Writing /giga/dw/dng/dokuwiki/data/meta/dev/010how/120websrv/0150webservinst.meta failed

Installation Information

This document describes the DOKA-NG Web Services Installation process.

DOKA-NG Web Services Installation


  • Verify DOKA-NG DB is upgraded and contains SMC table
  • SMCTSK manager should be active to ensure the Web Service API requests processing

DOKA-NG Web Services Config Files

Please locate under config directory the following configuration and license files:

  • application.properties – please update with required configuration, based on installation topology setup:
    • server.port = <PORT#>
      • Contains Service API Port configuration
    • DB Connectivity configuration:
      • spring.datasource.url
      • spring.datasource.username
      • spring.datasource.password – should be encrypted with jasypt
      • lic.file.Path – license file location
  • dngapi-lic.properties
    • License file to be generated by Surecomp. In case no file is provided, only administration info services are available.

DOKA-NG Web Services Installation

Please find below a step by step DNGAPI installation process

  1. Stop the DNGAPI Service
    service DNGAPI stop
  2. Backup /opt/giga/ DNGAPI/DNGAPI.jar
  3. Update the properties files as follows
    1. Update all the config fields described in the previous section
    2. For DB password encryption use:
      java -cp jasypt-1.9.2.jar org.jasypt.intf.cli.JasyptPBEStringEncryptionCLI input=<DB password>  password=<SurecompPassword> algorithm=PBEWithMD5AndDES
    3. update the application.properties file as follows
      spring.datasource.password=ENC(<jasypt output>) 
  4. Copy DNGAPI.jar to /opt/giga /DNGAPI directory
  5. Start the DNGAPI service and verify the connection is fully functional:
    service DNGAPI start
  6. Verify Logs and check the swagger UI:
    http://<server ip>:<server port>


  1. WebSphere Log: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/logs/server1/SystemOut.log
  2. allNETT Log: /opt/allnett_home/PLHSBD1/logs/AllNETT.log
    1. allNETT Log Configuration:
                      <Root level="TRACE"> 
                              <AppenderRef ref="logFileTemplate" level="INFO" />
                              <AppenderRef ref="errFileTemplate" level="ERROR" />
                              <AppenderRef ref="Console" level="INFO" />
                              <AppenderRef ref="purgeFileTemplate" level="WARN" />
  3. Report Center Log:
    1. /opt/allnett_home/PLHSBD1/rc_logs
dev/010how/120websrv/0150webservinst.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/05 10:10 (external edit)