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How to do the Merge


We created a so called Copymaster per product.These copymaster environments are stored in s:\dok5ovly\sr2020_copymaster_<product>.

A copymaster environment contains all relevant changes connected to the SWIFT 2021 update. The frame files contain only the changed sources (other than in overlays, where frame files contain the full set of rules on the current security level).

The other files contain the complete content, not only differences.

Merge into customer version:

The single steps to merge and activate the SWIFT update into an existing customer version are

- Create 2 new work environments for the customer, one master i.e. mmhsf100_sr2020_master and one target i.e. mmhsf100_sr2020.

- Copy all files from copymaster s:\dok5ovly\sr2020_copymaster_<product> into master mmhsf100_sr2020_master

The idea for the merge is, that every file in the master has to be handled. Depending on the file type it either has to be - moved to the target update environment (complete bin directory)

- checked in to the target work environment

- merged into the target work environment by using GENXFS

How to do the merge using GENXFS:

- Start GENXFS in the target work environment (i.e. mmhsf100_sr2020) - Select the master 'mmhsf100_sr2020_master' as source environment - As Select Type choose 'Mod. + Src.Orphan' - Select the first file in the list as source file - Check it out (using [Checkout]-Button) - If a file does not yet exist in the customer environment click on [Create Empty] - [Move] all elements inside the list, one after the other - [Move all] all elements in a single step - Choose the next file and proceed the same way as before - Repeat the previous steps, until all files are processed

–> first target is, that the master is completely empty and all relevant files are in the target work environment

Start a global compile from this target work environment and clean up all compile errors, maybe you have to merge customer specific logic into the merged product rules Check the sources in the target environment with tdvcs, maybe you find more customer specific logic which needs to be 'remerged'

Import all files stored in MyModelbank with sysupd Migrate the connected database with sysdba and run [reorg nrm] afterwards (DNG customers only) Import the mapping

–> test the result.

–> test the result using the test instructions in Business Information

dev/052swt19/0010techn.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/05 10:10 (external edit)