction') for this transaction. So doing will always save the dates relative to today's date.

Transactions run in the background (e.g. via a script or a crontab) are always processed using the selection settings last saved (i.e. options and relative dates).

The location of the transfer directory is read from the INI files of the relevant Managers. Because the location of the archive directory depends on the 'retrieving' system, the location of this directory cannot be freely selected. Therefore all the files in the directory (including sub-directories) defined in the Manager will be deleted based on the date entered. It is the Administrator's responsibility to ensure that this date is far enough in the past.

Incoming messages that contain an SMH record should not normally be deleted using SYSCLN.

Transaction Panels

Selection of Items to be deleted
Pending Items
Incoming Directories
Outgoing Directories
Zip files
Various Tables
Various Tables 2

Selection of Items to be deleted


Datafield Description
Deleting BIM Files (Partition <data>/bimdata) BIM files contain the 'before' image of contract contents before beginning
work on a transaction. This required to rollback a transaction.
date before This field contains the date prior to which files are scheduled for clean up.
Deleting DAT Files (Partition <data>/trndata) DAT files in the trndata partition contain the transaction data
and are used when correcting a transaction.
The files are quite large and are (if not switched off) deleted in the workflow.
A check is performed on the date the transaction was
Typical Value: Current day
Maximum Value: 1 Month
date before This field contains the date prior to which files are scheduled for clean up.
Deleting DSP Files (Partition <data>/display) The files contain 'display' images of the transaction panels with contents
and modification flags at the time the transaction was saved. These files
are relatively small. These files can be retrieved via History to show transaction
details. A check is performed on the date the
transaction was completed .
Typical value: Current day
Maximum value: open
date before This field contains the date prior to which files are scheduled for clean up.
Deleting Dump Files (Partition <dump>) Dump files are saved when system errors or problems occur. The files
with extension .dmp contain the core image, the .LST files contain the
error, status description and environment information.
.dsp files contain the Display images of the panel at the time of the
error. These files are helpful when looking for the reason of the error. The
files are very large, but they occur rather infrequently in production
A check will be performed against the file date.
Typical Value: Current Day
Maximum Value: 365 Days
Deleting temporary Files (Partition <tmp>) Temporary files are created by all kinds of application processes
and are usually deleted when finishing the process, as these data are not
required outside the process.
A check will be performed against the file date.
Typical Value: 2 Days
Maximum Value: 7 Days
Deleting additional Log Files (Partition <log>) These LOG files contain (in contrast to the Static Data Logs in
partition <data>/log) processing logs of Managers and other
low-level transactions. They contain information about the technical
administration functions and system changes (e.g. manually executed
SQL commands). By default, they are created under
<Transaction Name>.<Date>.<Time>.log. Logs of
running processes can also be under <Name>.log, whereas the name is often
the transaction name. However, particularly in transactions that can run
simultaneously in several instances (e.g. Managers), the name can freely be
chosen (see LogMod).
Many of the files can also be shown by displaying the event for the
respective transaction.
A check will be performed against the file date.
Typical Value: 30 Days
Maximum Value: open
Deleting the displayed Notify Entries Notifier messages are saved on the receiver side after being displayed, but are
not required any more from the technical point of view.
A check is performed of the display date.
Typical Value: 1 Day
Maximum Value: 30 Days
Deleting undelivered Notify Entries Notifier messages for receivers, who have not been active since the message
was created, or who could not retrieve/display the message due to other reasons.
A check is performed of the expiry date for the Notify record.
Typical Value: 7 Days
Maximum Value: 30 Days
Deleting the Service Statistics Records in the SYB table contain information about each active service instance
that can be displayed using the Watchdog, for instance.
A check is performed of the date the service was last updated.
Typical Value: 30 Days
Maximum Value: 30 Days
Deleting Events Related to Completed Transactions Transaction type objects (TRN) in event table (EVT) records list particular events
such as manual changes in the workflow or specific error
messages. Texts describing the events are usually copied in a
text field in a TRN record and the EVT records (if switched on) are deleted.
A check is performed on the date of the event.
Typical Value: 30 days
Maximum Value: 30 days
Deleting SEP Files of settled SEPs, TRN before The SEP files located in partition <data>/sepdata are relatively large and
contain the details of temporary settlememts.
The relevant pointer in table SEP displays, when and via which TRN the
temporary settlement was created and finally settled. After the final
settlement, the data of the temporary settlement are not required any more.
A check is performed against the date of the final settlement. This settling
transaction has to be completed.
Typical Value: 4 Days
Maximum Value: 1 Month
Deleting extracted Files from ZIP Archive UNZIP directories are created when accessing zipped archives with SYSZIP.
This function is used to delete all unzipped files that have been created
temporarily from ZIP archives.

Pending Items


Datafield Description
Deleting pending Entries, created before The entries are created when clicking the [Pause] button during processing
and, from the technical point of view, these are entries contained in the pending
transactions table (with a status level of PEN, for pending. Records created before
the selected date are set from status PEN to DEL.
In doing so, also incoming items, that have already been taken up and which are
to be processed together with the transaction, are released and can be taken up
again. Thus, the cleaning-up should be done promptly.
A check is performed against the creating date of the PEN-SPT.
Typical Value: 4 Days
Maximum Value: 1 Month
date before This field contains the date before which items will be disposed for clean up.
Deleting Deleted entries, deleted before Content of the Recycling Bin, consisting of entries set to
DEL, for deleted. These are deleted static data records, incoming items and transactions,
that have logically been deleted.
A check is performed of the deletion date.
Typical Value: 4 Days
Maximum Value: 1 Month
date before This field contains the date before which items will be disposed for clean up.
Deleting Automatically Created Entries, Created before Entries of table SPT with status AUT. The entries are created by processes
such as the automatic settlement of guarantees. Normally these entries are
processed by a Task Manager.
A check is performed of the creation date.
Typical Value: 7 Days
Maximum Value: 1 Month
Deleting Entries, Sent to Correction Before These are entries of table SPT with Status COR that are created when releasing
transactions. The status will be set to REJ (rejected). Thereby, entries that
are related to the transaction become released and can be taken up again. Thus,
the cleaning-up should be done promptly.
A check will be performed against the date of setting the entry to correction.
Typical Value: 4 Days
Maximum Value: 1 Month
Deleting Canceled Entries, before These are entries listed in the release management table for the 4-eye principle in which
processing the status level has been set to “Update canceled” and with associated
files in the partition <data>/sprdsp, which contain the data of the
modification. These entries are created if the database content has been
changed before the release. A check is performed of the date of the
attempted release.
Typical Value: 1 Year
Maximum Value: open
Deleting Release Entries, before These are entries in the release management table for the 4-eye principle in which
the processing status level has been set to “Released” and with associated files
in partition <data>/sprdsp , which contain the data of the modifications.
These entries are created by releasing the modification. A check will be
performed against the release date.
Typical Value: 1 Year
Maximum Value: open
Deleting Display File of Static Data, before These are display files for static data modifications for which no entry exists in the release management table (SPR)
SPR or which have been released/deleted/sent for correction before the compare
date. These files are created together with the SPR entry during static data
modifications and when the 4-eye principle is active. Thus, individual files
without SPR are unintentional. After deleting the files, the content of the
modifications cannot be displayed any more.
A check is performed against the file date.
Typical Value: 30 Days
Maximum Value: 1 Year

Incoming Directories


Datafield Description
Deleting Received SWIFT Messages Files in directory <data>/swtin/*.sf2
Typical retention period: 3 years
Maximum retention period: Open
Deleting Received allNETT Messages Files in directory <data>/antin/*.xml
Typical retention period: 3 years
Maximum retention period: Open
Deleting received FileAct Messages Files in directory <data>/filin/*
Typical retention period: 3 years
Maximum retention period: Open
Deleting received Bolero Messages Files in directory <data>/bolin/*
Typical retention period: 3 years
Maximum retention period: Open
Deleting Incoming TradeConnect Messages Files in directory <data>/tcoin/*.txt
Typical retention period: 3 years
Maximum retention period: Open
Deleting received Emails Files in directory <data>/emlin/*.eml
Typical retention period: 3 years
Maximum retention period: Open
Deleting Received SmartForms Files in directory <data>/doiin/*.pdf
Typical retention period: 3 years
Maximum retention period: Open
Deleting Received EasySend Messages Files in directory <data>/easyin/*
Typical retention period: 3 years
Maximum retention period: Open
Deleting Imported Data Files in directory <data>/batin/arc
The files contain records that have been imported to the application.
Example: Exchange rates from the HOST system.
Typical Value: 3 Months
Maximum Value: open
Deleting Incoming DTA Import L/C Messages Data in directory <data>/dtain/*.akk
Typical retention period: 3 years
Maximum retention period: Open
Deleting Incoming DTA Export L/C Messages Data in directory <data>/dtein/*.akk
Typical retention period: 3 years
Maximum retention period: Open
Deleting received DTA Guarantee Messages Files in directory <data>/dtgin/*.guk
Typical retention period: 3 years
Maximum retention period: Open
Deleting Received Telex Messages Files in directory <data>/tlxin/*
Typical retention period: 3 years
Maximum retention period: Open
Deleting Incoming compliance check responses Files in directory <data>/ccsin/*.ccs
Typical retention period: 3 years
Maximum retention period: Open

Outgoing Directories


Datafield Description
Deleting sent SWIFT Messages Files in directory <data>/swtout/*
Typical retention period: 3 years
Maximum retention period: Open
Deleting sent allNETT Messages Files in directory <data>/antout/*
Typical retention period: 3 years
Maximum retention period: Open
Deleting sent Bolero Messages Files in directory <data>/bolout/*
Typical retention period: 3 years
Maximum retention period: Open
Deleting Sent TradeConnect Messages Files in directory <data>/tcoout/*
Typical retention period: 3 years
Maximum retention period: Open
Deleting sent TradeConnect DocX Messages Files in directory <data>/txcout/*
Typical retention period: 3 years
Maximum retention period: Open
Deleting sent General Ledger Files in directory <data>/gleout/*
Typical retention period: 3 years
Maximum retention period: Open
Deleting sent Emails Files in directory <data>/emlout/*
Typical retention period: 3 years
Maximum retention period: Open
Deleting sent Compliance Messages Files in directory <data>/tmp/*
Typical retention period: 2 days
Maximum retention period 7 days
Deleting sent Target Messages Files in directory <data>/tarout/*
Typical retention period: 3 years
Maximum retention period: Open
Deleting sent SEPA Messages Files in directory <data>/sepout/*
Typical retention period: 3 years
Maximum retention period: Open
Deleting sent Texts Files in directory <data>/txtout/*
Typical retention period: 3 years
Maximum retention period: Open
Deleting sent Fax Files in directory <data>/faxout/*
Typical retention period: 3 years
Maximum retention period: Open
Deleting Sent Telex Messages Files in directory <data>/tlxout/*
Typical retention period: 3 years
Maximum retention period: Open
Deleting sent DTA Import L/C Messages Files in directory <data>/dtaout/*
Typical retention period: 3 years
Maximum retention period: Open
Deleting sent DTA Export L/C Messages Files in directory <data>/dteout/*
Typical retention period: 3 years
Maximum retention period: Open
Deleting sent DTA Guarantee Messages Files in directory <data>/dtgout/*
Typical retention period: 3 years
Maximum retention period: Open
Deleting sent DTAUS / IZV Messages Files in directory <data>/izvout/*
Typical retention period: 3 years
Maximum retention period: Open

Zip files


Datafield Description
Delete Zip Files All Zip Files created before the selected date are checked to see
if there are any links to a display file in the zip file.
Zip Files with no links are deleted.
Typical value: 3 years
Maximum value: open
Delete Zip Files All Zip Files with log files created before the selected date are checked
to see if there are any links to a log file in the zip file.
Zip Files with no links are deleted.
Typical Value: 3 years
Maximum Value: open
Delete Zip Files All Zip Files with document files created before the selected date are checked
to see if there are any links to a document file in the zip file.
Zip Files with no links are deleted.
Typical Value: 3 years
Maximum Value: open
Delete Zip Files All Zip Files with incoming SWIFT files created before the selected date are checked
to see if there are any links to an incoming SWIFT file in the zip file.
Zip Files with no links are deleted.
Typical Value: 3 years
Maximum Value: open
Delete Zip Files All Zip Files with incoming DTE files created before the selected date are checked
to see if there are any links to an incoming DTE file in the zip file.
Zip Files with no links are deleted.
Typical Value: 3 years
Maximum Value: open
Delete Zip Files All Zip Files with incoming TCO files created before the selected date are checked
to see if there are any links to an incoming TCO file in the zip file.
Zip Files with no links are deleted.
Typical Value: 3 years
Maximum Value: open

Various Tables


Datafield Description
Deleting Session Records (except X, A and U) Records in the session table contain information on when, and by whom, sessions
were started/canceled in the application. Records for active sessions (status X, A or
U) will not be deleted.
A check is performed on the last start date of a transaction.
Typical Value: 6 Months
Maximum Value: 1 Year
Session Settings of completed Sessions Records in the SVS table contain information on settings
saved during an application session.
Records of sessions already completed will be deleted.
The end date of the session will be checked.

Typical Value: 3 days
Maximum Value: 1 week
Deleting Event Records Records in the event table will be deleted if the creating date is prior to the
date selected. Thus, transaction events will also be deleted (see Panel 1).
Typical Value: 1 Year
Maximum Value: 5 Years
Deleting Diaries that are done All 'done' records in the diaries table where the maturity is prior to the
date selected will be deleted.
Typical Value: 6 Months
Maximum Value: 1 Year
Deleting Exported Ledger Entries RThese are records in the GLE table identified as “Exported”. Ledger entries
can be displayed in the History and, thus, should be stored for as long as
possible. A check is performed on the booking date.
Typical Value: open
Maximum Value: open
Deleting Data of Ledger Entries Files in directory <data>/gledata/*
Typical retention period: 3 years
Maximum retention period: Open
Deleting Exchange Rates These are records in the exchange rate table. Sometimes old rates are needed for
statistics and recalculations some time after they have expired and, thus, should
be stored for as long as possible. A check will be performed on the end date.
Typical Value: open
Maximum Value: open
Deleting Interest Rates These are records in the interest rate table. Old interest
rates are sometimes needed for recalculations, and should therefore be stored
for as long as possible.
A check is performed on the end date.
Typical Value: open
Maximum Value: open
Deleting System Modification Log Entries System Modificatin Log records contain information on when, and by whom, a record was
modified. This data needs to be stored for a relatively long period of time. A check
is performed on the modification date.
Typical Value: 1 Year
Maximum Value: open
Deleting Data of System Modification Log The data in directory <data>/log contains the contents of the record
modifications logged in table SLG. If this data has been deleted, it is only
possible to display the fact that there has been a modification at a specific point in
time in the modification log. However, it is not possible to display the nature
of the modification itself and which fields have been affected. A check will be
performed against the date.
Typical Value: 1 Year
Maximum Value: open
Deleting Orders completed before These are records in the orders table and should be stored as long as
they are required for reports.
A check is performed on the completion date.
Typical Value: 3 Months
Maximum Value: open
Deleting Order Events Records in the order events table contain the status changes in individual orders.
These records should be stored as long as they are required
for reports. A check will be performed on the modification date.
Typical Value: 3 Months
Maximum Value: open
Deleting Workflow Statistic Entries Records in the WFD table.
These are copies of Workflow entries of transactions when these are proceeded by SRVCLN.
They can be deleted when they are no longer needed for statistical evaluation.
Typical retention period: 1 Month
Maximum retention period: 1 Year

Various Tables 2


Datafield Description
Deleting print files If files are printed by 'Remote Client Printing', these print-files are stored temporarily.
These temporarily stored files can be deleted herewith.
Typical Value: no default, can be deleted always
Maximum Value: no default, can be deleted always
Deleting incoming webservice requests Requests can be used for issuing new contracts/transactions.
Thus, retention period should be considered as for typical incoming messages.
Typical value: 3 years
Maximum value: Open