Table of Contents

COU - TradeDesign Counter Table

Module COU


Name Helptext Description Data Type Len Codetable
COUNAM Name of the Counter Text 8
COUVAL Counter Value Numeric 18
COUSTP Update in Steps Numeric 18

Datafield Description and Properties

Datafield COUNAM Name of the Counter

Any counter name can be used. TradeDesign then uses this to automatically create a new counter which starts at 1 and contains the default update intervals. The counter used to create the identification number (INR) of a table uses the this as the counter name. Counters used to create reference numbers should use counter names that are different from table names. Typical names are based on the two-digit business sector code and the year for which the counter is valid.

Datafield COUVAL Counter Value

This field holds the next available counter value for the specified counter.

Datafield COUSTP Update in Steps

This field contains the sequence in which counters are taken from the database table. If it is important to use sequential numbering (without drawing on unused numbers), then the increment has to be set to 1. Any value bigger than 1 increases the performance in extracting counter values, due to lower database traffic. However, this may generate non-used numbers, as multiple users receive separate groups of numbers. If these numbers are not fully used, unused numbers will be lost at the end of the session.