
XLIFF export and import tool

Transaction GENXLF

GENXLF is a transaction to support external translation via export and import of translatable parts based on XLIFF 2.0 files. When exporting texts, there are two main functions

  • exporting translated texts to build a translation memory
  • export of texts for external translation

The whole concept is based on the timestamp and modifying user for each translatable element.

In this context it is important to keep in mind that outdated translations, meaning a translation where the source element is changed later than the target, needs to be checked and probably re-translated.

For details about translations see High level translation concept

Transaction Panels



Datafield Description
Display log Displays the processing log for the transaction.



On the settings panel the settings used can be defined and via the edit function the settings might be adjusted.

The settings are separated in settings per target language and general settings valid for all target languages.

Begin Date of Reliable User Validity

This date is used to set the start date for the xliff translation process. Any translations before that cut of date are assumed to be reliable and correct. Even outdated translations are assumed to be correct as long as the source holds a date before the cut of date.

Reliable Users of Target Language

This list of users defines the users where translations are assumed to be reliable and correct. Those translations are used to be exported to feed the translation memory of the external translation system.

Those reliable translations are excluded from the export for translation.


dev/020tol/0100genxlf.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/05 10:10 (external edit)