
XML Details

XML Element

XML elements are used to format the letters. They are called in the document rules via the command “print using <Name of the XML Element>”.

Rule Editor

The “Rule Editor” (in the example with the XML element “new” to be created and the already existing XML element “old”) opens up automatically by double-clicking a rule (here: “document” rule “RMTISSL1”) in the “Module Explorer”.

Creating XML Elements

Creating a new XML element: At first the “Rule-Editor” has to be opened. Then the cursor has to be placed in the respective document rule on a newly created XML variable (see “new” - black characters). After this start the XML Wizard must be started (5th button from the left - stylized magic wand). Now content is filled into the empty XML element in the “XML Template Editor” and must be saved (by closing the “XML Template Editor”). The XML element will now be displayed in the “Rule-Editor” in light blue color (see “old”).

Modifying XML Elements

XML elements can also be edited: In the “Rule-Editor” the cursor is placed in the respective document rule on a XML variable to be changed. After this the “XML Template Editor” (4th button from the left - stylized pencil) is started. Now the XML element can be edited and saved (by closing the “XML Template Editor”).

Translating XML Elements

If the text shall be available in another language, the new language has to be selected and insert and the text has to be inserted (background is white). If there was not selected any text for another language than English (the language has never been changed before) the background of the language is light yellow. From this it follows, that if this language is chosen to display a message, the English text will be displayed and not the empty one.If an XML element is copied, the already done translations are preserved.


The following settings can be changed in the “XML Template Editor”: Font, font size (Standard: “default”), alignment, line spacing (only for the whole XML element). The options “bold”, “italic” and “underlined” (also for single words) can be used/changed as well.Further settings can be changed via the context menu. Example: With the option “Split Cell”  XML elements can be subdivided. By this means, also table forms can easily be created. In this case it would be reasonable to use always the same XML element for a table (the alignment would be always the same). The required entries can be passed as arguments.

Inserting Arguments

If an argument is to be inserted into an XML element, it has to be separated with a comma behind the “print using <XML-Variable>” command first, where it is specified as well (e.g 'print using old, RMDGRP\REC\EXPPLC', see preceding picture of the “Rule-Editor”). Subsequently, the “XML Template Editor” has to be opened. The cursor has to be moved to the XML element to be edited and the Window “Arguments” (8th button from the left - curly brackets) has to be opened.

All arguments are listed here, which were specified behind each “print using <XML-Variable>” command. One of these arguments can be selected with the mouse and can be inserted it via Drag-and-Drop in the active XML element at any place.

dev/010how/020doc/010docs/0030gnmsgxml.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/05 10:10 (external edit)