
Business Information

SWIFT Changes 2018 explained based on DOKA-NG SP1: Please see s:\dng\support\doka_ng.sp1.sr2018.pdf


What is included?

Scope of work

The adoption of the SWIFT 2018 Update in current productive customer version includes the following services:

  • Retrofit of the SWIFT 2018 update from DOKA-NG to the DOKA 5 version of the customer
  • Adaption of impact of SWIFT 2018 update to
    • Swift Score
    • DTA (Germany only)
    • Bolero
  • Integration of new panels in the customer overlay
  • Integration of new fields in connection with existing customer-specific fields (e.g. field overlaps from product and customer overlay)
  • Formatting customer-specific fields according to the new SWIFT Z character set
  • Adjustments to all correspondences affected by the SWIFT amendment
  • Integration of the new SWIFT messages into the customer-specific rules for generation of correspondences


Die Übernahme des SWIFT 2018 Update in die aktuelle Kundenversion enthält nachstehende Leistungen:

  • Rückübernahme des SWIFT 2018 Updates aus DOKA-NG in die DOKA 5 Version des Kunden
  • Adapation der Auswirkungen des SWIFT 2018 Updates
    • DTA (Germany only)
    • Swift Score
    • Bolero
  • Integration neuer Panele in das Kundenoverlay
  • Integration neuer Felder in Verbindung mit vorhandenen kundenspezifischen Feldern (bspw. Überlappungen aus Produkt und Kundenoverlay)
  • Formatierung kundenindividueller Felder gemäß neuem SWIFT Z-Zeichensatz
  • Anpassungen an allen brieflichen Korrespondenzen, die von den SWIFT Änderung betroffen sind
  • Integration der neuen SWIFT-Nachrichten in die kundenspezifischen Regeln zur Erzeugung von Korrespondenz

Checklist for Testing SR2018 Changes

This checklist consists of three parts:

  1. General information and initial environment recommendations
  2. Fast Testing Scenaraio
  3. Regular Testing Scenario

General information and Initial Environment Recommendations

Testing different media for outgoing and incoming messages. The following steps are not required but allow to test faster and smoother.

  • Set same extensions in SWITSK and for nnnOUT and nnnIN.
  • This allows to convert outgoing messages to incoming messages easier.
    • Swift: SF2
    • DTA Import L/C: Change in SWITSK extension AKK to TXT
    • DTA Export L/C: Change in SWITSK extension EAB to TXT
  • For prepared incoming test messages: Check that the file extensions are as per setting in SWITSK.
  • Important: Reset to DOKA standard after testing.
  • Set all participants, you will use in transactions, to “authenticated” for each choosen communication channel.
  • Managers should run: SWITSK, MGRTSK, SPTTSK, QUETSK, PDXTSK.
  • Prepare Incoming Messages - or use the prepared messages:
    • DTA
      • DTALC 700 and/or DTALC 700 + 701
      • DTALC 770
    • Swift Score - MT798
      • 798/770/700
      • 798/772/707
    • Bolero
      • will be ready with DOKA-NG Version SP1+

General SR2018 Testing Information

Swift Z-Character Set

Check for special characters

;!%&<>{=@#_“ Attention: “Special character * (Asterisk) is not accepted in DOKA because it is used as a stop character for text modules. ” Check for correct conversion of unauthorized special characters.

  • Example: € for EUR or $ for USD
Check proper functionality of existing Swift X-character set

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Abcdefgehijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 /-?:().,'+

Test all five long text fields:

  • Goods Description 45A / 45B
  • Documents Required 46A / 46B
  • Additional Conditions 47A / 47B
  • Special Payment Conditions for Beneficiary 49G / 49M
  • Special Payment Conditions for Receiving Bank 49H / 49N

For ease of testing, you may use existing Text blocks in wiki pages: http://hhcentapp/wiki/Formatierte_Textbl%C3%B6cke (Only for Surecomp internally)

For external test, a sample file will be attached.

  • For xxxRAM / xxxAME transactions test the ‘Modify Text Internally’ functionality for above long text fields fields, by selecting checkbox ‘Modify Text Internally’ on each of above panels. Make sure that the amended information is not appearing in the outgoing messages.
    • Don’t forget to press Button [Show Diff] and check the displayed differences.
  • Fill in information in following fields, where applicable, using at least 1 symbol from the Swift Z-character set: ;!%&<>{=@#_” :
  • Charges 71D (field in DNG: Details of Charges for L/C)
  • Sender to Receiver Information 72Z
  • Narrative 79Z

Check outgoing messages per selected channel, whether:

  • Correct message is used
  • Message setup is correct
  • Special characters are correctly displayed in the fields with Z-character set

Check the displayed files

  • In Release Status = as user with the role 'Releaser'
  • In INFxxx Transaction
  • for
    • Correct color display
      • Unchanged = black
      • Modified = red
      • System value = blue
      • Inherited from a message or database = green
    • Reference number per party
      • For Score and DTA (presumably Bolero), check if the mapping of the Party reference numbers fields has been changed.
      • Enter reference numbers for each Party in the contracts (main contract and document contract) and check whether they are correctly displayed in the messages.

Short SR2018 Test Scenario

xxxOPN Transaction

  • Register only a simple (not a complex) L/C
  • Small Amount (for direct release after saving)
  • Fill in only the mandatory fields, inserting short content (maximum 10 lines), using at least one symbol from the Swift Z-character set: ;!%&<>{=@#_“ in following fields plus:
    • Goods Description 45A
    • Documents Required 46A
    • Additional Conditions 47A
    • Special Payment Conditions for Beneficiary 49G
    • Special Payment Conditions for Receiving Bank 49H
  • Single User Release of the Transaction.
    • After Release check if fields with inserted information are correctly marked in the display files and/or INFLID and INFLED.

xxxAME Transaction

  • Increase the Amount with a small amount value.
  • Extend the Validity of the L/C
  • Changes in fields except the ‘Amendment’-Panel, are marked in RED after leaving the field.
    • Old value of fields should be shown with a hint, except there where the old and new value are shown side by side.
    • Check the outgoing message immediately after opening the xxxAME Transaction.
      • LITAME: Only the mandatory fields plus filled: 72Z: ”.“ or a codeword.
  • Single User Release of the Transaction.
    • Check if amended fields are correctly marked.
  • Check all outgoing messages for each selected channel.

xxxDRV / xxxDCK Transaction

  • Partial utilization.
  • Check outgoing messages for each selected channel.
  • Switch channels to see Bank-to-Customer messages.

xxxPAY Transaction

  • Process payment normally
  • If necessary, Use Z-set special characters in the fee terms for them to come in the Swift fields.
  • Check outgoing messages for each selected channel.
  • Switch channels to see Bank-to-Customer messages.

Long SR2018 Test Scenario

xxxOPN Transaction

  • Complex LC
  • Large amount
  • Transferable = Yes
  • Confirmation instructions = CONFIRM or MAY ADD
  • LC payable at our counters (LI: Issuing / LE: Advising Bank)
  • Fill in all mandatory fields.

In following fields, insert large content of text and use at least 1 symbol from the Swift Z-character set: ;!%&<>{=@#_”

  • Description of Goods 45A
  • Documents Required 46A
  • Additional Conditions 47A
  • Special Payment Conditions for Beneficiary 49G
  • Special Payment Conditions for Receiving Bank 49H
  • Sender to Receiver Information 72Z
  • Use at least one additional Party from Parties Panel
  • Multiple User Release of the Transaction. Releaser to check if fields with inserted information are correctly marked.

xxxRAM Transaction + xxxAME Transaction

  • Decrease the Amount / Validity of the LC
  • Check the outgoing message immediately after opening the xxxAME Transaction.
  • Fill in all mandatory fields.
    • Amend following fields by inserting new information in field ‘Current Amendment’ and by pressing either button [Add] or [Delete] or by choosing checkbox: ‘Modify text to Replace’:
      • Description of Goods 45B
      • Documents Required 46B
      • Additional Conditions 47B
      • Special Payment Conditions for Beneficiary 49M
      • Special Payment Conditions for Receiving Bank 49N
    • Don’t forget to press Button ‘Show Diff’ and check the displayed differences.
  • Fill in information in following field using at least 1 symbol from the Swift Z-character set: ;!%&<>{=@#_“
    • Charges 71D (field in DNG: Details of Charges for L/C)
  • Delete or Insert at least one additional Party from Parties Panel
  • Multiple User Release of the Transaction. Releaser to check if Amended fields are correctly marked.
  • Check all outgoing messages for each selected channel and pay special attention to the Added, Deleted or Replaced text, if correct codeword is being displayed: /ADD/, /DELETE/ or /REPALL/.
    • LITRAM: Verify that field 72Z in MT707 contains codeword: /BENCON/
  • Pick-up the Autoreg. xxxAME Transaction and accept the Amendment (xxxAME Transaction).

xxxAME Transaction

  • Increase the Amount / Validity of the LC
  • Check the outgoing message immediately after opening the xxxAME Transaction.
  • Fill in all mandatory fields.
    • Amend following fields by inserting new information in field ‘Current Amendment’ and by pressing either button ‘Add’ or ‘Delete’, or by choosing checkbox: ‘Modify text to Replace’:
      • Description of Goods 45B
      • Documents Required 46B
      • Additional Conditions 47B
      • Special Payment Conditions for Beneficiary 49M
      • Special Payment Conditions for Receiving Bank 49N
    • Fill in information in following field using at least 1 symbol from the Swift Z-character set: ;!%&<>{=@#_”
      • Charges 71D (field in DNG: Details of Charges for L/C)
    • Delete or Insert at least one additional Party from Parties Panel
    • Multiple User Release of the Transaction.
      • Releaser to check if fields with inserted information are correctly marked.
    • Check all outgoing messages for each selected channel and pay special attention to the Added, Deleted or Replaced text, if correct codeword is being displayed: /ADD/, /DELETE/ or /REPALL/.

xxxDRV / xxxDCK Transaction

  • Partial utilization
  • Check outgoing messages for each selected channel

xxxPAY Transaction

  • Process payment normally
  • If necessary, Use Z-set special characters in the fee terms for them to come in the Swift fields.
  • Check outgoing messages for each selected channel.
  • Select checkbox ‘Create MT 752’ from Discr./Instr. Panel and fill in information in following fields using at least 1 symbol from the Swift Z-character set: ;!%&<>{=@#_“
    • Sender to Rec. Information 72Z
    • Narrative 79Z

LTTOPN Transaction

  • Use the created LETOPN Transaction for Issuing a Transferrable LC
  • Check messages as above

LTTAME Transaction

  • Use the created LTTOPN Contract to amend the Transaction
  • Check messages as above

Additional Test with incoming prepared messages

Incoming messages with subsequent Messages should be binded together.

Score MT798
DTA Import L/C.

“Note: DTA does not allow subsequent messages but long text fields (max. 800 lines) must be handled. ”

* DTALC MT700 http://hhcentfs/archiv/anwdos/common/sr2018-testmessages/mastertest-dtalc700.akk

dev/050swt/0020fach.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/05 10:10 (external edit)