
Generating Documentation (Wiki format)

Transaction GENWIK

This transaction is used to generate DokuWiki documentation from TradeDesign sources. A distinction is made between user documentation and developer documentation.

This transaction works similarly to the transaction GENDOC, which generates documentation in .html format.

Starting with release 5.06, the developer documentation will be generated in Wiki format, starting from release 5.06 SP2 also the user documentation.

The following types of documentation can be generated using GENWIK:

Documents for

  • Codetables
  • Database tables
  • Transactions
  • Mappings of incoming messages
  • Party models

Furthermore GENWIK is able to generate a tabulation (the index) of all these documents.

In order to gain access to the general documentation and the documentation of the transactions from the context menu of the application, the redirect file will be updated. This file will contain references to <Language>:<Transactionabbr> belonging to the namespace of the according page and will be used by the Wiki, in order to display the respective page after a call is made by the application.

General Information

As well as using the sources of the transactions and database tables, this transaction also uses content from various database tables.
The section Sources of texts in generated documentation below describes which parts of the documentation are generated from which source.

It is therefore important that the database used as a source contains the up-to-date version of the information required:

  • the ATP and ETP entries for the transactions to be generated
  • the codetables
  • the mappings for the incoming messages
  • the help texts for the database fields and the roles
  • if applicable, the documentation help texts for the transactions to be generated

In addition, the source files for the database tables and transactions are used in accordance with the given environment.

Manually written texts can be added to generated documents (= pages in the wiki). To ensure that these texts are retained when a document is re-generated, the generated passages are marked with a comment that will not be displayed .
Anything bracketed by a /* id="TD_Start_ ...."*/ entry and a /* id="TD_End_ ...."*/ entry was generated by GENWIK. Manually added texts are only retained if they are written between a /* id="TD_End_ ...."*/ and a /* id="TD_Start_ ...."*/ entry.

If changes to a document result when it is re-generated, GENWIK will overwrite the existing version. The Log records the processing options set and and the processes carried out. Warnings and error messages are highlighted so that the Log can be used as a check list for further processing.

Since in a DokuWiki, it is the directory structure and the technical names of the pages that determine the structure of the table of contents, GENWIK must determine by itself in which name space (=subdirectory) within the Wiki base path the relevant pages is stored.

The base where the generated documentation is written consists of
the document path shown in the panel, e.g. X:\Dok5\Dokuwiki
supplemented by the fixed indication \data\pages
the abbreviation for the language shown in the panel, e.g. \de for German
the abbreviation for the type of documentation, \app for user documentation, \dev for developer documentation.

Pages that are generated for the first time are saved in the name space \unordered.

To enable GENWIK to find and identify the pages, a fixed structure was defined for file names (= page names ) .

All file names start with a 4-digit number. This number is allocated manually and is used to sorting within the name space.

The remainder of the file name depends on the type of document:

  • for transactions it is the transaction code
  • for database tables, it is the abbreviation of the name of the table
  • for codetables, the value “ct_”, supplemented by the code of the codetable.
  • for party models, the value “bro” and abbreviation of the business sector.
  • for mappings, the value “swm”, supplemented by the abbreviation for the channel and the message type

Manually created pages that do not contain generated text require character strings that do not occur in any generated pages.

If a table, transaction or codetable is deleted, the corresponding wiki pages must be deleted manually. Any existing references to the page must also be deleted manually. New pages must be renamed, moved and included in the relevant overview lists manually.


The current environment and the system variables are displayed in the upper part of the 'Generation' panel.

The output language can be selected from the 'Language' field.
The documentation type is defined under 'Type of Documentation'. The available options are:

  • 'Application' for the user documentation
  • 'Developer' for the developer documentation

The base path for documentation generation is displayed in the field 'Path of Documents'.

The level of detail written to the Log during the generation of the documentation is defined in 'Log Details'. The default value is 'Errors', i.e., only errors are written to the log file.

In the lower part of the panel, several checkboxes and comboboxes are available to determine which parts of the documentation are to be generated.

The documentation is generated by clicking the [Generate] button. Click the [View Log] button to view the log for this transaction.


A document is generated for each codetable stored in the database.
The filename consists of a 4-digit number, the constant 'ct_' and the code for the codetable.

Database Tables

A document is generated for each database table.
The list of database tables is taken from sector [ALL-TBL] in file sysdba.ini .
The filename consists of a 4-digit number and the abbreviation for the table.


If this checkbox is checked, additional entries will be required.

It allows the user to define for which transactions the documentation is to be generated:

  • All Transactions - all transactions stored in the frame directory of the current environment, or in its sub-environments
  • List of Transactions - all transactions listed in the panel accessed by clicking the [Handle List] button
  • Single Transaction - the transaction indicated in the field that appears alongside
  • All TRNs in Workenv. - the transactions for which frame files exist in the work environment

On top of this, a selection can be made of what exactly is to be generated for the selected transactions:

  • Display Files - a display file contains copies of the panels of the transaction, as they are described according to the definitions in the source. The files are created in the display/<Language> directory of the current environment, with the filename consisting of the transaction abbreviation and the file extension .dsp.
  • PNG Files - the PNG files are screenshots of the transaction panels, as generated from the proprietary display files. If manually generated display files are stored in the current/production environment (in the display\mandsp\<language> directory), these will be used, otherwise the files generated from the display\<language> directory are used. The generated PNG files are saved in the DokuWiki in the path \media\images\<language>. The filename consists of the transaction code, a 2-digit sequential number and the extension .png. The PNG files are later embedded as images in the documentation for the transaction.
    Delete unused PNGs - When this checkbox is checked, the PNG files, which are not included in the documentation, as the link directly points to the page which the respective common documentation, are deleted from the above-mentioned path.
  • Documents - the documentation for the transaction
  • Use English Maps / PNGs for GENxxx Transactions - This option is only enabled if a language other than 'English' is selected under 'Language'. As GENxxx transactions are only available in English, it is possible to define here whether the English screenshots should nevertheless be generated for documentation in another language.

One document is generated for each transaction selected.
The filename consists of a 4-digit number and the transaction code.

While generating, for each panel a table is created with the fields of the panel and their description. For fields of a data base table the description consist of a link to the correspondent page with the table definition. For panel fields the appropriate helptext is taken. Panel fields without helptext are not listed, instead of that with “Log Details” 'All' and 'Info' a hint is given in the log, that the helptext is missing.

General Panels

Many panels, such as the 'Settlement' panel or the panel for a Liability, are used in many transactions independent of the business sector. To avoid duplication/multiplication of the required documentation, when the list of the transaction panels is populated, GENWIK checks whether a file called '<nnnnmodulename>.txt' already exists for the module to which the panel belongs. If this is the case, a link from the entry in the list of panels is established to this module (plus the name of the panel), and the image of the panel, including the list of fields, is not included in the transaction documentation.

Known Issues

when generating panels and lists of fields:

  • When generating display files, the static visible/invisible status of fields and panels is used in generating the documentation. Thus, the panel shown in the documentation may appear different from the way the panel appears at the start of the transaction.
  • With grids, field information is not stored, and it is therefore not possible to allocate help texts.
  • Fields used on multiple occasions will not be listed in the list of fields.
  • XML templates cannot be recognized and are not visible.
  • The field list uses the internal field descriptions, rather than the field labels appearing on the panels.

Sometimes it is appropriate to use display files that are created manually for specific panels; this would be the case with panels where several labels overlap, panels where panel names are allocated dynamically, or panels containing important grids that are not filled in in the generated display files. This process is described under 'Manually created hardcopies in the documentation'. If there are such manually created display files, these are automatically taken into account when creating the PNG files.


This option is only availbale for creating developer documentation.

If this checkbox is checked, additional entries will be required.

It allows the user to define for which transactions the documentation is to be generated:

  • All modules - all modules stored in the frame directory of the current environment, or in its sub-environments
  • List of modules - all modules listed in the panel accessed by clicking the [Handle List] button
  • Single modules - the modules indicated in the field that appears alongside
  • All modules in Workenv. - the modules for which frame files exist in the work environment

Party Model

For each business sector, a document is generated that identifies the defined roles in that sector.
The filename consists of a 4-digit number, the constant 'bro' and the abbreviation of the business sector.

Incoming Messages

An umbrella document is generated for each business sector that lists transaction mappings for the sector. The filename consists of the 4-digit number, the constant 'swm' and the 2-digit abbreviation for the business sector.

A document is generated for each incoming message containing at least one defined mapping. This document identifies the target transactions and the individual field mapping.

The filename consists of a 4-digit number, the constant 'swm', the abbreviation for the channel and the message type. The digit number used for sorting consists of
1 digit for the channel with

  • 0 - DTA-Import
  • 1 - Bolero
  • 2 - DTA Export
  • 4 - DTA Guarantees
  • 7 - SWIFT
  • 8 - TCO
  • 9 - Smart Forms

and 3 digits message type, where the letter G in DTG is replaced by the 4, a T in TCO by the 8.

Sources of texts in generated documentation

Information about the sources is provided in the section of the same name at the transaction GENDOC.

Panel 'Indexes'

On this panel the indices (i.e. tabulations) for the various document types can be generated. These general maps are located in the 'Start' pages whose path has to be given here. The defaults will be taken from the file genwik.ini.

Still, the redirect-file for access to the documentation from within the application has to be named with its full pathname. Using button [Gen. Red. Fil.] the redirect-file can be updated.

Transaction Panels



Datafield Description
Display log Displays the processing log for the transaction.


Show Document


dev/020tol/0075genwik.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/05 10:10 (external edit)