
Fees in letters and messages

The details of fees are listed in rule “PrintDetailledSettlement” section “# print our charges (ABB05)”.

If fees are grouped to fee groups the group fees are shown compressed under the description of the group. Otherwise the long fee text is shown. If more details are to be shown, this may be implemented in “PrintFeeDetails”. In MyModelbank such additional details are shown for CBS-Based calculations.

“PrintDetailledSettlement” is called from “SETMOD.PrintSettlement” which is usually called in one message to each recipient in the document rules.

The payment messages are registered in “RegisterDocument” in module SETGLL depending on the disposition code. For installations using own payments systems (with own dispocode) additional messages may be created here instead or in addition to the standard ones.

dev/010how/040cbs/0110feelet.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/05 10:10 (external edit)