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Security Levels

Ring Concept

The ring concept regulates who can change what! This makes it possible to separate customer adaptations and product adaptations. This also means that with changes made to the product in files at Security Level 5 and 8, which are also in the overlay, a check is run to see whether these product adaptations have any effect on the customer's environment.

There are various security levels in the implementation of the ring concept.

Meaning of the Various Security Levels

0 = Central core system used by DOKA-NG, COR-TF and DAS, e.g. SYSMOD

1 = Application core of DOKA-NG, e.g. button modules

2 = DOKA-NG application. This contains rules which cannot be adapted by the customer.

3 = Multi entity

4 = Not assigned

5 = Supporter level. This deals with the banking logic in the form of rules, and the visuals (panels).

6 = Customer-specific level. This deals with the customer's own rules, transactions and interfaces, for example.

7 = Administrator level. This contains the documents, the XML panels and the RegisterDocument rules.

8 = Additional customer-specific level. This allows rules for various customer installations to be separated.

Rules which are always at Security Level 5

In many transactions there are the following rules, all at Level 5.

CbsSav, DiaSav, liaallSetlTransaktion, Set_Wfs_Release

Where do I see the various Security Levels?

In the Explorer module, there are several methods of seeing the various security levels.

  • The security level of the module: In the module 'Properties' and the tab 'Module', e.g. MDIBUT Sec.Level 1
  • The security level of the module instance, (i.e. at what level did the module enter the transaction): In the module 'Properties' and the tab 'Instance', e.g. MDIBUT Sec.Level 2
  • The security level within the module: - for datafields - field properties e.g. ADD Sec.Level 1
    - for rules -: rule overview or directly behind the rule, e.g. INIT MDIBUT Sec.Level 1
    - for panels -security level e.g. DBIBUTU Sec.Level 5
    - for menus - Security Level
    - for templates - Security Level

Taking a look at the various security levels on the Hard Disk

On Drive S: The product directory DNG and the customer directory DOK5OVLY with the sub-directories ANWxxx can be found. In each case, the directory FRAME contains the sources. Files ending with 'TRx' are transactions, with 'x' for the security level. FRx files are sub-programs, which cannot be started directly. Examples: S:\DNG\FRAME\MDIBUT.FR1, S:\DNG\FRAME\MDIBUT.FR5 or S:\DNG\FRAME\MDIBUT.FR8

Taking a look at the security levels in TDVCS

In the TDVCS environment you'll find the export-able security levels for the work environment and the source environment. For example,

Environment 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Q:\Workenvironment\ X X X X

From the customer environment, only security levels 5, 6 and 8 can be checked out, or exported.

From the product, only security levels 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, and 8 can be checked out.

Transaction Organization

When putting together a transaction, Trade2 works on a top-down approach: At each security level the system looks at first in the work environment on Drive Q: to see, whether a file with security level 2 is available. If this is the case, the file is taken and the system will not look deeper into the product for the file.

If there is no file at security level 5 in the work environment on Drive Q:, the system searches the next lower level, in S:\DOK5OVLY\ANWxxx. If there is no file there, the file is taken from the product.

If there is no file available at security level 6 in the work environment on Drive Q:, but in S:\DOK5OVLY\ANWxxx , the file is taken from the overlay.

Diffs from the TDVCS

There are two different ways of working with Diffs:

  • WINDIFF: Comparing individual files
  • MODDIF.bat: Full comparison of a module - between the files in the product and the files in the work environment, or overlay - presented in a summarized list


After changes have been made in TDVCS, Trade2 has to be restarted before the changes can take effect.

This also means that a subsequent entry from the customer environment in the TDVCS can have consequences which will be hard to overlook.

Checking out with an Available Overlay

When checking out files with security level 5, 6 and 8, which are also available in the overlay, three buttons may appear in the 'Check Out' dialog box. Whether these buttons appear or not basically depend on the structure of the source environment in the VCS environment.

Button 1 - Skip Environment

Check out from the product to the work environment (correct at DOS in 95% of the cases).

Button 2 - Check out to Environment

Check out to work environment and overlay - a check out entry in S:\DNG\TDVCS\checkout.ctl and S:\DOK5OVLY\TDVCS\checkout.ctl. This button is not used at DOS.

Button 3 - Copy to Environment

Copy to the customer environment, check out from the customer environment to the work environment. Check out entry in S:\DOK5OVLY\TDVCS\checkout.ctl. This button is to be used for new developments for customers, e.g. when a customer gets a new panel.

Security Level Changes when Files are Available in the Customer Overlay

Please note, that the security levels of the overlays are also to be changed. To do this, we need a product work environment and a customer work environment for each customer. In each case DOK5OVLY\ANWxxx needs to be checked to see, whether the file is available in order to include it in the security level change.


Step 1

Change in the first customer work environment, then 'Unout' the file to security level 2.

Step 2

Change in the second customer work environment, then 'Unout' the file to security level 2.

Step 3

The product work environment is inserted in the TDVCS of the customer work environment, beneath the overlay.

Where is the work environment registered in the TDVCS when a customer overlay is available?

For product changes - beneath the overlay.

For customer changes - above the overlay.

dev/030def/0110seclevel.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/05 10:10 (external edit)