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Sample for Setting Up Remote Client Printing

A number of independent points need to be set up when deploying remote client printing. These though may partially depend on one another and it is therefore important to follow a certain sequence.

1. Generating print files

  1. Setting up printer queues for the pseudo printer
  2. Managing print-outs for remote printing

2. Printing out generated print files

  1. Activate settings for the user indicating that he can print on local printer
  2. Set printer configuration for local printing
  3. Set the filter for 'Print also for other users'
  4. Print entries waiting in the print queue

The first three settings are configuration/profile settings and should be made by a system administrator.

The last two settings can be carried out by users themselves.

The following transactions (maybe more) should be made accessible in menus.

Transaction Significance
DBMSPQ For user able to print locally, DBMSPQ is a management tool used to display the print queue for local printing and to re-print any problematic print-outs.
DBXSPQ For an administrator, DBXSPQ basically offers the same functionality as DBMSPQ, but can display all queues for multiple users. Thus it allows the administrator to manage external queues.
SPQTSK This is a print task that can be started locally and prints continuously.
DBMUSF Sets/edits a personal filter.

In addition, the two new Watchdog entries should be configured to correspond to the user's organization. These entries supervise erroneous 'local printouts' as well as 'local printouts' that have not been printed some time.

In user maintenance, users who are permitted to print locally should be identified accordingly.

For jobs that are to work over local printing, a user needs to be entered identified as the 'owner' of the job, who can then also be used as the creator of the printout.

If this is not required, the automatic printing function is to be deactivated from the OFFICE menu manager. To do this, the SRVSPQ instance needs to be removed in OFFMOD. Equally, waiting times can be used in other selection transactions, such as QUESEL, SPTSEL or DIASEL, to automatically printout waiting jobs. For this, there just has to be one instance of SRVSPQ in the transaction.

Creating print files

Setting up printer queues for the pseudo printer


The print queue set up here in DBIPRC is not a real print queue. Instead, it is just a pseudo-printer that ensures that printouts are created as TMF files and are stored in the maintenance queues. These print files can by printed out locally by the client.

The printer queue set up here can be selected everywhere where printouts can be mapped to server-side printers. Thus, generated printouts can actually be printed via local printing by a client.

Managing print-outs for remote printing


The example here of printer configuration in the Task Manager shows the mapping of the printer to the pseudo printer.

Printing out generated print files

Activate settings for the user indicating that he can print on local printer


Every user entitled to created local printouts on his client from the remote client print queue must have this entered in the 'Local Printing' field in his profile. For this there are two options: either only printouts created by the user himself can be printed locally, or printouts for selectable groups can be printed out on a local printer determined by the client.

N.B.: If a user is logged in before this function is activated, the function will still not be available. The local printing function will only take effect function once the user has logged in again.

Set printer configuration for local printing


If the user's profile permits local printing, the user can then set the printer configuration himself. This can be done directly in SPQTSK, for example, or in the end-user management transaction DBMSPQ.

Set the filter for 'Print also for other users'


If the option 'Printout also for other users' is activated in Local Printing, the filter for local printing can be set in the DBMUSF filter management tool, as well as the default filter. The current printer configuration is to apply to all users directly or indirectly included in the filter.


The SRVSPQ printer service for local printing is integrated in OFFMOD. As such, the central menu manager OFFICE regularly check whether there are any pending printouts that could be printed out by the current user. If any such pending entries are found, they will be automatically printed out. The printer used is taken from the printer configuration for the current user. If this local print function is not wanted, the SPQTSK print manager for local printouts can be started. This runs in the foreground and prints out pending entries. The configuration used is that for the user currently logged in.

dev/010how/060bat/0050cliprtmus.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/05 10:10 (external edit)