
In Export Finance, it is sometimes necessary to generate additional letters, in addition to the outgoing messages generated by the application, and to add these to the contract.

The template function ( Icon) offers the access to sample texts, which are stored in external applications (e.g. MS Word oder Excel).

It is suitable for text templates for which there is no pre-programmed outgoing message, for example for messages that are only rarely required. The templates can be used to still generate these letters and save them together with the contract/file.

The Template function allows any saved sample texts to be opened in the external application. No data is passed on to the external application. Edited copies are saved in a working directory and can be attached to the contract using the Attachment function. Doing so will save them permanently.

As there are many sample texts, the filenames need to be structured, according to transaction abbreviation, language, letter ID, etc, in order to make searching for the required template as efficient as possible. For example, in the transaction Drawdown, only templates that are relevant to the disbursement process would be presented to the user. However, by entering suitable selection criteria, the user can access all of the templates at any time.

Changes to the templates can easily be carried out directly in the template by the bank itself.

This is how it works

The templates can be called up by clicking on the icon within the transactions for the export finance and the export finance dossiers, provided the Finance Type, the Borrower and the Reference for the contract have been defined previously.

There are two buttons ([New] and [Open]) on the Templates panel. The [New] button opens the sample document, the [Open] button opens an existing working document.

P.S.: In the transaction for creating a contract New Request/ Contract Editor a reference can be generated prior to saving the transaction using the [Get-REF.] button.


Technical requirements

The Windows applications associated with the templates (Excel, Word, etc.) are launched via Shell-exec. This requires these applications to be executable in this environment.

In the file dngpara.ini, two directories must be defined for the templates, under the section [System]. The sample texts are saved in the Templates directory, and the user's working documents are saved in the working directory. The paths are searched relative to the application's DATA directory. Missing user directories inside the working directory are created automatically.



Naming of templates: <TRN>_<language>_<Finance Type>_<Receiver>_<Medium>_<Counter>_<Name of Document> e.g., ectedt_en_b_bor_l_1_loanagreement.docx