Writing /giga/dw/dng/dokuwiki/data/meta/dev/050swt/0030inst.meta failed


Content of the SWIFT patch

  • complete new TTOLIB
  • TradeDesign server, at least version 01.01.0603 (standard server) or 02.00.0145 (unicodeserver) with all corresponding libraries
  • Windows client, at least version
  • set of new/enhanced configuration files
    • tdconst.ini
    • tduchrset.ini
    • dngconst.ini/do5const.ini
    • ???sup*.ini, ???ovr*.ini
    • swtadditionalcodes.ini
  • set of new/enhanced mappings in data\swm
  • update files for online help and codetables in update\demobank
  • frame\*.png (DNG customer only)
  • frame\*.msg

For customers who are allowed to change sources in addition

  • new security key
  • Trade2 patch, at least version
  • complete set of frames

Patch installation/activation

  • install patch as usual
  • install server and all corresponding libraries (from unpack)
  • install client(s)
  • change tdpara.ini
    • charset swiz
    • tduchrset = 1
    • do5const → dngconst (for DNG customer)
    • rename do5para to dngpara (for dng customer)

Please Check: If you start your installation you should NOT get an infodump saying the SWIFTZ character set is not fully supported

  • generate and run SYSDBA migration script to add new datafields
  • for DOKA-NG customer: run SYSBDA [reorg nrm] to create current search information
  • import new codetable entries and online help using SYSUPD
  • import new/changed mappings using DBISWH (DBISWM in versions < DOKA 5.06.00?)
  • Change Service Order (using DBISRO): Add new Service CHD (Check Documents) before 'Control & Release' and behind 'Workflow blocked'.

Delivery Mail

For the delivery mail for the new DOKA server and Windows client please use the following body for German or English.

Delivery mail in english

Dear Sirs,
as agreed, the delivery of the new DOKA server

=> File name appropriate SENDFTP-Mail

and the new Windows client

=> File name appropriate SENDFTP-Mail

are available for download on our FTP-server.

For the installation of the server please proceed as follows:
-	Stop all TD2_...-services
-	Create a backup of the bin-directory
-	Change to the installation directory and extract from here all archives in the "unpack" directory 
in the patch. During this, overwrite files with equal names.
Please note: the directory "bin" is included in the archives
-	All exe-files, which have TD2SC in their file name, should be replaced by a copy of td2sc.exe with 
keeping   the previous filename
-	Starting all TD2_...-services again

For the installation of the Windows client please proceed as follows:
-	Extract the archive td2gclntw*.zip in the "unpack" directory
-	Copy and overwrite all files from the td2gclntw directory into the directory of the old client.

For any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Auslieferungsmail in Deutsch

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
wie vereinbart, haben wir Ihnen die Auslieferung für den neuen DOKA Server

=> Dateiname gem. SENDFTP-Mail

und den neuen Windows Client

=> Dateiname gem. SENDFTP-Mail

auf unserem FTP Server zum Download bereitgestellt. 

Zur Installation des Servers bitte wie folgt verfahren:
-	Alle TD2_...-Services stoppen
-	Eine Sicherungskopie vom bin-Verzeichnis anlegen
-	Alle Archive aus dem Auslieferungsverzeichnis "unpack" vom Installationsverzeichnis aus entpacken. 
Dabei die vorhandenen gleichnamigen Dateien überschreiben.
Hinweis: Das Verzeichnis "bin" ist in den Archiven enthalten
-	Alle exe-Dateien, die TD2SC im Namen haben, durch eine Kopie von td2sc.exe unter Beibehaltung 
des bisherigen Namens ersetzen.
-	Alle TD2_...-Services wieder starten

Zur Installation des Clients bitte wie folgt verfahren:
-	Entpacken des Archivs td2gclntw*.zip im "unpack" Verzeichnis
-	Kopieren und überschreiben aller Dateien aus td2gclntw in das Verzeichnis des alten Clients

Für Fragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung.
dev/050swt/0030inst.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/05 10:10 (external edit)