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Create Environment for Production

Along with the initial delivery of the application, the bank will receive a so-called MyModelbank.

It is a set of static data, configuration and transaction data that is internally consistent and can be used to test the application.

During the implementation of the software, this data is generally used to test product customizations that were carried out to meet the customer's requirements. Additional static data is created, contracts are created and processed, and a diverse range of configurations are carried out.

There will come a time when this test system cannot continue to be used in this manner, because the data is merely 'test' data. The information about the participants, the banks, the accounts of the participants and the income accounts in the definitions for the charges do not correspond, or only correspond in part, to actual bank data and the contracts do not contain the actual business of the bank.

To build a system that is suitable for use in production, you can proceed as follows.

  • In a first step, a suitable technical environment must be established.
  • The database can initially be created simply by making a copy of the test database.
  • Then save and move the directory data\log.
  • In DOKA, all transaction data is deleted using the transaction SYSINI.
    The group <dyn> can be used for this purpose.
  • Next, copy the directory data\log back, if required.
  • Which static data needs to be deleted will depend on the data inventory of the test environment.
    This can also be done using SYSINI. It makes sense to delete single tables containing data that does not correspond to the required status.
  • Users no longer required can be deleted using DBIUSR. In doing so, make sure you do not delete 'Boot' and 'Batch'.
  • In the file tdrights.ini, check which profiles will be required. For the ones no longer required, delete the *.tdp and und *.ini files. Please keep the 'Default' profile.
  • Once all the data that is no longer required has been deleted, the counters are reset via SYSDBA using [Repair INR Cou.].

Establishing the Entity structure

The Demobase contains several Entities and Entity groups, plus the corresponding Entity addresses.

To reproduce the structure of the bank, proceed as follows:

  • Create the required Entity groups.
  • Create the required Entities for each Entity group. In doing so, define the current user plus one additional user, both of whom are to have authorization to access to the new Entity.
  • Create the Entity addresses for the Entities. To do so, the user must switch to the corresponding ETY.
  • Create own parties using DBIPTY, using the correct ETG in each case.
  • Change ETY: enter own party.
  • If the data is to be copied from existing Entities or Entity groups to the new units, then the fields ETYEXTKEY and ETGEXTKEY in the relevant tables can be changed to the keys of the new units using SQL.
  • Alternatively, the data in ETY/ETGs that is no longer required is deleted using SYSDBA.
  • If data has been deleted, then the counters must be updated via SYSDBA, using [Repair INR Cou.].
  • Next, a test is required, to see if the new entities are working correctly.
  • The Entities in the Demobase can then be deleted:
    • first, delete the users of these entities using DBIUSR
    • next, delete the Entity addresses using DBIETA
    • then the Entities, using DBIETY
    • and finally, delete the Entity groups using DBIETG.
dev/010how/090wrk/0050inicus.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/05 10:10 (external edit)