Info Loans

Transaction INFTRD

After starting the transaction the “Selection” panel is displayed. After entering the search criteria like (parts of the) reference number, parties, opening date, currency and/or amount in the respective search fields, the icon has to be clicked to get the desired information. Additionally, the financing type can be selected. All contracts that match the selection are displayed in the table. After selecting a contract (by double-clicking an entry or clicking the icon ) further details of the contract will be displayed. These detailed information consist of all contract fields including the modified fields, CBS details, transactions, etc.

On the “Transactions” panel the selection can be changed via the two checkboxes “incl. all subcontracts” and “Active only (exclude rejected and deleted transactions)”. If the checkbox “incl. all subcontracts” is checked, the transactions of the subcontracts including the reference numbers will also be displayed.
If the checkbox “Active only (exclude rejected and deleted transactions)” is checked, deleted or corrected transactions will not be displayed.

The “Order Treeview-Panel” shows all orders, transactions and messages belonging to the contract.

The version log can be viewed via the icon. The panels with the current data of the loan are displayed. The changes compared to the previous record are displayed in red characters. By using the icons and the changes can be displayed chronologically in ascending or descending form. By clicking the detailed log information will be displayed. The user can return to the Info system by clicking the icon.
The icon has to be clicked to print the “Contract Data Sheet”.

Transaction Panels

Shipment Details
Interest Details
CBS Info
CBE Info
SEP Info
GLE Bookings
SMH Info
Order TreeView
Past Due
ECR Details



Datafield Description
Own Reference cf Appendix A, Table TRD field OWNREF
Parent Reference cf Appendix A, Table TRD field PNTREF
Responsible User cf Appendix A, Table TRD field OWNUSR
Date Issued cf Appendix A, Table TRD field ISSDAT
Type of Financing cf Appendix A, Table TRD field FINTYP
Special type of financing cf Appendix A, Table TRD field FINSUBTYP
Type of risk cf Appendix A, Table TRD field FINRSKTYP
Recourse Flag cf Appendix A, Table TRD field FINRECFLG
% Financed cf Appendix A, Table TRD field PCTFIN
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Maximum Finance Amount cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Start Date Tenor cf Appendix A, Table TRD field STTTENDAT
Maturity Date cf Appendix A, Table TRD field MATDAT
Financing period cf Appendix A, Table TRD field INTDAY
Base Rate cf Appendix A, Table TRD field IRTCOD
Surcharge Applied to Interest Rate cf Appendix A, Table TRD field INTRAT
draft serial number cf Appendix A, Table TRD field DRWVOCNUM
Pay supplier cf Appendix A, Table TRD field PAYSUPFLG
Draw down method for ECR cf Appendix A, Table TRD field ECRMET
Transport Document Date cf Appendix A, Table TRD field ECRTRDDAT
Currency of the financed amount cf Appendix A, Table TRD field FINCUR
Financed amount (bankers acceptance) cf Appendix A, Table TRD field FINAMT
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
Information Finance Party cf Appendix A, Table TRT field INFPTY
Goods Code (for Statistics) cf Appendix A, Table TRD field STAGOD
Provide Shipment Details cf Appendix A, Table TRD field SHPFLG
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF

Shipment Details


Datafield Description
Shipment from cf Appendix A, Table TRD field SHPFRO
Port of Loading cf Appendix A, Table TRD field PORLOA
Port of Discharge cf Appendix A, Table TRD field PORDIS
For Transportation to cf Appendix A, Table TRD field SHPTO
Transport Document Type cf Appendix A, Table TRD field TRPDOCTYP
Transport Document Number cf Appendix A, Table TRD field TRPDOCNUM
Date of Transport Document cf Appendix A, Table TRD field TRADAT
Mode of Transport cf Appendix A, Table TRD field TRAMOD
Vessel Name cf Appendix A, Table TRT field VESNAM
Identification of Goods cf Appendix A, Table TRT field ROGGOD
Incoterm Version cf Appendix A, Table TRD field INCTRMVER
Incoterm Code cf Appendix A, Table TRD field INCTRMCOD

Interest Details


Datafield Description
Roll-Over Financing cf Appendix A, Table TRD field ROLOVRFLG
Cash Base cf Appendix A, Table TRD field CSHRAT
Liquidity costs cf Appendix A, Table TRD field LQDRAT
Our margin cf Appendix A, Table TRD field OWNRAT
Pastdue Margin cf Appendix A, Table TRD field PDURAT
Interest Start Date cf Appendix A, Table TRD field BEGINTDAT
Interest Due Date cf Appendix A, Table TRD field ENDINTDAT
Grace Days cf Appendix A, Table TRD field GRADAY

Past Due


Datafield Description
External Key cf Appendix A, Table USR field EXTKEY

ECR Details


Datafield Description
Reference of EXIM Bank cf Appendix A, Table TRT field ECREXMREF
Own Reference cf Appendix A, Table BPD field OWNREF
Code of drawee cf Appendix A, Table TRT field EXIMCODE
CP / EO Refrerence cf Appendix A, Table TRT field ECRSUBREF
Start date of export bill cf Appendix A, Table TRT field EXPBILDAT
Export Bill Tenor cf Appendix A, Table TRT field EXPBILTEN
Maturity date of export bill cf Appendix A, Table TRT field EXPBILMATDAT
Goods Description cf Appendix A, Table TRT field ECRGOD
Destination cf Appendix A, Table TRT field EXPBILDES
Standard period cf Appendix A, Table TRT field STDENRPER