Table of Contents

TRT - Loan Text

Module TRT


Name Helptext Description Data Type Len Codetable
INR Internal Unique ID Text 8
NARHIS Historic Overview of Narratives Block 35
FLDMODBLK List of Modified Fields in TRDGRP Block 40
INFPTY Information Finance Party Block 50
CONTAG72 Content of TAG 72 Block 35
CONTAG79 Content of TAG 79 Block 50
ROGGOD Identification of Goods Block 40
VESNAM Vessel Name Text 40
STDENRPER Standard period Numeric 3
ECREXMREF Reference of EXIM Bank Text 16
EXIMCODE Code of drawee Text 6
ECRSUBREF CP / EO Refrerence Text 20
ECRGOD Goods Description Block 50
EXPBILDES Destination Text 2 CTYTXT
EXPBILDAT Start date of export bill Date 12
EXPBILTEN Export Bill Tenor Numeric 3
EXPBILMATDAT Maturity date of export bill Date 12

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield INR Internal Unique ID

Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry from the counter of this table. The field INR is used to enable links from other tables to this table.

For contractdata the INR also links the two tables xxD and xxT as associated entries hold the same INR.

Datafield NARHIS Historic Overview of Narratives

This field contains the history of amendments made to the narratives of the financing.

Datafield FLDMODBLK List of Modified Fields in TRDGRP

The field holds a list of all fields identified as modified when the contract was last updated. This field is used to mark the respective fields as modified when the contract is loaded.

Datafield INFPTY Information Finance Party

This field holds additional information for the financed party.

Datafield CONTAG72 Content of TAG 72

This field contains the history of former TAGs 72

Datafield CONTAG79 Content of TAG 79

This field contains the history of former TAGs 79

Datafield STDENRPER Standard period

If the parent contract is a forfaiting sale (FP), then this period will be derived from the parent contract.

Datafield ECREXMREF Reference of EXIM Bank

Reference of EXIM Bank

Datafield EXIMCODE Code of drawee

If the parent contract is a forfaiting sale (FP), this code will be derived from the parent contract.

Datafield ECRSUBREF CP / EO Refrerence

Reference of the underlying Export Certificate / Certificate of Performance

Datafield ECRGOD Goods Description

Description of Goods

Datafield EXPBILDES Destination

A country can be selected in this field.

Datafield EXPBILDAT Start date of export bill

For financing type ECR, this date is set to today, unless it is changed manually.

Datafield EXPBILTEN Export Bill Tenor

Tenor of the Export Bill

Datafield EXPBILMATDAT Maturity date of export bill

The due date of the export invoice is determined from the start date of the export invoice and the period set in the export invoice.

Datafield ROGGOD Identification of Goods

This field holds a brief description of goods shipped.

Datafield VESNAM Vessel Name

This field holds the name of the vessel that has been used to transport the goods shipped.