Info Checkpool

Transaction INFCHK

This transaction makes it possible to receive detailed information on captured payment documents as part of the process of handling checks.

Once the transaction starts, the “Selection” panel is displayed. Enter details of the search such as check reference, name (comprised of type of check, country, currency, amount and part of the check number), collection bank, type of payment document, country, dispatch period, payment document status and/or amount in the search fields provided and click . All matches are displayed in a table. Double-click an entry, or select a check and click to display details.

If this transaction was started from another transaction - “Display Check Contract” by clicking the [i] button to select a check - and if a check has been selected, clicking allows the user to select the underlying contract established when the check was presented. This facilitates the processing of returns or other subsequent transactions.

Click on the “Check Pool” panel to print out the selected check. If several checks were found in the search, click and to move between the relevant datasets.

Click to delete any selection criteria captured.

Transaction Panels

Search Panel
Check Pool

Search Panel


Datafield Description
Alternate Technical Key of Associated Address cf Appendix A, Table PTA field OBJKEY
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTA field NAM

Check Pool


Datafield Description
Name of Check entry cf Appendix A, Table CHK field NAM
Reference cf Appendix A, Table CHK field EXTKEY
Payment Document cf Appendix A, Table CHK field CHKTYP
Country Code (for Statistics) cf Appendix A, Table CHK field STACTY
Direction cf Appendix A, Table CHK field DIRTYP
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CHK field CUR
Amount for search cf Appendix A, Table CHK field SEAAMT
Routing cf Appendix A, Table CHK field ROUKEY
Status of payment document cf Appendix A, Table CHK field STA
Check Count for traveler checks cf Appendix A, Table CHK field CHKCNT
(Part of) Check Number cf Appendix A, Table CHK field CHKNUMBER
Default Value Days cf Appendix A, Table CHK field VALDAY
Reference cf Appendix A, Table CHD field OWNREF
Name of Check Contract cf Appendix A, Table CHD field NAM
Reference cf Appendix A, Table CHD field OWNREF
Name of Check Contract cf Appendix A, Table CHD field NAM
Date and Time of Creation cf Appendix A, Table CHK field INIDATTIM
INR of initiating transaction cf Appendix A, Table CHK field INITRNINR
Closing date of check. cf Appendix A, Table CHK field CLSDAT
The field holds the INR of the check that replaces this. cf Appendix A, Table CHK field RPLCHKINR
Individually handled check cf Appendix A, Table CHK field INDFLG
External Key Used to Uniquely Identify a Party cf Appendix A, Table PTA field PTYEXTKEY
Name cf Appendix A, Table PTA field NAM
Clearing Code for Collecting Bank cf Appendix A, Table CHK field COLCLC