
ANTTXT - allNETT Feld Beschreibungen

Code Text
01W06 Partial Shipment Terms
01W07 Transshipment Terms
01WOR Origina of Goods
11W42 Address of Drawee
712 (712) Incoming Guarantee - Post Guarantee Claim
714 (714) Incoming Guarantee - Post Guarantee Claim
748 (748) Import LC - Advice of Sight Documents
749 (749) Import LC - Acknowledgement of Documents
750 (750) Import LC - Advice of Time Documents
753 (753) Advice of Payment
755 (755) LC - Advice of Acceptance
756 (756) Export LC - Acknowledgement of Time Documents
757 (757) LC - Advice of Payment
758 (758) Export LC - Acknowledgement of Sight Documents
761 (761) Outgoing Guarantee - Guarantee Application
762 (762) Outgoing Guarantee - Acknowledgement of Guarantee
763 (763) Outgoing Guarantee - Request for Amendment
764 (764) Outgoing Guarantee - Acknowledgement of Amendment
768 (768) Outgoing Guarantee - Claim Payment
770 (770) Import LC - LC Application
771 (771) Import LC - Acknowledgement of LC
772 (772) Import LC - Request for Amendment
773 (773) Import LC - Acknowledgement of Amendment
774 (774) Export LC - Advice of LC
775 (775) Export LC - Approval of Amenment
776 (776) Export LC - Advice of LC Amendment
777 (777) Export LC - Transfer Amendment
778 (778) Export LC - Acknowledgement of Transfer Amendment
781 (781) Export LC – Transfer Application
782 (782) Export LC - Acknowledgement of Transfer
ATTAD1 Editing References
ATTBC1 Advice of Documents 1st mail
ATTBC2 Amendment
ATTBC3 Advice to Debit Party
ATTBC4 Advice of Debit Party
ATTBC5 Advice to Debit Party
ATTBC6 Att: Payment order
ATTBC7 Advice of Release
ATTBC8 Payment order
ATTBE1 Advice of incomplete set
ATTBE2 Documents Received Acknowledgment
ATTBE3 Documents Refusal Advice
ATTBE4 Documents Return
ATTBE5 Documents Acknowledgment
ATTBE6 Documents Discharge Advice
ATTBE7 Documents Acknowledgment and Settlement
ATTBE8 Documents Acknowledgment
ATTBE9 Documents Settlement (Credit)
ATTBEA Documents Cancellation Advice
ATTBEB Acknowledgment with Maturity Inf.
ATTBEC Advice of Payment
ATTBED Amendment of Maturity
ATTBO1 Acknowledgment
ATTBO2 Acknowledgment of Collection
ATTBO3 Acknowledgment of Amendment
ATTBO4 Advice to Credit Party
ATTBO5 Advice of Payment (Credit Party)
ATTBO6 Acknowledgment of Amendment
ATTBO7 Collection Amendment Advice
ATTBO8 Send Tracer Notification
ATTBR1 Documents Advice
ATTBR2 Instruction Reply
ATTBR3 Documents Advised Payment Notification
ATTBR4 Documents Advised Discrepancies Notification
ATTBR5 Instruction Reply
ATTBR6 Notification
ATTBR7 Documents Advice
ATTBR8 Instruction Reply
ATTBR9 Documents Discrepancy Advice
ATTBRA Documents Advice of Refusal Notification
ATTBRB Documents Payment/Acceptance Advice
ATTBRC Documents Settlement at Maturity
ATTBRD Documents Cancellation Acknowledgment
ATTBRE Miscellaneous Transaction
ATTBT1 Acknowledgement of Documents
ATTBT2 Acknowledgment and Settlement
ATTBT3 Documents Advised Payment Notification
ATTBT4 Documents Advised Discrepancies Notification
ATTBT5 Instruction Reply
ATTBT6 Notification
ATTBT7 Documents Advice
ATTBT8 Instruction Reply
ATTBT9 Documents Discrepancy Advice
ATTCL1 Collection Cancellation Advice
ATTCL2 Acknowledgment of Cancelation
ATTCL3 Advice of Cancellation
ATTFE1 Settlement Letter
ATTFF1 Free Format
ATTFR1 Message Original
ATTFR2 Message Copy
ATTGC1 Guarantee Claim Advice
ATTGC2 Guarantee Claim Acknowledgment
ATTGC3 Guarantee Claim Rejection Forwarding
ATTGC4 Guarantee Claim Rejection Advice
ATTGC5 Guarantee Claim Debit Advice
ATTGC6 Guarantee Claim Payment
ATTGI1 Guarantee Execution Advice
ATTGI2 Guarantee Issue Advice
ATTGI3 Guarantee Amendment Execution Advice
ATTGI4 Guarantee Amendment Advice
ATTGI5 Guarantee Amendment Execution Advice
ATTGI6 Guarantee Amendment Advice
ATTGI7 Guarantee Maturity Advice
ATTGI8 Increase/Decrease Schedule
ATTGI9 Guarantee Cancellation Advice
ATTGIA Guarantee Cancellation Confirmation
ATTGIB Guarantee Cancellation Receipt Acknowledgment
ATTGIC Copy of Guarantee Original
ATTGID Copy of Guarantee Issue
ATTGIE Copy of Guarantee Amendment
ATTGIF Guarantee Original
ATTGIG Copy of Issue Instruction
ATTGIH Copy of Amendment Instruction
ATTLE1 LC Advice
ATTLE2 LC Amendment Advice
ATTLE3 LC Amendment Request
ATTLE4 LC Cancellation Advice
ATTLE5 Pre-Advising an Export LC
ATTLE6 Advice of a Documentary Credit
ATTLE7 Aknowledge Advice of Amendment
ATTLE8 Advice of Amendment
ATTLE9 Advice of LC
ATTLEA Acknowledge of LC Confirmation
ATTLEB Acknowledge of LC Confirmation Cancelation
ATTLEC Acknowledge of LC Silent Confirmation
ATTLED Acknowledge documents received
ATTLEE Acknowledge Receipt of LC
ATTLI1 LC Acknowledgment
ATTLI2 LC Advice
ATTLI3 LC Amendment Acceptance
ATTLI4 LC Amendment Advice
ATTLI5 LC Amendment Rejection
ATTLI6 LC Cancellation Advice
ATTLI7 Advice of Import L/C Cancelation
ATTLT1 Advice of Execution
ATTLT2 Acknowledgment
ATTLT3 Transfer of Documentary Credit
ATTLT4 Copy of Amendment
ATTOR1 Notification of MT700
ATTOR2 Notification of MT705
ATTOR3 Notification of MT707
ATTOR4 Notification of MT710
ATTOR5 Notification of MT720
ATTOR6 Notification of MT799
ATTOR7 Notification of MT701 no. 1
ATTOR8 Notification of MT701 no. 2
ATTOR9 Notification of MT701 no. 3
ATTORA Notification of MT701 no. 4
ATTORB Notification of MT701 no. 5
ATTRJ1 Acknowledgment of Rejection
ATTRJ2 Rejection
ATTRO1 Export LC Document Set Re-Opening: Settlement
ATTTA1 Tracer
ATTTA2 Advice of Fate
ATTTXT attachment.txt
BRTXT1 Maturity Period
BRTXT2 Discrepancies
BRTXT3 Comments and Conclusions
CDACT1 All Charge Types
CDAMD1 Confirm Amount
CDAMT1 According to UCP
CDAMT2 +/- Tolerance
CDAMT3 Not Exceeding
CDAPP1 UCP latest version
CDAPP2 EUCP latest version
CDAPP3 UCP + URR latest version
CDAPP4 EUCP + URR latest version
CDAPP5 ISP latest version
CDAPP6 any other rule
CDBLN2 False
CDBLN4 False
CDCLT1 Clean Collection
CDCLT2 Documents against Accepctance
CDCLT3 Documents Against Sight Payment
CDCLT4 Documents against Deferred Payment
CDCLT5 Documents against Mixed Payment
CDDEL1 Import LC
CDDEL2 Outgoing Guarantee
CDDEL3 Import Collection
CDDEL4 Import Clean Collection
CDDEL5 Export LC
CDDEL6 Incoming Guarantee
CDDEL7 Export Collection
CDDEL8 Export Clean Collection
CDDEL9 Shipping Guarantee
CDDELA Stand-alone Finance
CDDRW1 No Draft
CDDRW2 Advising Bank
CDDRW3 Ourselves
CDDRW4 2nd Advising Bank
CDDRW5 Further Party
CDEVT1 Notification of Incoming Message
CDEVT2 Pre-Advice of Export LC
CDEVT3 Notification of Receiving Sight Documents
CDEVT4 Notification of Receiving Time Documents
CDEVT5 Notification of Advising Sight Documents
CDEVT6 Notification of Advising Time Documents
CDEVT7 Notification of Checking Sight Documents
CDEVT8 Notification of Checking Time Documents
CDEVT9 Notification of Sending Sight Documents
CDEVTA Notification of Sending Time Documents
CDEVTB Notification of Processing Discrepant Sight Documents
CDEVTC Notification of Processing Discrepant Time Documents
CDEVTD Notification of Cancelling Sight Documents
CDEVTE Notification of Cancelling Time Documents
CDEVTF Notification of Common Message for Sight Documents
CDEVTG Notification of Common Message for Time Documents
CDGAR1 Advance Payment Guarantee
CDGAR2 Bid Bond
CDGAR3 Credit Card Guarantee
CDGAR4 Credit Facilities Guarantee
CDGAR5 Documentary Credit
CDGAR6 Performance Bond
CDGAR7 Warranty Bond
CDGAR8 Payment Guarantee (Financial/Other)
CDGAR9 Payment Guarantee (Goods/Services)
CDINC1 No Incoterm
CDINC2 Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF)
CDINC3 Cost and Freight (CFR)
CDINC4 Free On Board (FOB)
CDINC5 Free Carrier (FCA)
CDINC6 Free Along Ship (FAS)
CDINC7 Carriage Paid To (CPT)
CDINC8 Carriage and Insurance Paid to (CIP)
CDINC9 Delivery At Frontier (DAF)
CDINCA Delivered Duty Paid (DDP)
CDINCB Delivered Duty Unpaid (DDU)
CDINCC Delivered Ex Ship (DES)
CDINCD Delivered Ex Quay (DEQ)
CDPAT1 Time, Clean
CDPAT2 Time, Discrepant
CDPAT3 Deferred, Clean
CDPAT4 Deferred, Discrepant
CDPAT5 Mixed, Clean
CDPAT6 Mixed, Discrepant
CDPAT7 Negotiable, Clean
CDPAT8 Negotiable, Discrepant
CDPAT9 Sight, Clean
CDPATA Sight, Discrepant
CDPATB Guarantee Claim
CDPRI1 Regular
CDPRI2 Urgent
CDSTP1 Create Contract
CDSTP2 Amend Contract
CDSTP3 Payment
CDSTP4 Negotiate/Accept Time Documents
CDSTP5 Settle Sight Documents
CDSTP6 Accept Time Documents
CDSTP7 Settle Time Documents
CDSTP8 Miscellaneous Task
CDSTP9 Close Contract
CDSTPA Create Transfer LC
CDSTPB Amend Transfer LC
CDSTPC Email Deal Message
CDSTPD Contract Event
CDSTT1 Waiting
CDSTT2 General Error
CDSTT3 Released
CDSTT4 Rejected
CDSTT5 In Process
CDSTT6 Deal Message Received
CDSTT7 Received
CDSTT8 Email Closed
CST (CST) Customer Profile
DOC01 Airway Bills 1st mail
DOC02 Airway Bills 2nd mail
DOC03 Bill of Lading Copies 1st mail
DOC04 Bill of Lading Copies 2nd mail
DOC05 Bill of Lading Originals 1st mail
DOC06 Bill of Lading Originals 2nd mail
DOC07 Certificate of Analysis 1st mail
DOC08 Certificate of Analysis 2nd mail
DOC09 Commercial Invoice 1st mail
DOC10 Commercial Invoice 2nd mail
DOC11 Certificate of Inspection 1st mail
DOC12 Certificate of Inspection 2nd mail
DOC13 Certificate of Origin 1st mail
DOC14 Certificate of Origin 2nd mail
DOC15 Certificate of Quality 1st mail
DOC16 Certificate of Quality 2nd mail
DOC17 Draft 1st mail
DOC18 Draft 2nd mail
DOC19 Packing List 1st mail
DOC20 Packing List 2nd mail
DOC21 Weight List 1st mail
DOC22 Weight List 2nd mail
E-M (E-M) Email Deal Message
MTB (MTB) Setup Tables
N11 (N11) Incoming Guarantee - Advice of Guarantee
N12 (N12) Incoming Guarantee - Advice of Amendment
N13 (N13) Incoming Guarantee - Advice of Amendment
N14 (N14) Incoming Guarantee - Advice of Claim Payment
N15 (N15) Shipping Guarantee - Advice of Guarantee
N16 (N16) Shipping Guarantee - Acknowledgement of Guarantee
N21 (N21) Import Collection - Advice of Collection
N22 (N22) Import Collection - Advice of Amendment
N24 (N24) Import Collection - Advice of Payment
N26 (N26) Import Collection - Advice of Acceptance
N31 (N31) Export Collection - Advice of Collection
N32 (N32) Export Collection - Acknowledgement of Collection
N33 (N33) Export Collection - Advice of Amendment
N34 (N34) Export Collection - Acknowledgement of Amendment
N35 (N35) Export Collection - Advice of Payment
N36 (N36) Export Collection - Advice of Acceptance
N37 (N37) Export Collection - Advice of Payment
N42 (N42) Stand-alone Finance - Advice of Loan
N44 (N44) Stand-alone Finance - Advice of Amendment
N46 (N46) Stand-alone Finance - Advice of Payment
N51 (N51) Standby LC - Outgoing Standby LC
N52 (N52) Standby LC - Acknowledgement of Standby LC
N53 (N53) Standby LC - Outgoing Standby LC Amendment
N54 (N54) Standby LC - Acknowledgement of Amendment
N55 (N55) Standby LC - Advice of Payment
N56 (N56) Standby LC - Contract Closure
N61 (N61) Export LC - LC Registration
N62 (N62) Export LC - Advice of Sight Documents
N63 (N63) Export LC - Advice of Time Documents
N71 (N71) Import LC - Notification of Sight Documents
N72 (N72) Import LC - Notification of Time Documents
N73 (N73) Export LC - Notification of Sight Documents
N74 (N74) Export LC - Notification of Time Documents
N75 (N75) Standby LC - Notification of Payment
N76 (N76) Outgoing Clean Payment
N77 (N77) Outgoing Clean Payment
N78 (N78) Incoming Clean Payment
N94 (N94) Notification of incoming message
N95 (N95) Miscellaneous
N96 (N96) Payment
N97 (N97) Deal Message
N98 (N98) Contract Closure
N99 (N99) Miscellaneous Transaction
STT (STT) Transaction Status
SYS02 Additional Comments
SYS03 Customer to Bank Instructions
SYS04 Description of Goods
SYS07 Discrepancies
TG29A Customer Contact Details
TRMBC1 Charges Condition
TRMBO1 Charges Condition
TRMGI1 Handling Type
TRMLE1 Confirm Instructions
TRMLE2 Partial Shipment
TRMLE3 Transshipment
TRMLE4 Charges Condition
TRMLE5 Transferable
TRMLI1 Confirm Instructions
TRMLI2 Partial Shipment
TRMLI3 Transshipment
TRMLI4 Charges Condition
TRMLI5 Direct Standby L/C
TRMLI6 Transferrable L/C
TRMLI7 Irrevocable L/C
TRMLI8 Confirmation Charges
TRMLI9 Corr Charges Covered
TRMLIB IncoTerms Version
TRMLIC Freight
TXTBO1 Tenor Details
TXTGI1 Guarantee Text
TXTL11 Amended Additional Conditions
TXTL12 Amended Documents Required
TXTL13 Amended Goods Description
TXTL14 Amended Presentation Period
TXTL15 Amended Additonal Amounts Covered
TXTLE1 Goods Description
TXTLE2 Documents Required
TXTLE3 Additional Conditions
TXTLE4 Shipment Period
TXTLE5 Presentation Period
TXTLE6 Mixed Payment Details
TXTLE7 Available With
TXTLE8 Deferred Payment Details
TXTLE9 Additional Amount Covered
TXTLEB Additional Charges
TXTLEC Amendment Narrative
TXTLI1 Goods Description
TXTLI2 Documents Required
TXTLI3 Additional Conditions
TXTLI4 Shipment Period
TXTLI5 Presentation Period
TXTLI6 Mixed Payment Details
TXTLI7 Available With
TXTLI8 Deferred Payment Details
TXTLI9 Additional Amount Covered
TXTLIB Amendment Narrative
de/app/090zzz/020ct/0025ct_anttxt.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/07 16:55 (external edit)