Table of Contents

LID - Import L/C Data

Module LID


Name Helptext Description Data Type Len Codetable
INR Internal Unique ID Text 8
OWNREF Own Reference Text 16
NAM Name Text 80
OWNUSR Responsible User Text 8 <fixed-length>
OPNTRNINR TRNINR which opened contract Text 8
CREDAT Date Created Date 12
OPNDAT Opening Date Date 12
CLSDAT Date Closed Date 12
ADVNAM Advising Bank Text 40
ADVREF Advising Bank Reference Text 16
AMEDAT Date of Last Amendment Date 12
AMENBR Number of Amendments Numeric 3
APLNAM Applicant Address Text 40
APLREF Applicant Reference Text 16
AVBBY Available by Text 1 AVBBY0
AVBWTH Available with Text 1 AVBWTH
BENNAM Beneficiary Text 40
BENREF Beneficiary Reference Text 16
CHATO Fee settlement - our fee to be debited to Text 1 CHADET
CNFDET Confirmation Instructions Text 1 CNFFLG
EXPDAT Date of Expiry Date 12
EXPPLC Place of Expiry Text 29
LCRTYP Form of Documentary Credit Text 2 LCRTYP
NOMSPC Amount Specification Text 1 Embedded
NOMTOP Amount Tolerance - Positive Numeric 2
NOMTON Amount Tolerance - Negative Numeric 2
PREADVDT Date Pre-advised Date 12
RMBACT Reimbursing Bank Account Identification Text 35
RMBCHA Reimbursing Bank's Charges Text 3 RMBCHA
RMBFLG Reimbursement Information Text 1
SHPDAT Shipment Date Date 12
SHPFRO Shipment from Text 65
SHPFRO23 Shipment from Text 140
PORLOA Port of Loading Text 65
PORLOA23 Port of Loading Text 140
PORDIS Port of Discharge Text 65
PORDIS23 Port of Discharge Text 140
SHPPAR Partial Shipment Text 35
SHPTO For Transportation to Text 65
SHPTO23 For Transportation to Text 140
SHPTRS Transshipment Text 35
STACTY Country Code (Risk Country) Text 2 CTYTXT
STAGOD Goods Code (for Statistics) Text 6 GODCOD
UTLNBR Count of Received Document Sets Numeric 3
ADVNBR Count of Advised Subcontracts without Documents Numeric 3
REDCLSFLG Red/Green Clause Text 1
VER Version Text 4
LCITYP Internal Type of L/C (Default: Normal L/C; B: Back to Back) Text 1
B2BINR INR of LE Backing this L/C Text 8
B2BREF Reference of Contract Backing this L/C Text 16
REVNBR Number of Revolvings under L/C Numeric 2
REVTIMES Revolving Times Numeric 2
REVFLG Revolving Flag Text 1
REVAWAPL Awaiting Applicant's Request Text 1
REVDAT Revolving Date Date 12
REVCUM Credit is Marked as Cumulative Text 1
REVTYP Revolving Type Text 40 Embedded
INITPTY Applicant's Bank Text 3 Embedded
RESFLG Reserved Contract Text 1 Embedded
APPRUL Applicable Rules Text 30 Embedded
APPRULRMB Applicable Rules Reimbursement Text 30 Embedded
APPRULTXT Other Applicable Rules Text 35
AUTDAT Date of Authorization to Reimburse Date 12
ORDDAT Your Order Dated Date 12
REJFLG Direct rejection Text 1
REQTYP Type of Request Text 1 Embedded
AUTRNWFLG Auto-Extension Text 1
AOPFLG Assignment of Proceeds Text 1
SYNFLG Participation Sold Flag Text 1
EXPFLG Unlimited Guarantee Text 1
RNWNBR Extension Period Numeric 3
NOTNBR Notify Period Numeric 3
EXPDATFIN Final Expiry Date Date 12
RNWPER Extension Period Type Text 1 Embedded
ADVPER Advice Period Type Text 1 Embedded
NOTPER Notify Period Type Text 1 Embedded
INCTRMCOD Incoterm Code Text 3 Embedded
INCTRMFRT Incoterm Freight Text 1 Embedded
INCTRMPLC Incoterm Place Text 65
INCTRMVER Incoterm Version Text 1 Embedded
INCDFTON Draft Drawn On Text 1 Embedded
SHPPARS18 Partial Shipment Text 11 Embedded
SHPTRSS18 Transhipment Text 11 Embedded
SPCBENFLG Special payment conditions for beneficiary exists Text 1
SPCRCBFLG Special Payment Conditions for specified Bank only Text 1
PREPERS18 Days of presentation period Numeric 3
PREPERTXTS18 Presentation period text Text 35
DFTNBR Draft Number Numeric 2
FACINR INR of the linked Facility Text 8
DOMFLG Domestic L/C Text 1
REDCLSAMT Red/Green Clause Amount Numeric 18
REDCLSCUR Red/Green Clause Currency Text 3 CURTXT
REDCLSPRC Red/Green Clause Percentage Numeric 5
REDCLSTYP Percentage or Amount Confirmed Text 1 Embedded
LQDRAT Liquidity costs Numeric 14
IRTCOD Base Rate Text 6 IRTTXT
CSHRAT Cash Base Numeric 14
OWNRAT Our margin Numeric 14
SPFINFLG Specify Loan Term Text 1
OWNRATFLG Financing Flat Fee Text 1
OWNCUR Document Currency Text 3
OWNAMT Fixed price for total maturity Numeric 18
ALADICOD ALADI Reimb. Code Text 16
ALADIFLG ALADI Checkbox Text 1
UPATYP Usance Payable at Sight/Usance Text 4 Embedded
UPAUDS UPAU days Numeric 3
OLDREF Alternate Reference Text 16
ETYEXTKEY Entity Text 8
LCRTERM Delivery terms Text 3 Embedded
CLRAVLFLG Book out peak amount set in contract ? Text 1
PRDCOD Product Code Text 6 PRDCOD
PRDSUB Product Subtype Text 6 PRDSUB
PRDVAR Product Variant Text 6 PRDVAR
INTDAYLC Financing Period Numeric 4

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield INR Internal Unique ID

Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter of this table. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table.

For contractdata the INR also links the two tables xxD and xxT as associated entries hold the same INR.

Datafield OWNREF Own Reference

This field contains the reference number of the import L/C. The reference number can be up to 16 characters long. This field can be used for searching import L/Cs in the database.

Datafield NAM Name

This field holds the descriptive name displayed in the application to describe and to search for a contract. in the standard version this field is set by a default rule based on the contract amount and the main party and cannot be modified by the user.

Datafield OWNUSR Responsible User

This field holds the User ID of the person responsible for handling this contract.

Datafield OPNTRNINR TRNINR which opened contract

This field holds the INR of the transaction which opened/issued the contract.

Datafield CREDAT Date Created

This date field identifies the date the entry was physically added to the database.

Datafield OPNDAT Opening Date

The field holds the opening/issuing date of the contract. If this field is set, the contract has been legally established and it might be used for business transactions. This date describes the point in time when this contract became legally binding. This might be a date prior to the creation date, when the contract was legally binding before it was stored in the database.

Datafield CLSDAT Date Closed

This fields indicates the closing date of a contract. If an entry has been made, the contract is closed and may no longer be used to process business transactions except special transactions like Settling Charges or Common Messages.

Datafield ADVNAM Advising Bank

This field contains the name of the advising bank.

Datafield ADVREF Advising Bank Reference

This field contains the reference number of the advising bank.

Datafield AMEDAT Date of Last Amendment

This field contains the date of the last amendment processed under the contract. If it is empty the contract is still in its original condition. This date is automatically updated by the relevant amendment transactions.

Datafield AMENBR Number of Amendments

This field is used to store the number of amendments made to the contract so far. This field is automatically updated from the relevant amendment transaction.

Datafield APLNAM Applicant Address

This is a copy of relevant field for the 'Applicant'. This field is only used to speed up search and database access.

Datafield APLREF Applicant Reference

This is a copy of relevant field for the 'Applicant'. This field is only used to speed up search and database access.

Datafield AVBBY Available by

This field indicates whether the contract is available by sight payment, deferred payment, acceptance, negotiation or mixed payment.

Datafield AVBWTH Available with

This field contains the bank/role that is authorized to pay, accept, negotiate or transfer an obligation under a deferred payment for the contract.

Datafield BENNAM Beneficiary

This field contains the name of the beneficiary.

Datafield BENREF Beneficiary Reference

This field contains the reference number of the beneficiary.

Datafield CHATO Fee settlement - our fee to be debited to

This field defines whether the fees and commissions of the bank using using the application is to be borne by applicant or 'Our fees borne by client' (='U'), of the beneficiary side or 'Our fees borne by abroad' (='B') or by other parties. Depending on the selection made in this field, the roles in the second settlement table (own commission / fees) are proposed.

Meaning 'borne by client': If, in the fee settlement field, 'borne by client' was selected or if the field is not completed, then own fees will be proposed in the settlement to the debit of the applicant Side.

Meaning of 'borne by abroad': Own fees in the settlement are proposed to the debit of the beneficiary SIDE

Meaning of 'Others': No role is proposed on the fees in the settlement panel.

Datafield CNFDET Confirmation Instructions

This field contains the confirmation instructions for the receiver of the L/C, e.g. the advising bank. According to SWIFT regulations, one of the following code words must be selected: “Without”, “May add” or “Confirm”.

Datafield EXPDAT Date of Expiry

This date field specifies when the L/C expires and therefore indicates the latest date for presentating documents under the L/C.

Datafield EXPPLC Place of Expiry

This field specifies the place where the L/C expires. The expiry place is closely linked to the expiry date, as it specifies the place where documents have to be presented under the L/C in more detail.

Datafield LCRTYP Form of Documentary Credit

This field specifies the type of L/C. According to UCP, the L/C has to indicate whether it is irrevocable. SWIFT provides for further specification codes, such as transferable or standby and combinations of these. In DTA, the code '..standby' will not be allowed.

Datafield NOMSPC Amount Specification

This field further qualifies the contract amount and becomes important when checking documents presented under the contract. If the code “not exceeding” is used, no tolerance is permitted. If the code “according to UCP” is used, allowances are granted based on stipulations provided in Article 30 of the UCP.

Code Text
X Accord to UCP

Datafield NOMTOP Amount Tolerance - Positive

This field specifies the positive tolerance to the nominal amount of the underlying contract as percentage plus that amount. In order to calculate the maximum amount (e.g. the maximum risk of the bank), the positive tolerance amount is added to the nominal amount.

Datafield NOMTON Amount Tolerance - Negative

This field specifies the negative tolerance to the nominal amount of the underlying contract as percentage minus that amount.

Datafield PREADVDT Date Pre-advised

This field indicates the date when the L/C was pre-advised (e.g. via SWIFT MT705) to the receiver (e.g. the advising bank) prior to issuing the contract.

Datafield RMBACT Reimbursing Bank Account Identification

Account number of the reimbursing bank in the books of the reimbursing bank.

Datafield RMBCHA Reimbursing Bank's Charges

This field contains the codes for reimbursing bank's charges according to TAG 71A of the outgoing reimbursement authorization (SWIFT MT 740).

Datafield RMBFLG Reimbursement Information

If this flag is set, the reimbursement panel becomes visible and reimbursement information can be entered under the Import L/C.

Datafield SHPDAT Shipment Date

This date field specifies the latest date of shipment.

When the documents presented under the L/C are checked, this field is compared with the actual date of shipment in order to monitor L/C compliance.

The presentation period, being the date difference between latest date of shipment and expiry date, can be calculated from this field.

Datafield SHPFRO Shipment from

This field specifies the place of transfer (in the case of a multimodal transport document), the place of receipt (in the case of a road, rail or inland waterway transport document or a courier or express delivery service document), the place of dispatch or the place of shipment to be indicated on the transport document.

Datafield PORLOA Port of Loading

This field specifies the port or airport of departure indicated on the transport document.

Datafield PORDIS Port of Discharge

This field contains the port or airport of destination, where the goods shipped under the L/C are unloaded. This is not necessarily the place of delivery.

Datafield SHPPAR Partial Shipment

This field indicates whether or not partial shipments (shipment in more than one lot) are permitted under the contract.

Datafield SHPTO For Transportation to

This field specifies the final destination of the goods shipped under the underlying contract.

Datafield SHPTRS Transshipment

This field indicates whether or not transshipment is allowed under the contract. Transshipment is the shipment of goods to an intermediate destination, from where they are transported to another destination. One reason for this is the change in the means of transport during shipment (e.g. from ship to road transport).

Datafield STACTY Country Code (Risk Country)

This field is defaulted with the country code for the receiver of the L/C and therefore indicates the 'risk country' of the L/C. It is used for statistical purposes to evaluate the country risks it may have incurred by issuing the L/C.

Datafield STAGOD Goods Code (for Statistics)

This field contains the type of goods shipped. The goods code is used to evaluate contracts by the type of goods. The codetable can be customized by the bank according to their needs.

Datafield UTLNBR Count of Received Document Sets

This field counts the number of document sets received (Date of Documents Received filled) by the issuing bank under the L/C. This number is not decreased when the document set is settled or closed.

Datafield ADVNBR Count of Advised Subcontracts without Documents

This field counts the number of document sets advised (e.g. via SWIFT MT 750 or MT754) to the issuing bank (OWN) where the physical documents have not yet been received (Date Documents Received is empty). When the physical documents have been received (Date Documents Received (RCVDAT) is filled), the number of subcontracts advised decreases.

Datafield REDCLSFLG Red/Green Clause

This flag is used to indicate whether the L/C is a red or green clause L/C. For these types of L/C the beneficiary is entitled to receive advances (so called Packing Credit).

Datafield VER Version

This field holds the version counter used to keep track of the history of an entry of this table. The individual versions are managed by entries in the SLG table.

Datafield LCITYP Internal Type of L/C (Default: Normal L/C; B: Back to Back)

The internal type is set to Back-to-Back, if there is an export L/C which backs this import L/C. Back-to-Back L/Cs can only be issued via 'Opening an Import L/C' from 'Selecting an Export L/C'.

Datafield B2BINR INR of LE Backing this L/C

This field contains the unique ID of the export L/C on which this import L/C is based.

Datafield B2BREF Reference of Contract Backing this L/C

This field contains the reference of the export L/C on which this import L/C is based.

Datafield REVNBR Number of Revolvings under L/C

This field counts the actual number of times the revolving L/C has been processed.

Datafield REVTIMES Revolving Times

This field counts the number of times the revolving L/C can be processed.

Datafield REVFLG Revolving Flag

This field indicates whether the L/C is a revolving L/C. If this flag is set, the revolving panel is visible and revolving details can be entered.

Datafield REVAWAPL Awaiting Applicant's Request

The bank may reserve the right to revolve the L/C after receiving the applicant's instructions and/or credit approval. If not empty, the L/C is not automatically revolving.

Datafield REVDAT Revolving Date

This field contains the date when the L/C is next revolved.

Datafield REVCUM Credit is Marked as Cumulative

'Cumulative' information is relevant for the further processing of a revolving L/C. If the L/C is marked as 'cumulative', irrespective of what was drawn previously, the remaining available amount is retained and increased with the full revolving amount on the revolving date. If the L/C is marked 'non cumulative' (checkbox not checked), any unutilized amount is lost and the available amount is raised to the amount of the next shipment.

Datafield REVTYP Revolving Type

This field indicates whether the L/C revolves at the time of utilization (e.g. when documents are presented) or periodically on a specific date.

Code Text
REVUTI Revolving upon utilization
REVPER Revolving periodically

Datafield INITPTY Applicant's Bank

This field contains the name of the applicant's bank.

Code Text
APB Applicant Bank
NMO Not ment. Ordering Party

Datafield RESFLG Reserved Contract

Contract status flag. If not empty, the contract has been reserved and only a few basic fields have to be filled in. Visible in 'Pre-Opening an Import L/C' (LITPOP) and 'Info Import L/C' (INFLID). Invisible in all other transactions.

Code Text
Normal Contract
X Reserved Contract

Datafield APPRUL Applicable Rules

This field specifies the rules governing the contract.

Code Text
OTHR any other rule

Datafield APPRULRMB Applicable Rules Reimbursement

This field specifies the rules governing the reimbursement authorization.

Code Text

Datafield APPRULTXT Other Applicable Rules

This field specifies details of the applicable rules.

Datafield AUTDAT Date of Authorization to Reimburse

This field contains the date of the original authorization to reimburse.

Datafield ORDDAT Your Order Dated

Order date of incoming message from the applicant's side. Is only used for outgoing messages to the applicant.

Datafield REJFLG Direct rejection

This flag is set in the (pre)opening transaction in case an incoming message is rejected. The contract is closed directly.

Datafield REQTYP Type of Request

This selection list contains the type of request. Possible values are 'Pre-Opening' and 'Draft'. In case of 'Draft' no liability is booked and only the message 'LC Draft' to the applicant/ initiating institution is generated. In case of 'Pre-Opening', the LC is preavised to the advising bank / beneficiary side (usually with a SWIFT MT705). Liability is booked accordingly.

Code Text
P Pre-Opening
D Draft

Datafield ETYEXTKEY Entity

This field holds the external key of the owning entity to identify the logical owner of this entry.

This field is filled automatically during insert and is used as filter when accessing the database. Without special implementation only entries of the currently active entity are visible to the user.

Datafield LCRTERM Delivery terms

The delivery terms may be FOB, CIF or FCR, for example.

Code Text

Datafield CLRAVLFLG Book out peak amount set in contract ?

A “peak amount” is understood to be the remaining liability balance under a Letter of Credit that remains unutilized after payment of documents. The checkbox “Book out Peak Amount” can be activated when documents are taken up. If set, the application checks the contract for other pending document sets and calculates the liability amount which should be booked out under the Letter of Credit. The calculation of the amount is displayed in the warnings for the user.

Datafield AUTRNWFLG Auto-Extension

Flag for activation of auto extension checkbox. If selected, a new panel for auto extension details opens.

Datafield EXPFLG Unlimited Guarantee

This field is used to refine the logical meaning of an empty value in EXPDAT.

This field may only be set, when EXPDAT is empty.

When set to a non-empty value, this identifies an unlimited validity of the contract.

Datafield RNWNBR Extension Period

For Auto-Extension: Period for the next extension of the LC.

Datafield NOTNBR Notify Period

For Auto-Extension: Period of advance notification about the next renewal.

Datafield EXPDATFIN Final Expiry Date

For Auto-Extension: The LC expires on this date and after this date no further Auto-extensions are allowed.

Datafield RNWPER Extension Period Type

Code Text
D Days
M Months
Y Years

Datafield ADVPER Advice Period Type

Code Text
D Days
M Months

Datafield NOTPER Notify Period Type

Code Text
D Days
M Months

Datafield INCTRMCOD Incoterm Code

Code Text

Datafield INCTRMFRT Incoterm Freight

This field relates to the payment of the freight and depends on the selected Incoterm.

Code Text
- Irrelevant
C Freight Collect
P Freight Prepaid

Datafield INCTRMPLC Incoterm Place

Place of delivery for the incoterms.

Datafield INCTRMVER Incoterm Version

Code Text
1 Incoterm Version 2010
2 Incoterm Version 2000
3 Incoterm Version 2020

Datafield AOPFLG Assignment of Proceeds

Flag to activate assignment of proceeds panel.

Datafield SYNFLG Participation Sold Flag

Flag to activate participation sold logic.

Datafield INCDFTON Draft Drawn On

Code Text
1 Advising Bank
2 Issuing Bank
0 No Draft
5 Other

Datafield SHPPARS18 Partial Shipment

This field indicates whether or not partial shipments (shipment in more than one lot) are allowed under the contract. Other conditions must be stated elsewhere in the message.

Code Text
ALLOWED allowed
NOT ALLOWED not allowed
CONDITIONAL conditional

Datafield SHPTRSS18 Transhipment

This field indicates whether or not transshipment is allowed under the contract. Transshipment is the shipment of goods to an intermediate destination, from where they are transported to another destination. One reason for this is the change in the means of transport during shipment (e.g. from ship to road transport). Other conditions must be stated elsewhere in the message.

Code Text
ALLOWED allowed
NOT ALLOWED not allowed
CONDITIONAL conditional

Datafield SPCBENFLG Special payment conditions for beneficiary exists

This flag is used to indicate whether for this L/C a special payment condition for beneficiary is avaiable.

Datafield SPCRCBFLG Special Payment Conditions for specified Bank only

This flag is used to indicate whether for this L/C a special payment condition for receiving bank is avaiable.

Datafield PREPERS18 Days of presentation period

This field contains the days of presentation period.

Datafield PREPERTXTS18 Presentation period text

This field contains details to the presentation period.

Datafield DFTNBR Draft Number

Draft number to be printed in Score MT 771 Score message. Incremented in LITPOP

Datafield PRDCOD Product Code

Initial version to support the differentiation of predefined bank products cross business sectors. This organizational solution is made up of three fields PRDCOD, PRDSUB and PRDVAR providing a bank product, a sub differentiation and individual variants if needed. Here the PRDCOD shall identify the business sector together with some key criteria like confirmed or unconfirmed LC in a cross business sectors unique identification.

Datafield PRDSUB Product Subtype

Initial version to support the differentiation of predefined bank products cross business sectors. This organizational solution is made up of three fields PRDCOD, PRDSUB and PRDVAR providing a bank product, a sub differentiation and individual variants if needed. Here the PRDSUB shall identify the business sector specific bankside defined products adding some key sub criteria in a cross business sectors unique identification.

Datafield PRDVAR Product Variant

Initial version to support the differentiation of predefined bank products cross business sectors. This organizational solution is made up of three fields PRDCOD, PRDSUB and PRDVAR providing a bank product, a sub differentiation and individual variants if needed. Here the product variant is intended as possible extension to setup specific variants below the product and subproduct code.

Datafield FACINR INR of the linked Facility

Unique internal ID of a linked facility record

Datafield DOMFLG Domestic L/C

This flag indicates if the L/C is a domestic L/C or not. If the risk country of L/C and the beneficiary's country are same, it is termed as a domestic L/C.

Datafield REDCLSAMT Red/Green Clause Amount

This denotes the amount out of the LC contract amount that is available for red/green clause advance.

Datafield REDCLSCUR Red/Green Clause Currency

This field denotes the red/green clause currency. It is usually same as the LC contract currency.

Datafield REDCLSPRC Red/Green Clause Percentage

This denotes the percentage out of the LC contract amount that is available for red/green clause advance.

Datafield REDCLSTYP Percentage or Amount Confirmed

This (invisible) field defines, if the amount or the percentage is used for red/green clause.

Based on this information, the percentage or amount are protected and calculated from the other field.

Code Text
A Amount
P Percentage

Datafield LQDRAT Liquidity costs

The liquidity costs refer to the costs of the bank which occur in order to provide the neccessary liquidity.

Datafield IRTCOD Base Rate

This field contains the base rate used to calculate interest.

Datafield CSHRAT Cash Base

Costs of procuring the funds on the money market.

Datafield OWNRAT Our margin

The share of the overall interest rate booked as income in the bank's books. Is pre-defined and noted by rate type possible special terms and conditions.

Datafield SPFINFLG Specify Loan Term

Checkbox to enable Loan details panel. User could provide loan terms and details requested by applicant, which could be considered if finance is created for the contract during settlement.

Datafield OWNRATFLG Financing Flat Fee

If not empty the fee for the complete period is defined by the amount OWNAMT instead of the rate OWNRAT.

Datafield OWNCUR Document Currency

Document Currency used for display purpose only

Datafield OWNAMT Fixed price for total maturity

Alternative fixed amount for the total term to maturity. (instead of an interest rate for 'Our margin')

Datafield INTDAYLC Financing Period

The financing period indicates the number of days to be financed.

Datafield ALADICOD ALADI Reimb. Code

The bank using DOKA must issue the ALADI Reimbursement code on customer request when a contract is opened.

Datafield ALADIFLG ALADI Checkbox

This flag will be visible only if entity group is in the LATAM region.

Also, this will be enabled for input only if the current entity has an ALADI member ID and the counter-party bank is also defined as an ALADI member in the party table.

Checking this flag denotes this contract is under ALADI Inter-bank Settlement and therefore: a) System auto generates the ALADI Reimbursement code for (Import LC and Export Collection contracts). b) System allows the user to manually input the ALADI Reimbursement code for (Export LC and Import Collection contracts)

Datafield UPATYP Usance Payable at Sight/Usance

Denotes if the LC is Usance Payable at Sight (UPAS) or Usance Payable at Usance (UPAU).

Code Text
UPAS Usance Payable at Sight
UPAU Usance Payable at Usance

Datafield UPAUDS UPAU days

This field is enabled only for UPAU LCs. The number of UPAU days is to be given here.

Datafield OLDREF Alternate Reference

Alternate Reference. I.e. for old reference of migrated contracts.