EMBROL - Roles Embargo

Código Texto
A2B 2nd Advising Bank
A2T 2. Adv. Bk. Transfer
ABK Agent Bank
ACB Acc.with Bank (ACB)
ACC Accounting Bank
ACT Search Account for
ACW Acc.with Bank (ACW)
ADA Adv.Bank APL side
ADE Addressee
ADT Adv. Bank Transfer
ADV Advising Bank
AGB Correspondent Bank
AGT Agent
AP2 2nd Applicant
AP3 3rd Applicant
AP4 4th Applicant
AP5 5th Applicant
APB Applicant's Bank
APL Applicant
APY Account Party
AT2 2nd Adv. thr. Bank
ATB 1st Adv. thr. Bank
AVB Available with Bank
AVT Avail. w. Bank Tr.
AWI Account with Inst.
B2B 2nd Benef.'s Bank
BBK Buyer´s Bank
BE1 1st Beneficiary
BE2 2nd Beneficiary
BEB Beneficiary´s Bank
BEF Final Beneficiary
BEI Benef.'s Institution
BEN Beneficiary
BOR Borrower
BSB Buyer´s Subm. Bank
BU1 Buyer 1
BU2 Buyer 2
BU3 Buyer 3
BUY Buyer
CAR Carrier (CAR)
CHR Check Remitter
CLB Claiming Bank
CLI Our Client
CO2 2nd Collecting Bank
COL Collecting Bank
CON Confirming Bank
COR Correspondent
CT2 2nd Accountee
CT3 3rd Accountee
CT4 4th Accountee
CT5 5th Accountee
CTR Accountee
DEG Delivery Group
DRE Drawee (DRE)
DRO Drawee Bank
DRR Drawer
DRW Drawee (DRW)
EXP Exporter
FI2 Advanced 2nd Ben.
FIA Advanced Party
FIP Financed Party
FMC Free Mess. Copy Rec.
FMO Free Mess. Ori. Rec.
FRE Free Entry
GRE Consignee
GUA Guarantor
HOL Account Held by
IIB Init. Inst.
IMP Importer
IN1 Invoice Party 1
IN2 Invoice Party 2
IN3 Invoice Party 3
IN4 Invoice Party 4
IN5 Invoice Party 5
INI Initiating inst.
INT Intermediary bank
INV Invoice Party
ISS Issuing Bank
NEG Negotiation Bank
NOP Notify Party
OA2 Old Adv. 2nd Ben.
OAP Old Account Party
OBU Old Buyer
ODC Ordering Customer
OIN Old Invoice Party
ORC Ordering Customer
ORI Ordering Institution
OTH Further Party
OWN Ourselves
P10 Participant 10
P11 Participant 11
P12 Participant 12
P13 Participant 13
P14 Participant 14
P15 Participant 15
P16 Participant 16
P17 Participant 17
P18 Participant 18
P19 Participant 19
P20 Participant 20
P21 Participant 21
P22 Participant 22
P23 Participant 23
P24 Participant 24
P25 Participant 25
P26 Participant 26
P27 Participant 27
P28 Participant 28
P29 Participant 29
P30 Participant 30
P31 Participant 31
P32 Participant 32
P33 Participant 33
P34 Participant 34
P35 Participant 35
P36 Participant 36
P37 Participant 37
P38 Participant 38
P39 Participant 39
P40 Participant 40
P41 Participant 41
P42 Participant 42
P43 Participant 43
P44 Participant 44
P45 Participant 45
P46 Participant 46
P47 Participant 47
P48 Participant 48
P49 Participant 49
P50 Participant 50
P51 Participant 51
P52 Participant 52
P53 Participant 53
P54 Participant 54
P55 Participant 55
P56 Participant 56
P57 Participant 57
P58 Participant 58
P59 Participant 59
P60 Participant 60
P61 Participant 61
P62 Participant 62
P63 Participant 63
P64 Participant 64
P65 Participant 65
P66 Participant 66
P67 Participant 67
P68 Participant 68
P69 Participant 69
P70 Participant 70
P71 Participant 71
P72 Participant 72
P73 Participant 73
P74 Participant 74
P75 Participant 75
P76 Participant 76
P77 Participant 77
P78 Participant 78
P79 Participant 79
P80 Participant 80
P81 Participant 81
P82 Participant 82
P83 Participant 83
P84 Participant 84
P85 Participant 85
P86 Participant 86
P87 Participant 87
P88 Participant 88
P89 Participant 89
P90 Participant 90
P91 Participant 91
P92 Participant 92
P93 Participant 93
P94 Participant 94
P95 Participant 95
P96 Participant 96
P97 Participant 97
P98 Participant 98
P99 Participant 99
PA1 Participant 1
PA2 Participant 2
PA3 Participant 3
PA4 Participant 4
PA5 Participant 5
PA6 Participant 6
PA7 Participant 7
PA8 Participant 8
PA9 Participant 9
PRB Presenter (PRB)
PRE Presenting Bnk
PRP Presenter (PRP)
PYB Paying Bank
PYE Payee
PYM Repayment Party
PYR Payer
R10 Risk Bearer 10
R11 Risk Bearer 11
R12 Risk Bearer 12
R13 Risk Bearer 13
R14 Risk Bearer 14
R15 Risk Bearer 15
R16 Risk Bearer 16
R17 Risk Bearer 17
R18 Risk Bearer 18
R19 Risk Bearer 19
R20 Risk Bearer 20
R21 Risk Bearer 21
R22 Risk Bearer 22
R23 Risk Bearer 23
R24 Risk Bearer 24
R25 Risk Bearer 25
R26 Risk Bearer 26
R27 Risk Bearer 27
R28 Risk Bearer 28
R29 Risk Bearer 29
R30 Risk Bearer 30
R31 Risk Bearer 31
R32 Risk Bearer 32
R33 Risk Bearer 33
R34 Risk Bearer 34
R35 Risk Bearer 35
R36 Risk Bearer 36
R37 Risk Bearer 37
R38 Risk Bearer 38
R39 Risk Bearer 39
R40 Risk Bearer 40
R41 Risk Bearer 41
R42 Risk Bearer 42
R43 Risk Bearer 43
R44 Risk Bearer 44
R45 Risk Bearer 45
R46 Risk Bearer 46
R47 Risk Bearer 47
R48 Risk Bearer 48
R49 Risk Bearer 49
R50 Risk Bearer 50
R51 Risk Bearer 51
R52 Risk Bearer 52
R53 Risk Bearer 53
R54 Risk Bearer 54
R55 Risk Bearer 55
R56 Risk Bearer 56
R57 Risk Bearer 57
R58 Risk Bearer 58
R59 Risk Bearer 59
R60 Risk Bearer 60
R61 Risk Bearer 61
R62 Risk Bearer 62
R63 Risk Bearer 63
R64 Risk Bearer 64
R65 Risk Bearer 65
R66 Risk Bearer 66
R67 Risk Bearer 67
R68 Risk Bearer 68
R69 Risk Bearer 69
R70 Risk Bearer 70
R71 Risk Bearer 71
R72 Risk Bearer 72
R73 Risk Bearer 73
R74 Risk Bearer 74
R75 Risk Bearer 75
R76 Risk Bearer 76
R77 Risk Bearer 77
R78 Risk Bearer 78
R79 Risk Bearer 79
R80 Risk Bearer 80
R81 Risk Bearer 81
R82 Risk Bearer 82
R83 Risk Bearer 83
R84 Risk Bearer 84
R85 Risk Bearer 85
R86 Risk Bearer 86
R87 Risk Bearer 87
R88 Risk Bearer 88
R89 Risk Bearer 89
R90 Risk Bearer 90
R91 Risk Bearer 91
R92 Risk Bearer 92
R93 Risk Bearer 93
R94 Risk Bearer 94
R95 Risk Bearer 95
R96 Risk Bearer 96
R97 Risk Bearer 97
R98 Risk Bearer 98
R99 Risk Bearer 99
RB1 Remboursement Bank 1
RB2 Remboursement Bank 2
RCV Message Receiver
RFB Refinancing Bank
RMB Reimbursement Bank
RMI Remitting Bank
RMS Beneficiary (Paym.)
RMT Reimb. Bank Transfer
ROG Carrier (ROG)
ROL Payer / Payee
RS1 Risk Bearer 1
RS2 Risk Bearer 2
RS3 Risk Bearer 3
RS4 Risk Bearer 4
RS5 Risk Bearer 5
RS6 Risk Bearer 6
RS7 Risk Bearer 7
RS8 Risk Bearer 8
RS9 Risk Bearer 9
RSM Receiver of 2nd mail
SBK Seller's Bank
SEL Seller
SER Account Serviced by
SHP Ship To
SHR Shipper
SSB Seller's Subm. Bank
STB Sticker Bank
STO Delivery Address
T01 Third Party 1
T02 Third Party 2
T03 Third Party 3
T04 Third Party 4
T05 Third Party 5
T06 Third Party 6
T07 Third Party 7
T08 Third Party 8
T09 Third Party 9
T10 Third Party 10
T11 Third Party 11
T12 Third Party 12
T13 Third Party 13
T14 Third Party 14
T15 Third Party 15
T16 Third Party 16
T17 Third Party 17
T18 Third Party 18
T19 Third Party 19
T20 Third Party 20
TP0 Third Party
TP1 1st Third Party
TP2 2nd Third Party
TP3 3rd Third Party
TP4 4th Third Party
TP5 5th Third Party
TP6 6th Third Party
TP7 7th Third Party
TP8 8th Third Party
TP9 9th Third Party
TRI 3rd Remb Institution
UMH Credit Party
UMS Debit Party