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Functions for disposition and account defaulting / How to add/remove disposition codes

The following functions are controlling the disposition and account defaulting:

Rule Description
TRNISM.DefSetDsp Returns the disposition codes available according to the account currency and amount booked (negative amount is a credit). Clearing or payment dispocodes are sometimes available for credits or special currencies or up to an amount only. The sequence is used as sequence in the combobox and the first entry (after checking in defdsp) is used as default for the disposition code.
SETGLL.defdsp Creates the list of disposition codes using the list of DefSetDsp and checking if accounts are available. Most disposition codes are only allowed if accounts are available.
TRNSIM.ACTgetsql Returns the Sql-statement to read the relevant accounts from the database. At the beginning some sql parts (like selection the relevant party and currency) followed by a 'select case DSP' mainly with the mapping of the disposition code to account types and using the sql parts created at the beginning. If an unsupported dispositon code is used, a dump is created.
TRNISM.GetLiaActtyp Gets account type for liability account depending on contract properties and liability type. Called from ACTgetsql for DSP 'LIAACT', the special code for liability accounts. The MyModelbank version is just an example for different account types for guarantees. Usually the function has to be extended according to the needs of the installation. Ask the client for a mapping of liability type/contract properties to account types. If useful a similar rule GetLiaCatTyp to get the account type of the internal account may be created.
TRNSIM.ACTgetComBlk This function is called if the access with the sql-statement created by ACTgetsql does not return any accounts and may be used for accounts not stored in the database. For internal accounts this might be useful. Like TRNSIM.ACTgetsql the main switch is a 'Select case DSP'. For demonstration purpose a $Production register is implemented. If FALSE (like in MyModelbank) aritifical account numbers are created allowing completing transactions although the accounts are not setup yet. At the beginning of a project this may help as well. But before the system gets productive, $Production has usually to be set to true, as in that stage all accounts need to be properly defined in database.
TRNMOD.ACTGETBLK Gets the accounts stored in database for an Sql-statement created by ActGetSql with cached access. Standard add ons ( like ETY-Access and checking of ACT.DIRFLG and ACT.DELFLG) are implemeted here. Thus there is no need to add those parts in ActGetSql.
dev/010how/040cbs/0065setdsp.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/05 10:10 (external edit)