
GLEMOD - from liability and settlement to GL (Bookings Panel)

The GLE-entries are created in sub “FillGLEStream” which is called after recalculation of the settlement (“AssertSetmod”), of the liability (“assertLIAALL”), when showing the bookings panel (“event GLEPAN”) and on final save of the transaction (“event \MTABUT\SAV global order 1200”).

After cleanup “FillGLEStream” calls “\SETMOD\GLEMOD.GleSavSetmod” (calculate settlement bookings) followed by “\LIAALL.CreateGLEFromLIA” (GL-Bookings for liability panel) and “\CBSCHG.CreateGLEFromCbschg” (GL-Boogings in xxTCHG-transactions) via 'Post' as these modules are not available in all transactions with settlement.

“GleSavSetmod” calculates the entries from settlement. In MyModelbank this rule has the following parts:

  • Profit account bookings from 2nd settlement grid
  • Settlement bookings from the 3rd grid
  • consolidated entries (if any)
  • create exchange rate gain entry if the system currency balance is not zero and an exhange gain account is defined

“GLEStoreEntryCnv” creates currency conversion entries in case of conversions and if conversion accounts are defined in Maintaining Currencies

“GleSavSetmod” may look very different when customized to support atomic bookings or different account target systems. A general rule persists, that entries from the second (fee profit bookings) and third (party account bookings) grid are created.

“CreateGLEFromLIA” just calls glesavlia for each gl-relevant entry in LIAALLG, which calls “\SETMOD\GLEMOD.liaglesav”. This function usually passes two entries (with the client account and the internal counteraccount). In some installations the client booking is passed only.

dev/010how/040cbs/0120glemod.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/05 10:10 (external edit)