
Profile Analyzer

Transaction GENPRF

This transaction is used to create profile traces. By using profile traces it is, for example, possible to determine, which procedures are causing high process loads in the system.
Note: The output of profiling data slows down the system with varying intensity.

Sample Usage:

  • Displaying rules and the frequency of their execution
  • Searching load-intensive rules
  • Differentiating total and net time
  • Identifying data and configuration dependencies

Information about Trace

Detailed information about Trace can be found in the TradeDesign documentation (under 'Command Line Arguments'). TradeDesign provides various Trace levels. In DOKA-NG the TraceOutput can be enabled via the context menu in the Designer Mode. One of these levels is the Profile Trace (“-dp”).

This transaction enables the user to analyze a Trace file created via TradeDesign by using the function “SetContext(DEBUGLEVEL_PROF,TRUE)” or the command line option “-dp”.

After loading a file, all function calls with associated enter and exit times of each function are analyzed and the following values are determined:

  • Count - Number of calls of the function
  • Total Time - How much time was spent in total in the function (sum of the difference between enter and exit).
  • Net Time: Total Time - time that was spent in functions that were called from this function.
  • Average Net: Net Time / Count

On panel 'Result in Stream' the results are provided in such a form, that they are available for further processing, i.e. they can be cut & pasted into an editor or Email, for example.

The panel 'Time per Line' can be used for searching individual calls, which take longer than the specified time. For example, this function is appropriate for finding delays due to time-consuming SQL calls or calls of external interfaces.

The Profile Analyzer transaction 'does not know', if the Trace was limited by modifications in 'tdprflst.txt', so that the net times have to be interpreted accordingly when using this file (only functions called in the Trace file are deducted).

Transaction Panels

Profile Analyzer


Result in Stream

Time per Line

dev/020tol/0110genprf.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/05 10:10 (external edit)