Table of Contents

Users and User Profiles


The following users are set up as DOKA-NG users. The names of the users correspond their banking-related function.

“SAS_… users” will be able to log into a SaaS MyModelbank environment only.

User ID Name User profile Application profile Language Initial password Permission for Entity
DO1 DOKA Clerk 1 dngclerk Clerk.tda English doka x x
DO1SP DOKA Clerk 1 / Spanish dngclerk Clerk.tda Spanish doka x x
DO2 DOKA Officer 2 dngoff Officer.tda English doka x
DO2SP DOKA Officer 2 / Spanish dngoff Officer.tda Spanish doka x
DO3 DOKA Administrator dngadm Admin.tda English doka x x x
DO3SP DOKA Administrator / Spanish dngadm Admin.tda Spanish doka x x x
DO4 DOKA Clerk 4 dngclerk Clerk.tda English doka x x
DO5 DOKA Clerk 5 dngclerk Clerk.tda English doka x
DO6 DOKA Clerk 6 dngclerk Clerk.tda English doka x
DO7 DOKA Officer 7 dngoff Officer.tda English doka x
DO8 DOKA Clerk 8 dngclerk Clerk.tda English doka x
DO9 DOKA Officer 9 dngoff Officer.tda English doka x
DOT1 DOKA Teamleader 1 dngsvg1 Release.tda English doka x
DOT2 DOKA Teamleader 2 dngsvg1 Release.tda English doka x
DOT3 DOKA Teamleader 3 dngsvg1 Release.tda English doka x
DODH DOKA Branch Manager Hamburg dngsvg2 Manager.tda English doka x
DODK DOKA Branch Manager Cologne dngsvg2 Manager.tda English doka x
DOMG DOKA Manager EntityGroup dngsvg3 Manager.tda English doka x x
NC1 DOKA-NCB Clerk dngclerk English doka x
NC2 DOKA-NCB Officer dngoff English doka x
DOS DOKA Master User dngall Admin.tda English doka x x x
DOSSP DOKA Master User / Spanish dngall Admin.tda Spanish doka x x x
DOSDE DOKA Master User / German dngall Admin.tda German doka x x x
BATCH BATCH technical Pseudouser none none English doka x x x
DOB DOKA Officer B Signature dngoff Officer.tda English doka x x
DSP1 DOKA Special Level 1 dngsvg3 Manager.tda English doka x x
BOOT Bootstrap User for Server Setup boot English doka x
SAMPLE To start TradeDesign Samples sample English doka x
SAS_DO1 Maker Clerk.tda English DOK@#1SAS x
SAS_DO2 Checker Officer.tda English DOK@#2SAS x
SAS_DO3 Admin Admin.tda English DOK@#3SAS x

User Profiles

The user profiles reflect the scope of the activities and functions a user is permitted to perform. A user therefore will not have access to functions that do not form part of the user's field of activity.

For the purposes of the MyModelbank, the range of functions was split into several groups:


A clerk carries out transactions and has permission to generate reportings.


In addition to the functions accessible to a clerk, the officer also has access to typical verifier functions:


The administrator has access to the typical range of functions of a system administrator:


The master has access to all DOKA-NG functions. This is particularly suitable for testing and/or demonstration purposes: as well as being able to access transactions specific to business sectors, the master can also access all the functions of the administrator.


The default profile contains only the basic functions available to every user.
The default profile is used by the system when a user has not been assigned to any specific profile.

Additionally the profiles “boot” and “sample” exist. “boot” is needed for the bootstrap package are used there. “sample” is used by transaction GENSML.

Application profile

Using the application profile field, it is determined what queue entries (e.g. incoming, open, to be corrected, release, deadline) can be assigned to the user when deploying the manager for interactive queue entries (QUETSK). A list of possible entries is contained in a *.tda file in the ini folder of the application.

5 application profiles have been set up in the MyModelbank with these features:

Starting transaction

Regardless of the range of functions, the application can be launched using a number of different starting transactions.

Office Menu

The following Office menus are available as user profiles in DOKA:

Profile Range of functions Starting transaction Comments
dngclerk Clerk OFFICE
dngoff Officer OFFICE
dngsvg1 Officer OFFTEA Dashboard Team Head
dngsvg2 Officer OFFTEA Dashboard Team Head
dngsvg3 Officer OFFMIS Dashboard Manager Information
dngall Master OFFICE
dngadm Administrator OFFICE
dngdef Default OFFICE