Table of Contents

New Request/ Contract Editor

Transaction ECTEDT

The transaction can be executed multiple times and serves as a contract editor, in order to

To ensure the progress of negotiations and the status of the approval processes is clearly discernible, an unambiguous contractual status is determined for each export financing transaction. Of all available statuses (see Status handling) a contract in this transaction can have the status of 'Request', 'Offer' or 'Unutilized'. Which data can be changed depends on the status of the contract.

Frame Agreement

The export financing contract can be associated with a frame agreement. In a frame agreement, agreements are entered into with foreign banks in which the most important terms and conditions for financing the exports are laid down in advance. Under these general conditions, individual business transactions can be financed quickly and without requiring lengthy negotiations.

The benchmarks for a frame agreement are managed in a separate static data system (see Maintaining Frame Agreement). When creating an export financing contract, an option is provided to search for existing frame agreements and to select the suitable one.

No additional data or amounts are copied from the frame agreement. Linking to a frame agreement is optional. If the current business transaction is linked to a frame agreement, then the reference to the frame agreement is stored in the contract.

Copying a simulated repayment schedule

When creating an export financing transaction, a simulated repayment schedule (see transaction_dbirzp) can be copied across, provided it meets certain prerequisites in terms of the amount and the currency.

From the “Dossier Splitting”, a temporary repayment schedule must be saved for each dossier. In the dossier, the borrower and the dossier amount are defaulted from the maximum limit amount. This data can be changed by the user. Also, it is possible to store additional dossiers.

Section General Information provides an overview of the different calculation options.


This transaction opens a new export financing request or allows further processing under an existing export finance.
When an existing Export Finance is used, it must not be closed. Transaction is only allowed if contract is in status “Request” or “Offer”.
For incoming allNETT / RIVO messages see Overview of Incoming messages - allNETT / RIVO.

Transaction Control





Results of this Transaction


For more information see TRNDIA Diaries.


Updating/Storing of Amounts (CBS)

Amount (CBS column acc. to code table CBCTXT) CBS Entry type (acc. to code table CBTTXT) External ID Booking in/out contract group Description Comment
Maximum amount (MAXSUM) Change of maximum amount (MAXAMT) AMT1 Booking entry/ Update ECDGRP and EFDGRP request To the level of maximum credit limit entered
Nominal amount (NOMSUM) Change of nominal amount (NOMAMT) AMT1 Booking entry/ Update ECDGRP and EFDGRP request Corresponds to the maximum credit limit minus the IDC amount entered
IDC amount (Interest During Construction) (IDCSUM) IDC amount (Interest During Construction) (IDCAMT) AMT1 Booking entry/ Update ECDGRP and EFDGRP request To the level of the IDC amount entered
Open amount (OPNSUM) Open amount (OPNAMT) AMT1 Booking entry/ Update ECDGRP and EFDGRP request Corresponds to the nominal amount
Interest amount (INTSUM) Interest amount (INTRSK) AMT1 Booking entry/ Update ECDGRP and EFDGRP request Total interest from all temporary repayment schedules saved under the contract
Amount not yet utilized (UPASUM) Amount not yet utilized (UPAAMT) AMT1 Booking entry/ Update ECDGRP and EFDGRP request Corresponds to the nominal amount provided no disbursements have been made yet under the contract.
Own Take (RSKSUM) Own Take (RSKAMT) AMT1 Booking entry/ Update ECDGRP and EFDGRP request Corresponds to the maximum credit limit minus the IDC amount entered (and hence the nominal amount, if no participants are saved in the contract). If sub-participations exist in the contract, then the own take corresponds to the maximum credit limit minus the total for all participants.
Amount not yet utilized (Own Take) (UNSSUM) Amount not yet utilized (Own Take) (UNSAMT) AMT1 Booking entry/ Update ECDGRP and EFDGRP request Corresponds to the own take provided no disbursements have been made yet under the contract.

Liability (LIA)

A liability booking entry is made only if Collateral pledged was saved in the contract and if the credit has been approved (i.e., the credit approval date has been set) and if the contract has a status of 'Offer'. When the status changes from 'Request' to 'Offer', a liability entry is made; consequently if the status changes from 'Offer' back to 'Request', the previously booked liability would be reversed again.

See also Amounts / Liabilities for more information.

Outgoing Correspondence

Details on creation of messages can be found under DOCEOT Messages. For outgoing allNETT / RIVO messages see Overview of Outgoing messages - allNETT / RIVO.

No outgoing correspondence will be created.


Transaction Panels

Amount Details
Dossier Splitting
Dossier Details
Date Details
Settlement Details


The key information about the export financing transaction can be entered on the “Overview” panel.

Depending on the credit type selected, only the suitable entry options will be available in the fields “Product type”, “Limit Code” and “Credit type”.

The “Agent Bank” is proposed based on the Entity address. This can be changed if the bank using the application participates in the export financing transaction of another bank. In this case only silent sub-participations are permitted.


Datafield Description
Reference of Export Finance cf Appendix A, Table ECD field OWNREF
Reference of Frame Agreement cf Appendix A, Table ERK field EXTKEY
Responsible User cf Appendix A, Table ECD field OWNUSR
Responsible Service User cf Appendix A, Table ECD field SRVUSR
Type of Finance cf Appendix A, Table ECD field FINTYP
Product Type cf Appendix A, Table ECD field PRDTYP
Limit Code cf Appendix A, Table ECD field LKRTYP
Credit Type cf Appendix A, Table ECD field CRDTYP
Multi-Source Flag cf Appendix A, Table ECD field MSCFLG
Flag 'With IDC Amount' (Interest During Construction) cf Appendix A, Table ECD field CHKIDC
Working Capital Loan Flag cf Appendix A, Table ECD field FORFLG
Discounting Flag cf Appendix A, Table ECD field DSCFLG
Project Name cf Appendix A, Table ECD field PRJNAM
Contract Reference cf Appendix A, Table ECD field CTRREF
Goods cf Appendix A, Table ECD field GOODS
Contract Status cf Appendix A, Table ECD field CONSTA
Withholding Tax cf Appendix A, Table ECD field HOLTAX
Percentage of Withholding Tax cf Appendix A, Table ECD field TAXPRC
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF
Country Code (for Statistics) cf Appendix A, Table ECD field STACTY
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF


Depending on the selected “Credit type”, the “Product type” and any “Discounting” that may apply, all required amounts are shown on the “Amount details” panel. They consists of the amounts in the delivery contract, the amounts in the agreement with the bank and the financing amounts.

For a buyer's credit, for example, the “Delivery value”, any advance or intermediate disbursements to be paid or financed can be entered from the delivery contract. The “Bank tranche financed amount” is calculated based on the total of all the amounts entered.

If premiums (e.g., for the credit insurer) or fees are to be financed as well, then these can be entered in the field available for this purpose. “Capitalized interest during construction” (IDC = Interest During Construction) can be entered if the checkbox “With IDC amount” is checked on the “Overview” panel. The credit amount is calculated based on the total of all the amounts entered, and it is simultaneously entered as the maximum credit limit in the field of the same name.

If the financing transaction is to occur in a currency other than the currency stated the delivery contract, then the currency and the amount for the maximum credit limit can be changed accordingly. Based on the credit amount and the maximum credit limit, a “Fixed exchange rate” is calculated. This exchange rate is also used to convert the own take into a different currency.

The “Own take” reflects the risk borne by the financing bank. For a financing transaction without participations, the own take corresponds to the maximum credit limit (100%). The bank can reduce its own take if participants assume a proportion of the risk. If sub-participations are entered on the panel of the same name, the bank's own take will be reduced by the sum of all the sub-participations. For example, if participations amounting to 28% are entered, the bank's own take will be reduced to 72% of the maximum credit limit.

Instead of using amounts, advance payments, intermediate payments, premiums and charges can also be entered as percentages of the delivery value. The corresponding amounts are then calculated based on the percentages.


Datafield Description
Text for Cut-Off Date (Consolidation) cf Appendix A, Table ECT field CUTOFFTXT
Dossier Reference The dossier reference (or parts of it) can be entered in order to search for matching contracts.
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTY field EXTKEY
Cut-Off Date cf Appendix A, Table ECD field CUTOFFDAT
Original due dates cf Appendix A, Table ECD field ORGDUEFLG
Total Consolidation Amount The Total Consolidation Amount is the sum of the Total Principal plus Total Interest of the
dossiers selected for consolidation.
Total Interest The Total Interest Amount is the sum of all interest amounts of the dossiers selected for
Total Principal The Total Principal Amount is the sum of all principal amounts of the dossiers selected for

Amount Details


Datafield Description
Currency Original Amount cf Appendix A, Table ECD field ORICUR
Credit Element (Original Amount) cf Appendix A, Table ECD field ORIMAX
Credit Element Financed Percentage cf Appendix A, Table ECD field ORIMAXPCT
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Maximum Limit Amount The Maximum Limit Amount is the most important amount field as it reflects the amount of the
financing and is the basis for the bank internal approval process, liability booking, utilizations
and calculations that are handled in this business module.
The Maximum Limit Amount specifies the Credit Element Amount converted into the currency of the
requested export financing. It is the sum of the Financed Amount (Bankportion) plus any fees,
premiums or IDC amount that are financed by the bank.
cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Static Rate (Credit Element / Max. Limit Amount) cf Appendix A, Table ECD field XRTRATMAX
Bank's Own Take (in original currency) cf Appendix A, Table ECD field OWNAMT
Banks Own Take Percentage cf Appendix A, Table ECD field OWNAMTPCT
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Own Take Amount The Own Take Amount reflects the bank's risk. It is calculated in the currency of the maximum limit
amount. Participations under the export finance reduce the Own Take of the bank.
cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Static Rate of Own Take cf Appendix A, Table ECD field XRTRATRSK

Dossier Splitting

For each export financing transaction, at least one dossier (sub-contract) in the amount of the maximum credit limit must be entered.

For complex business transactions involving several exporters or for mixed loans (financing through a bank and a federal government tranche), it may be necessary to create more than one dossier.

The “Dossier Splitting” panel allows a maximum of 99 dossiers to be created. Dossiers can be created in a currency other than the currency of the main contract, and for a different participant. Since the sum total of all dossiers must not exceed the credit limit, the system checks that the data entered does not result in a discrepancy. The dossier amount in a foreign currency can be entered manually. The exchange rate is calculated based on the dossier amount entered in the foreign currency and the converted amount.

The number of dossiers entered is saved and is available to the user for information when creating a dossier, as well as on the selection panel for the export financing.


Datafield Description
Currency cf Appendix A, Table CBB field CUR
Amount The IDC Amount reflects the interest that occurs during the construction phase converted into the
currency of the export finance.
The IDC Amount can not be utilized/ drawn under the finance.
cf Appendix A, Table CBB field AMT
Total Dossier Amount This field specifies the total amount of all dossiers under the export finance.
Amount Difference This field calculates the difference between the maximum limit amount and the total amount
of all dossiers under the export finance.
The amount difference must be zero in order to be able to store the contract.

Dossier Details

The data entered on the “Dossier Details” panel is used for data entry, for information purposes, for managing schedules in the dossiers, and for the (automatic) generation of ToDo entries for automated data processing (Creating SPTs).

The “Dossier Details” panel is available in the export financing as well as in the dossier.

When the dossier is created (Opening Dossier), the data is copied from the main contract to the sub-contracts and can then be changed there, allowing the data in multiple dossiers to be maintained independently of each other.

The number of days for borrowers, exporters, participants shown under “Request for Payment” generate a schedule for the repayment of principal, interest, the collection of commissions and the planned utilization/disbursement of the loan, provided a corresponding number of days has been saved.

If the checkbox “Roll Over” has been checked, a date is generated for the transaction Account Change in order to generate a roll-over for the dossier.

The number of days defined in the field “Suspension posting” indicates at what time a suspension posting for the repayment should be made. An option is provided to carry out suspension postings via the batch transaction Creating SPTs.

The fields “Applicable Law”, “Place of Jurisdiction” and the data fields for interest and margins (“Margin Bank”, “Margin Exporter”, “Skim Participation”, “Fixing”) serve information purposes and are available for evaluations.


Datafield Description
Request for Payment Borrower Principal in Days cf Appendix A, Table ECD field RFPBORPRI
Request for Payment Borrower Interest in Days cf Appendix A, Table ECD field RFPBORINT
Request for Payment Borrower Commission in Days cf Appendix A, Table ECD field RFPBORCOM
Request for Payment Borrower Drawdown in Days cf Appendix A, Table ECD field RFPBORDRW
Request for Payment Exporter Principal in Days cf Appendix A, Table ECD field RFPEXPPRI
Request for Payment Exporter Interest in Days cf Appendix A, Table ECD field RFPEXPINT
Request for Payment Exporter Commission in Days cf Appendix A, Table ECD field RFPEXPCOM
Request for Payment Exporter Drawdown in Days cf Appendix A, Table ECD field RFPEXPDRW
Request for Payment Participations Principal in Days cf Appendix A, Table ECD field RFPPATPRI
Request for Payment Participations Interest in Days cf Appendix A, Table ECD field RFPPATINT
Request for Payment Participations Commissions in Days cf Appendix A, Table ECD field RFPPATCOM
Request for Payment Participations Drawdown in Days cf Appendix A, Table ECD field RFPPATDRW
Roll Over cf Appendix A, Table ECD field ROLOVR
Reference Rate for Margin cf Appendix A, Table ECD field MRGREFRAT
Margin Bank cf Appendix A, Table ECD field MRGBNK
Fixing cf Appendix A, Table ECD field MRGFXG
Margin Exporter cf Appendix A, Table ECD field MRGEXP
Fixing - Free Text (Exporter) cf Appendix A, Table ECT field MRGFXGTXT
Margin Skim Participation cf Appendix A, Table ECD field MRGPAT
Suspension Posting in Days cf Appendix A, Table ECD field SUSPST
Request for Financial Statements cf Appendix A, Table ECD field FINSTADAT
Applicable Law Loan Agreement cf Appendix A, Table ECD field LAWLA
Applicable Law Export Agreement cf Appendix A, Table ECD field LAWEA
Applicable Law Delivery Contract cf Appendix A, Table ECD field LAWDC
Place of Jurisdiction Loan Agreement cf Appendix A, Table ECD field JURLA
Place of Jurisdiction Export Agreement cf Appendix A, Table ECD field JUREA
Place of Jurisdiction Delivery Contract cf Appendix A, Table ECD field JURDC



Datafield Description
External Key cf Appendix A, Table PTS field EXTKEY
Address Block cf Appendix A, Table PTS field ADRBLK
Reference for Address (Optional) cf Appendix A, Table PTS field REF

Date Details


Datafield Description
Label Date of Exporter Agreement cf Appendix A, Table ECD field BEXDATLAB
Date of Request cf Appendix A, Table ECD field ORDDAT
Date of Creation (Export Finance) cf Appendix A, Table ECD field CREDAT
Date of Approval cf Appendix A, Table ECD field VCRDAT
Date of Binding Offer To Customer cf Appendix A, Table ECD field OTCDAT
Date of Offer Validity cf Appendix A, Table ECD field OTLDAT
Date Offer Accepted By Customer cf Appendix A, Table ECD field OACDAT
Date of Loan Agreement / Export Agreement cf Appendix A, Table ECD field OPNDAT
Date of Exporter Agreement cf Appendix A, Table ECD field BEXDAT
Date of Handover Protocol cf Appendix A, Table ECD field PRTDAT
Date of Refusal / Closing Date cf Appendix A, Table ECD field CLSDAT
Date of First Drawdown cf Appendix A, Table ECD field FSTDAT
Date of Last Drawdown cf Appendix A, Table ECD field FULDAT
Date of Last Amortisation cf Appendix A, Table ECD field EXPDAT
