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Cross Reference Workbench

Transaction GENXRF

The cross reference workbench visualizes the usage of the modules or objects within the selected environment.

The basis of the data are the XRI files that have been generated during the last compile in the environment. For this purpose, this transaction reads the XRI files.

If this compile was not global but partial, the cross reference information will only be partial as well.

The log function displays, at which point in time and based on which data the currently used cross reference data has been created.

Cross Reference

The TradeDesign development platform supplies a cross reference for different types of object within a transaction within Trade2.exe.

To handle whole applications an additional overall cross reference is needed. This is maintained and accessible via the transaction GENXRF.

This transaction provide access to a cross reference database where information on the usage of the different objects is kept. This database is build based on cross reference files which are created during the compile of a transaction and stored as XRI files. Typically a global compile of all transactions of an application is used to

  1. Check for errors / problems
  2. Generate a current set to TMO’s or TTO’s
  3. Generate a current set of XRI’s

After having completed the compile, the XRI files need to be loaded into the GENXRF database replacing the previous database by a call to GENXRF. This process will in the end delete the generated XRI-Files after generation of the consolidated database.

Having done that an application wide cross reference is available and enables to check which transaction / which module is using certain objects.

The transaction additionally supplies the function to show all transactions directly or indirectly using a certain module.

A typical sequence is

  1. Compile an overlay with a global compile
  2. Check for errors / warning
  3. Launch GENXRF to process (and finally delete) the XRIs
  4. Optionally pack a patch for delivery
  5. Optionally transfer TTO’s to the Client-Server test system

Like TTO's the XRI's are very big files and should be deleted after processing. Keeping the XRI files does not make sense.

When the XRI's are not intended to be used, as no actual XRI is needed in this compile, then the generation of XRI's should be avoided, as this will speed up the compile time.

Direct Editing

Based on the cross reference information GENXRF automatically proposes a transaction to directly edit the selected module (unless the selected module is not used in any transaction).

By selecting the transaction and the work environment the Edit button allows to launch another Trade2 session opening the selected transaction in design mode to directly edit the selected module.

Transaction Panels



Datafield Description
Display log Displays the processing log for the transaction.

dev/020tol/0210genxrf.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/05 10:10 (external edit)