Table of Contents

Periodic Grouping of FBDs

Transaction GRPTSK

This transaction is a “Grouping Manager” that, at a defined cut-off time, puts together an APF “Offer/Funding” for similar approved Finance Base documents, such as Invoices / Debit Notes / Credit Notes.

The grouping manager facilitates the below tasks:

  1. Grouping of Multiple Finance Base Documents (see General Information)
  2. Launching APF Offer / APF Funding to create an offer/ financing
  3. Closing existing offer

Note: If grouping cut-off is already defined in Maintaining Currencies, then only that will be considered for grouping cut-off. Only if cut-off is empty in Maintaining Currencies, then cut-off from GRPTSK will be applied.

Grouping Multiple Documents

The buyer may upload pre-grouped Finance Base Documents without any grouping instruction which are immediately posted for execution. These documents could be directly uploaded in document pool from Adding a new Finance Base Document or from an incoming xml file, imported through Manager for Incoming Messages. After the documents are uploaded, the grouping manager is executed automatically at the defined cut-off time (exceptionally, the Grouping Manager could also be manually executed by changing the cut-off time).

The Grouping Manager will group the multiple documents (i.e. invoices) which fit into the following criteria:

Additionally, the Grouping Manager will also ensure the documents are grouped within the limits set in the Maintain Pairing Buyer/Supplier for the respective pairing of buyer & supplier.

Launch APF Funding / APF Offer

For documents uploaded from Adding a new Finance Base Document:

For documents imported using Manager for Incoming Messages:

From the Incoming Message Manager, the APF Offer contracts are created only if the currency cut off time has not yet crossed for the day. If crossed, the APF Offer contract will be created for the next business day as contract opening date.

Closing Existing Offer

Once the offers from incoming message manager are successfully grouped into funding contracts, those existing offer contracts are closed (see Closing).

Transaction Panels

Automatic Grouping of APF

Automatic Grouping of APF


Datafield Description
All Visible Entities If this checkbox is checked, the transaction carries out the configured functions
(generating queue entries and prioritization/load distribution)
for all entities for whom the executing user is authorized.
APF Grouping Cut-off Time Input from this field is used to group the Finance Base Documents (FBD). Any FBD document
uploaded before the given cut-off time will be processed when the 'Periodic Grouping of
FBD's' (GRPTSK) transaction runs.
For e.g, if the cut off time is set to 15:00 hrs, then any document added
into the system before 15:00 will be grouped when the grouping manager runs at 15:00.
Note: If grouping cut-off is already defined in DBxCUR, that will be considered for cut-off.
Only if it is empty in DBxCUR, then cut-off from GRPTSK will be applied.
Start Time of Job Date This field displays the date and time the Task Manager was started.
Automatic Termination Flag This field defines the reason for terminating the Task Manager
- at a predefined time. In this case enter the time in the field on the right
- if list empty. The Task Manager will then stop when the list of open
transactions is empty.
- manually only. In this case the Task Manager will stop in case the
“stop” button is pressed.
Redotime This field contains the restart time of the Task Manager in seconds. If processing
is set to 'automatic', the Task Manager will restart after this time selected.
If 'manual' any time period entered is irrelevant.
Application Trace Flag This option sets the trace level of the transaction. Higher values mean more details.