Table of Contents

CONDGB environment - Why and how

Important NOTE !!!!

The import of a CONDBG should only be done in a dedicated CONDBG environment (see creation in this document from point 4.). As the CONDBG holds database entries of parties, accounts, contracts with INRs the import in an existing environment would likely overwrite existing database entries and will cause data corruption, which will influence testing, contract handling etc.

1. What is a CONDBG ?

The so called CONDBGs are exports of entire contracts including all contract data and connected static data (e.g. accounts, parties etc.). They are usually delivered by customers to reproduce erroneous behavior with customer data (DAS – SERs) in our internal environments.

2. How to create a CONDBG ?

A CONDBG includes the data of one contract (incl. sub contracts).

Transaction CONDBG (DOKA5)

Output file = Filename should indicate date, type of contract (e.g. LET).

3. How to import a CONDBG into an existing environment

a. Transaction GENDBI

If the TRX GENDBI is not available, it is also possible to import a CONDBG with TRX

b. Transaction SYSINI

As business data are need to be deleted before importing CONDBG it is only possible to work with one CONDGB after another.

c. Transaction SYSDBA

(This is not the best way to import, as things like display files etc. are missing, but at least the contract data are in the database)

4. How to create a CONDBG environment

Note ! In best case you can use an existing CONDBG of another user. But please check with the user first, if it is ok if you import CONDBGs into his environment, as this could influence his work !

CONDBG environments can be found with the extension ‘_condbg’ on the Q:\ drive e.g. q:\jokcob505s1_inland_condbg; q:\hhdzb505condbg

a. Create folder

Copy an existing CONDG folder, or the folder of an working environment or (if both are not available) the folder of the source environment to q:\ and rename it to your user/customerenv/condbg folder name: Q:\jokcob505s1_inland –> Q:\jokcob505s1_inland_condb

b. Change name/path for executables

Change name and path of the executables (trade2 and tdvcs) e.g. Q:\jokcob505s1_inland_condb\jokcob505s1_inland_trade2 –> Q:\jokcob505s1_inland_condb\jokcob505s1_inland_condbg_trade2

Q:\jokcob505s1_inland_condb\jokcob505s1_inland_ tdvcs –> Q:\jokcob505s1_inland_condb\jokcob505s1_inland_condbg_tdvcs

Change the path of the target to the new *.ini which should have the same name as your new environment (creation of the .ini will be done in a later step !)

c. Configration Files

Environment INI The INI files are situated in the source environment on S:\ Find the environment ini of the environment from which you copied the CONDBG environment from. e.g. S:\d50500s1\update\tdvcs\jokcob505s1_inland.ini

Copy this INI in the same folder to a new file and rename it to your CONDBG environment name.

e.g. S:\d50500s1\update\tdvcs\jokcob505s1_inland_condbg.ini

Open this file and change the yellow marked entries to the path and name of your CONDGB environment. e.g.: WorkDir=Q:\jokcob505s1_inland_condbg\ Package=s:\d50500s1\update\tdvcs\jokcob505s1_inland_condbg.pkg

Environment PKG

The PKG files are situated in the source environment on S:\ Find the environment .pkg of the environment from which you copied the CONDBG environment from. e.g. S:\d50500s1\update\tdvcs\jokcob505s1_inland.pkg

Copy this PKG in the same folder to a new file and rename it to your CONDBG environment name.

e.g. S:\d50500s1\update\tdvcs\jokcob505s1_inland_condbg.pkg

Open this file and change the yellow marked entries to the path and name of your CONDGB environment. e.g.: datadrv=q:\jokcob505s1_inland_condbg\

Tdpara.ini If not already existing (copied) copy this ini file from the source to your CONDBG folder within folder ini.tst (create it manually when not already there) e.g. Q:\jokcob505s1_inland_condbg\ini.tst

Open the tdpara.ini file and change the yellow marked entries to the name of your CONDGB environment. e.g.: Datasource=jokcob505s1_inland_condbg


Launch the TDVCS out of your CONDGB folder Q:\jokcob505s1_inland_condbg\jokcob505s1_inland_condbg_tdvcs

When choosing the configuration file, the following entries should be updated automatically. Apply Changes and close TDVCS

e. Database

If you were able to copy your CONDBG already from another CONDBG environment, very likely there is already an existing database in your folder (…\data). If not, you need to create a new database.

i.New database

(The setup of an ORACLE or SQL-Database is difficult and need the involvement of an system administrator (e.g. IT-Support). If there are no specific requirements it is recommended to create an Microsoft Access DB which should be sufficient)

Launch “ODBC-Datasource Administration” on your PC Click “Add” and choose the “Microsoft Access Driver (.mdb)” Click “Finish”

In the next screen name the data source and description the same as your CONDBG folder. Click “Create” Name the database the same as your CONDBG folder Navigate to your CONDBG folder\data (if data does not exists yet, please create it manually) Click OK

The database is now created in the \data folder of your CONDBG folder.

As the database is fresh and empty basic data need to be imported before you can start working with your CONDBG environment. Open the respective source environment of your CONDBG environment Start TRX SYSDBA Choose <all> Select the \data\dbe folder (if not there create it manually) of your CONDBG environment and add the path. Click ‘Export table’

Now start DOKA in your CONDBG environment. Q:\jokcob505s1_inland_condb\jokcob505s1_inland_condbg_trade2 As the database is empty DOKA starts with several error messages and will open with the Technical Administration Tool


Start “Create Tables” Then “Import Tables” from the \data\dbe folder in your CONDBG environment Depending on the size of the tables this could take a while. You can see the current imported table at the bottom of the SYSDBA screen. It could happen that SYSDBA comes up with “No response”. Be patient !

When the import is done there could be several warnings or error. Check the errors. If there are just single tables which could not be created could be still ok. Just check which tables this are and if they are super important. No choose “Repair INR-Counter”. This step is necessary to set back the INRs. Otherwise the database would start messy. Close DOKA and restart it. It should now work and have all data stored as the environment you took the database content from.

ii. ODBC-Connection to existing database

Launch “ODBC-Datasource Administration” on your PC Click “Add” and choose the “Microsoft Access Driver (.mdb)” Click “Finish”

In the next screen name the data source and description the same as your CONDBG folder. Navigate to the existing *mdb in your CONDBG\data folder. Doubleclick and click ‘OK’

f. Miscellaneous

I would recommend saving a copy of the *.mdb file in your \data folder. When the time comes, that the environment is messed up with a lot of CONDBG imports or just to always start from scratch you just can delete the database and copy / paste the copy from the fresh setup.

If you like to have a database emptied of all TRX data, you can delete those with SYSINI before starting with customer CONDBGs.