Table of Contents

BRT - Document Set under Import L/C Text

Module BRT


Name Helptext Description Data Type Len Codetable
INR Internal Unique ID Text 8
DOCDIS Discrepancies Block 50
DOCINS Reasons for Rejection Block 35
PRSDOC Documents Presented Stream 65
DISDOC Disposal of Documents Block 35
APLINS Instructions Received from Applicant Block 40
MATPER Maturity Period Block 65
COMCON Comments and Conclusions Block 65
SETINSBR Settlement Instructions BR Block 65
ROGGOD Identification of Goods Block 40
PORDIS Port of Discharge Text 65
PORDIS23 Port of Discharge Text 140
DELPLC Place of Delivery Text 40
VESNAM Vessel Name Text 40
RELSTOADR Release to Address Block 35
CHADED Charges Deducted Block 35
CHAADD Charges Added Block 35
FLDMODBLK List of Modified Fields in BRDGRP Block 40
NARTXT77A Narrative (TAG 77A of MT754) Block 35
CONTAG72 Content of TAG 72 Block 35
CONTAG79 Content of TAG 79 Block 50
DOCDISDEF Defaulted Content of Discrepancies Block 50
DOCDISFLG Discrepancies Modified Text 1
DISDOCDEF Defaulted Content of Disposal of Documents Block 35
DISDOCFLG Disposal of Documents Modified Text 1
INC22032 Date of Transport Document Block 40
INC22033 Shipping Route Block 40
CHKASTSTM Stream with CHKAST Stream 1

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield INR Internal Unique ID

Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter of this table. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table.

For contractdata the INR also links the two tables xxD and xxT as associated entries hold the same INR.

Datafield DOCDIS Discrepancies

This field contains the discrepancies found when checking the document set against the contents of the letter of credit.

Datafield DOCINS Reasons for Rejection

This field contains the reasons why the document set has been rejected by the applicant.

Datafield PRSDOC Documents Presented

This field contains a list of documents presented.

Datafield DISDOC Disposal of Documents

This field contains the disposal instructions for this document set which are mandatory in TAG 77B of the outgoing MT 734 (Advice of Refusal). When the document set is rejected, this field is filled with the codes allowed by SWIFT.

Datafield APLINS Instructions Received from Applicant

This field holds the instructions received from the applicant.

Datafield MATPER Maturity Period

This field contains the maturity period for the document set. A maturity period can be given by the advising bank if the maturity date can only be calculated by the issuing bank (e.g. 90 days after sight). The documents are then registered by the issuing bank with the maturity period (e.g. in 'Receiving Documents'). When documents are taken up (e.g. in 'Send, Accept and Settle Documents'), the maturity date is calculated.

Datafield COMCON Comments and Conclusions

This field holds internal remarks of the bank for this document set. These are intended to be stored with the contract but not intended to be included in any outgoing correspondence.

Datafield SETINSBR Settlement Instructions BR

Settlement instructions for the BR (on Panel 'Discr./Instr')

Datafield ROGGOD Identification of Goods

This field holds a brief description of goods shipped under the L/C.

Datafield PORDIS Port of Discharge

This field contains the port or airport of destination, where the goods shipped under the L/C are unloaded. This is not necessarily the place of delivery.

Datafield DELPLC Place of Delivery

This field specifies the final destination of the goods shipped under the L/C.

Datafield VESNAM Vessel Name

This field holds the name of the vessel that has been used to transport the goods shipped under this L/C.

Datafield RELSTOADR Release to Address

If goods are released to an address other than that of the applicant, this address is entered here.

Datafield CHADED Charges Deducted

This field contains the content of TAG 71B (Charges Deducted) of the incoming MT750 (Advice of Discrepancy) or MT754 (Advice of Payment). As this field is defined as a text field in SWIFT, the content of this field must be copied manually into the settlement panel.

Datafield CHAADD Charges Added

This field contains the content of TAG 73 (charges added) of the incoming MT750 (Advice of Discrepancy) or MT754 (Advice of Payment). As this field is defined as a text field in SWIFT, the content of this field must be copied manually into the settlement panel.

Datafield FLDMODBLK List of Modified Fields in BRDGRP

The field holds a list of all fields identified as modified when the contract was last updated. This field is used to mark the respective fields as modified when the contract is loaded.

Datafield NARTXT77A Narrative (TAG 77A of MT754)

This field contains the narrative text of TAG 77A of an incoming MT754 (Advice of Payment). This is stored in BRT, as the information needs to be stored in the contract for settlement purposes.

Datafield CONTAG72 Content of TAG 72

This field contains the history of former TAGs 72

Datafield CONTAG79 Content of TAG 79

This field contains the history of former TAGs 79

Datafield DOCDISDEF Defaulted Content of Discrepancies

This field contains the discrepancies as set by default rules, when checking the document set against the contents of the letter of credit.

Datafield DOCDISFLG Discrepancies Modified

If this checkbox is checked, the the discrepancies have been modified.

Datafield DISDOCDEF Defaulted Content of Disposal of Documents

This field contains the disposal of documents as set by default rules.

Datafield DISDOCFLG Disposal of Documents Modified

If this checkbox is checked, the Disposal of Documents has been modified.

Datafield INC22032 Date of Transport Document

Date of Transport Document

Datafield INC22033 Shipping Route

Shipping route

Datafield CHKASTSTM Stream with CHKAST

This field holds all activated checboxes of “Allow *” to carry them automatically forward in follow transaction.